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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. What DA needs, is more triggers to initiate banter. However if they do that, people that aren't interested in the characters will complain about having to listen to it. It's a no-win situation.
  2. Is neither a valid answer? Truth be told though, I will probably pick up TES V.
  3. That's becuase if people new too much about their games before release, they wouldn't buy them.
  4. IMO DA was a big step in that direction. Alistair & Morrigan, have a far greater impact on the story then any other character from a Bio game.
  5. But I've played that game to already. If they that badly want to use the child that way, far better to use it as an NPC that's as (if not more) important as the PC to the story. Have the PC be the person that can influence him/her into want they want. (ex: Palpatine, Merlin)
  6. Sorry to say to the people that had , but your going to disappointed if there is a sequel. At some point the writers have to decide a course to take, to continue the story and The sad thing is people want the next PC to be the 'God' child. Talk about the most boring outcome for the story to take.
  7. Ah yes you're right! I was confusing it with the 4th level Ranger ability. No you were right, the final ability changes your previous forms into stronger variants, (spider becomes corrupted spider)and both gain the overwhelm ability. The insect form is the third power.
  8. Blood magic is particularly effective in that battle. I wish it could be used in conversations.
  9. Did they model the lady after Sarah Palin? I won't be able to play Bayonnetta now...
  10. No, no and no. The only VO that is not necessary is PC and while I think it works for ME, I never want to see it in any other Bio game. All it does is take away VO resources that are better spent on NPCs.
  11. Since we're now getting games ~3 months apart, I wonder how long a dry spell is going to follow ME2. AFAIK, nothing else apart from TOR has been announced. That leaves Edmonton and Montreal completely unaccounted for (apart from the comments on DAO2, but I kind of doubt it's going to be the next one out). Actually I wouldn't be surprised if DA2 was the next one out, Bio put a lot of effort into the DA universe, I suspect a follow up to it to be the next release after TOR. But there was a comment by a Bio dev that is working on DA DLC, that his previous assignment was on an action RPG that was cancelled(my guess JE2). So either that was deemed unprofitable or EA has said use the IP's you've created for now. Which does make sense, they have the ME IP that is popular, which in two months time, is going to get it's second entry. Then you've got DA which they have just released, which seem to have also done well. Personally I'd be surprised if we seen anything not ME/DA/TOR related coming from Bio for the next few years.
  12. Yes the only way to change the order is at the party select screen. However there is a runscript command that allows you to change the party at anytime, but it might bug the game out, since the addapproval one does.
  13. Really, the only problems I had, was when I used the addapproval console command, which really really bugged my game. So far with 10 items added in, no foul.
  14. That is true. However having an easy to use toolset with it would of made it better. I'm talking about custom item, etc, which I have yet to see appear.
  15. I'm guessing no one read the prequel novels. Of course I could be wrong, it might of been entirely innocent.
  16. Subject Zero? Hell they might even do the less obvious one like they did in DA, and make it Miranda. They've had F/F option in there last three games.(Some might say it started in Kotor). Parcel bombs will be sent to Edmonton if they start cutting romances.
  17. This. Which means, DA isn't going to have a big community either, for it's harder to use then NWN2 toolset.
  18. Anyone that made Alistair sleep with Morrigan, is a sick, sick puppy.
  19. Yeah I do, and Bioware is so far up the chain of EA that you'd be on crack to think this would effect them. So you think Bio is rated higher then Origin was?
  20. So 450,000 copies sold after a week is a good start?(Without PC numbers)
  21. No I did her quests, got her ring, did the romance, but I didn't get a different ending. First playthrough Morrigan epilogue with her romance, no different from second playthrough with Leliana romance. I suspect it might be because of the type character I played, he wasn't a nice guy and agreed with the love is a weakness convo and took the low path through a lot of the adventure. Maybe the epilogue is reserved for those who play the nice guy. There is more combat in DAO then in other games, but there is also a hell of a lot more dialogue then in Bio previous games. There is also a ton of banter between characters, that is certain to parts of each place(Orzimar bridge leading to prowess). If you ask me they didn't put in enough triggers for the banter to start, unless you deliberately look for these triggers, you won't hear half of it between two characters, nevermind the other seven. One of the best ones was Morrigan complaining about Leliana staring at her breasts.
  22. Loop in a hole? Another bloody frenchy. The scene where many slash fics are going to take place.
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