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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. And IIRC there should be indigenous Karelian people of Russia, who have their own fino-ugric language close to Finish laguage, and some language group of indigenous people around Kola peninsula (Murmansk). Correct me if I am wrong.
  2. IMHO, It was definitely testing of waters, how people would react to it. No other reason to pull such stunt with 11 years old game.
  3. Same for me. It was actually the best part of NWN2 for me. Never played Westgate, due to the ridiculous DRM.
  4. I am sorry if this was already posted, by I had minimum free time last few weeks to spent it on forums, so I might have missed it circling back to the “popular” steam awards, it seems likely, that they have been hi-jacked by troll voting (especially Starfilled) Even Forbes is writing about it https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/01/03/steam-users-may-be-trolling-starfield-with-most-innovative-gameplay-award/
  5. Does not have Russia some claim on Gotland? If they do, it will be probably as Probably as silly as their claim on Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, or Mongol claim on all of “Russia” behind Ural
  6. I have defeated the all “great demon lords” in Dark Souls and have put their souls into the Lordvessel. Fight against them were not that hard, the biggest issue as always was the Bed of Chaos. From the bosses of course As always, when you feel, that you are having easier time fighting the bosses, you start to act more carelessly and sooner or later get owned by some easy peasy enemy, misstep out of bound or pressing some button to late, because you think, you have everything in control This is very unique thing this game offers, and therefore I enjoy it so much. I really feel, I am much more patient that when started to play the game for the first time, but on the other hand, the game can still lull me into false security and then hit me hard, when I expect it the least again and again and again (185 deaths so far )
  7. But he is right . Popular votes in every category ever invented were always just a showcase of bad taste among “common” populace.
  8. At what point in the history has any country or part of country, which have been conquered and colonialized by Russia had 30% of ethnic Muscovite population, before they engaged in mass murder and ethnic cleansing of indigenous population? EDIT: It always amuses me, how are people defending the "poor" Russian speaking "minorities" in other countries, how they are "oppressed" when they have to learn the state language of the country, where they are living, and at the same time, they consider Russians killing the minorities living in Russia left and right as business as usual, because "evil" west was doing the same 100 years ago
  9. Here I missed one thread by a person, you recommended me to check sometimes few weeks ago. She pretty much sums it up, why Russia will sooner or later attack NATO country (Baltics), if they will consider themselves victorious in Ukraine You could see in the last speech of Putin, when you compare it to his previous, that he is already fully convinced, that they are winning
  10. Well, the Latvia is just doing the same as Brukina Faso, Mali or Niger. They are getting rid of the rest of colonial power in their country, which murdered and deported hundreds of thousands of Latvians to Siberia, and replaced them with Russian communists and their families to dilute their population which had a goal to get rid of their national identity
  11. He gave a few examples, when West would definitely not act. If local population under the influence of Russia would start something like rebellion inside a country against democratic government, article 5 would not be invoked. Why do you think Russia pays puppets like Le Pen, Berlusconi, and a bunch of neonazi parties across the whole Europe?
  12. @Malcador you are often asking, how would Russia go against any NATO country, if they struggle against Ukraine. Here is the simple description of one of their strategies. Russia already conquered Hungary as a NATO country. Through corruption without single shot fired and are working hard on Slovakia
  13. sci-fi adventure as a giveaway on GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/lacuna_a_scifi_noir_adventure
  14. Oh yeah. And it is for the first time, when I am upgrading my armour as well. And I get killed much less with midroll than when I have used the “ninja ring”, even though I get hit much more often. I have also enough material to upgrade Ornstein’s Spear to the max, but it will have to wait some time before I get high enough stats, that it would make the difference compared to maxed out Lightning Spear.
  15. Ruins of New Londo together with the Four Kings have been defeated. Still not tried to get into Valley of Drakes, as I needed to farm some souls to get Faith from 12 to 25 for the next requirement in my Platinum checklist. Spent around 1 hour killing Royal Giants at Anor Londo for that. As a side effect, I was able to upgrade my Lighting Spear to +5 and unlock my first weapon trophy.
  16. Another Ropucha class landing ship, allegedly fully loaded with Shaheeds has been promoted to submarine after cooking of whole night at Feodosia. According to Russian MoD, the ship was damaged and all Su jets of Ukraine have been destroyed in retaliation. Again.
  17. Few days ago, on a TV broadcast by RIA Novosti, Sputnik TV and Russia Today, one of a very poverful figure of Russian Ministry of “Defense” Prilepin, has stated, that the countries, which provide the most work migrants in Russia, should get Annexed. He named as an example Uzbekistan. Shortly afterward, the Uzbekistan president started first steps to derussify the country media space, and powerful Uzbek politicians demanded the arrest of Prilepin. Which Russia of course did not accept. Uzbekistan is thus starting to prepare for another Special Military Operation.
  18. Heh, I have performed probably the lamest Smough and Ornstein kill ever First, I have summoned Solaire. Then I have started to attack Smough. He went down really fast, as Solaire was tanking Ornstein (he almost killed him first ) After entering the second phase, Ornstein finished off Solaire, while I was trying to slowly hit him. The damage was very low, so I was running around more than hitting him . And because I fought him with melee weapon for the first time ever, I had no clue how this fight works . So after a minute or two, I got down from 9 Estus to last one with him still being over 90% HP, then, while I was trying to hide behind a broken pillar, he got stuck casting lightning spells behind another one . So I have finished him with my INT 15 Soul Arrow (weakest spell in game, which I am using only for pulling enemies ) As much as this kill was lame, it was still on first try and the worst feared enemy in the game is done for. After that, I have defeated Pinwheel as well, and now I am slowly starting to prepare for the Ruins of New Anor Londo and Valley of Drakes. My two most hated areas in DS1.
  19. Remember that 3 SU-34 shot down over Kerson Region? It seems like, two more jets have been shot down since then, and one of them deep inside occupied air space ove Mariupol. And with Netherlands and Denmark promising first F-16 deliveries before the end of the year, the big rumours are starting to emerge at various sources (including pro-russian Rybar) that they are already at Ukrainian hands, and these five jets, are first victims of them. Shortly after these “incidents” happened, Russia started to talk again, that they are ready for cease fire talks. OFC, only if they can keep all of the occupied territories. Which fuels the speculations even more
  20. Phantom of Knight Lautrec has been defeated in Anor Londo. On second try, which I still cannot graso hehe. Although the Titanite Demon few rooms away pit the Universe back in balance and wiped the floor with me 4 or 5 times Still I had no balls to go against Smough and Ornstein yet
  21. Well, last proper Bioware game was Dragon Age: Origins, so in that case, they are pretty overdue
  22. A miracle has heppened yesterday, and it’s not even a Christmas Eve I was able to get past two Silver Knight Archers guarding the roofs of Anor Londo on third try, and I got inside the Castle Now my two worst nightmares awaits. First Knight Lautrec with his entourage, and then Smough and Ornstein. And I need Ornstein’s Soul and his ring, which will make the fight even harder
  23. Another look at the Dnipro bridgehead at Krynky. This time from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/11/29/80-seconds-from-detection-to-destruction-in-krynky-russian-troops-have-just-one-minute-of-safety-from-ukraines-drones/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/12/21/the-battle-for-krynky-is-a-nightmare-for-both-sides-but-its-not-suicide-its-attritional-warfare/
  24. Yeah, and it is rumoured to be stationed near Odessa, which is not far away from occupied Kherson Oblast, so I was just curious how true these rumours might be. Similar stunt was performed with the first Patriot which should have been stationed near Kyiv, but they definitelly moved it in the beginning closer to Russian borders and shot down about 4 helicopters.
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