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Bartimaeus last won the day on February 2

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About Bartimaeus

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  1. Yes, I would've said it was corrupt if we were transitioning to basically any other administration in U.S. history, but the one that openly promised to be fascist while also perverting the justice system? No: while certainly not ideal, it was understandable.
  2. Blood: The Last Vampire (2000) & Vampire Wars (1990). Right, here's my vampire anime tier list so far: A (I love this!). Vampire Princess Miyu B. Vampire Hunter D C (I like this!). N/A D. Vampire in the Garden, Darkness of the Sea and Shadow of the Moon E (This is fine). Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1993), Mermaid Forest F. Blood: The Last Vampire, The Laughing Target, Mermaid's Scar G (Meh). JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2000) H. N/A I (I dislike this). Castlevania, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge J. N/A K (I hate this). Vampire Wars ... Z (This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my whole life). Hellsing Ultimate Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
  3. Parents: What's your New Years' resolutions? Honesty is only the best policy if it doesn't end up with your parents beating you.
  4. I know that's a thing on Steam, but does it happen with new releases? I thought that was only a thing for games that already had positive reviews and then suddenly get an influx of negative reviews after the fact that Valve believes aren't really to do with the game itself.
  5. Is there such a thing as reverse review bombing? Like, if you're expecting Avowed to get review bombed by people who are going to refund the game during the early part of release just for being "too woke", is there a group of people out there buying games just to give them positive reviews and then refunding them?
  6. That was my understanding as well, and yet, they don't work because of there being too many damned people on mine. It's very puzzling, and I hope Michaelsoft looks into it.
  7. If Avowed sells well, will Michaelsoft let them spend some money to upgrade the forum infrastructure? Grounded already screwed us right proper, we're going to just be a pile of smoldering ruins if Avowed does well too.
  8. I sometimes forget how silly first person view models look in first-person action games, especially if you're not the one playing (...and I don't play first-person action games anymore basically ever, so that doesn't help either). Hands and arms coming directly out of your face... It doesn't help that the reviewer's FOV looks terrible, wonder if they didn't bother to change it or if it can't be changed. It's funny, I don't suffer from claustrophobia (and I've been strapped inside an MRI machine where you can't move and the whole of the machine is surrounding you and just about pressed up directly against your face and there's no way out without people from outside extracting you), but every time I see an FOV that is too low, I feel like I know what claustrophobia is like, because yuck!
  9. You're just jealous because he's finally found the true love that you never have.
  10. What is not in my nature, I cannot give. - Lucifer, The Tragedy of Man It does put one at conflict, doesn't it? I don't like the character designs, but not because I'm a moron that's always been a moron and who will always be a moron, but because I think they all just look like real (but creepy) people dressed up in cosplay, and cosplay deeply upsets me, so I don't like that. I've said it a number of times before, but the closer graphics get to reality, the more uncanny valley they are, and that goes double once you start dressing them up in fantasy get-ups. Ya gotta have an art style that is more than just "let's map real people's faces to our character models"...well, you do unless you want my first impression of your game to always be, "Are those skinwalkers doing cosplay? Yeah, I'm out." More importantly, I think there are right ways and wrong ways to criticize media, and I think the other intelligent humans that know you will be able to recognize the difference if you take a fair approach to it. If we had to defend every piece of media whose views we agree with just because we agree with it, we would have to defend a lot of crap that isn't worth defending, and that's no way to live life. Really, it's just better to cut people who are either stupid or disingenuous. Sorry, did I say "cut people [...]"? I meant to say "cut out of your life people [...]", of course. Whoops, honest mistake, .
  11. Constant injuries the past three years, unfortunately. I'm glad that Bucks core won a (admittedly kinda fluky) championship, because the way they've just been injured and disappointed in the playoffs outside that run would be pretty sad otherwise.
  12. Yeah, I do...though I'd be lying if I didn't admit that a big part of it is simply because children are disease magnets. Which is honestly probably faulty thinking, since both times I've gotten Covid, it's actually been the fault of the same stupid bastard-ass coworker whose kneecaps I want to take a sledgehammer to because she's always coming in while sick. I barely work in-person and she's not even in my department, and yet somehow this part-time moron still manages to get me (and others) sick. When I was a kid, my father literally killed one his coworkers, who he knew was immuno-compromised, by going into work while he was sick while not bothering to try to be careful (and while I wish I could say that it might've been his mind being affected by his illness, my father was, in fact, also a total bastard-ass, so I'm not much inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt). It's so incredibly negligent, especially if your job is not actually trying to make you come in to work while sick. I feel like watching fever dream movies while you're sick is like, probably the worst time to watch them, while a movie you've already seen is not nearly as big of a deal, even if it still fits the billing. Time to re-watch some Ken Russell films... Speaking of Ken Russell films, I've watched Ken Russell's The Boy Friend (1971) literally about 15 times since I first watched it early last year, so someone please send help. It's so rare that a film you watch the first time as an adult is one you can watch over and over and over like you would have as a child (or at least it is for me!), so I think I can now fairly qualify this as one of my very favorite films of all time. I've even purchased DVDs and blu-rays to give out to family and friends that I think might be interested, since it doesn't stream anywhere and I need the share the madness of this silly matinee show musical that is unlike any other I've seen...
  13. I am currently dying of a covid infection, and so to celebrate the occasion, I decided to re-watch Rosemary's Baby. While my temperature spikes to 102 and above over the next few days (if current evidence as well as my first bout with the miserable fake news disease that's bound to disappear - like a miracle! - any day now were indications), I'd like to think to think that my illness in some way compares to It's a great movie: shame who made it, but this at least is one occasion where I can separate the art and the artist, maybe because it feels so much like Mia Farrow's movie than anything else. Now, I must return to my fever dreams.
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