I LOVE Bastila (if you couldn't tell), but I'm also aware that a lot of female gamers can't stand her. Just like a lot of male gamers dislike Carth. Originally, I wanted to hate her simply because she's so much prettier than the female PC choices. The thing about Bastila is, she's VERY disapproving of EVERYTHING a female Revan does in KotOR. "You didn't save me, I saved myself!", "These feelings you feel for Carth are WRONG!" "Beware the darkside! Nevermind that you've been playing lightsided the whole game, and help people that I just wanted to blow off!" She also doesn't respond well at all to teasing. The more you tease Carth, the funner he is, but Bastila just calls you 'childish' for trying: "I'm a hut in disguise" really ticks her off.
But later on, she starts to feel like she falls short, and her vulnerability becomes apparent. That, and I just love Jennifer Hale's voice acting. She had me convinced that her accent was genuine (yank that I am). So, yeah, I like Bastila. She's pretty, funny (like when she force trips Mission), and great to have along in a fight.