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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Morrigan is imo the best character ever created by Bio, by a mile. However it seem many, women disliked her, I really can't imagine why? A question for Alanschu though. You said Morrigan has a different epilogue if you romance her, how do you get it? I had the ring and approval of 100% but I just get the standard epilogue. No thinking of the PC. Is it because I selected that I understood and was thankful for everything she had done? Not that I care or anything. This game is also very buggy on my second playthrough, I did not get Oghren when I was supposed to and could never select him at the party selection screen, despite having an invisible dwarf have dialogue with Branka and he was there at the end. Also I yet I had dialogue with him at the final battle and at the epilogue. Also at the the palace in Denerim, Morrigan answers what comes my friend, then when we leave goes to your desire.(switches between freind/lover) The game also started a romance with Leliana despite just being friends and then started it again after I choose Morrigan. Despite those bug, this is my fav game by a loooong way. Now excuse me, I've filled my social quota for the next few days, back to playing DA.
  2. I'm guessing the there is going to be a DA2 after that ending.
  3. There are Oblivion mods for everything. And for FO3. I would link to Wasteland Player, but you won't be able to view it without being a member. But it's not really a romance mod, more like a pimp mod.
  4. [url="http://dragonagewalkthrough.com/companions/companions_understanding.php"]Companion List MASSIVE Spoilers[/url] [url="http://dragonagewalkthrough.com/classes/"]Class list including specializations[/url] A warning both contain spoilers, [u][b]DO NOT[/b][/u] read if you want to wait. [url="http://dragonagewalkthrough.com/equipment/"]Items[/url] Not sure if these contain spoilers, be careful.
  5. She's french, not surprising. You mean she doesn't shave!
  6. Hope they decide to publish in Aus. If not will have to get it of Gamesplanet, which has a release date of 5th November. Hmmm that date sounds familiar.
  7. Someone wanted Morrigan. It is surprising it's her though.
  8. 360 platform. Assassin's Creed has an overall of 81 on metacritic, it sold 4.53 million. Fable 2 overall 89, sold 3.21 mil. Mass Effect overall of 91, sold 2.08 mil. Fallout 3 overall 93, sold 2.63 mil. Oblivion overall 94, sold 2.84 mil. It seem pretty random to me, I don't think metacritic score has that big of a say in sales numbers.
  9. vast improvement?? I looks almost exactly like the original, only with slightly better graphics and it seems the enemies responds a little to being hit now, that really the only difference I see.. You can't really tell much about the AI from that video (Husks = Zombies), however it does look like Husks have gotten a speed boost. In the first game they never got near you, now they seem to do so on a regular basis.
  10. They cut it? Didn't even know they had one planned.
  11. Apparently, the picture is what an ME2 Shepherd can look like, but you have to be a jerk(Renegade). IGN Article If this is true and not horse manure, I'll be extremely happy with that Saren/T-800 Shep.
  12. So if not a movie about space marines, then who? Tau? Eldar ? It must also contain Necrons.
  13. So did everyone stop watching when TeamUSA were eliminated? So do they have to get through the game quickest to win? (Not watching to avoid spoilers) Also news that would of pleased Boo,
  14. Most modern games games don't need manuals, actually when I think about it, most games from any period didn't require manuals.
  15. I don't get why they went with that art style, I'm not a fan of it. It's probably the main reason why I won't get it.
  16. Part of me hopes it will, for a completely unrelated reason though. But I'll just settle for giving IW the finger.
  17. Bloody Steam.... Steam:'This game has been released'. Me: 'Yay'* buys it, goes to my games tab* Steam: 'Not yet released'.
  18. No. Strip Morrigan Poker, featuring burlesque dancing Leliana. Yes, I went there, sometimes you've just got to go lowbrow.
  19. Just about to give that a go, since you can for free this weekend. ARMA 2 is half price, debating whether it's worth it.
  20. I will probably get Fable 3, nakkid drunk farting and playing a King Henry VIII type character would be extremely funny. Besides I should use my 360 for something.
  21. Lulz. This is not true - often Valve games are discounted in shops long before Steam lowers the prices. Anecdotally, that's not true. Steam has always been cheaper for me, even before considering exchange rate issues. Interesting. I'm in the U.S. so that might be why the prices are so different. Or it could be that the AUD has skyrocketed. See even though that has happened, we still pay $80-100 for a game in store. So when steam charges $49.95USD for a new game, thats half the price we would pay at a store. However sometimes they inflate the prices(Red Faction/Alpha Protocol $69.99USD.), but I think that has more to do with greedy publishers.
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