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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. SBU claims that they shot three SU-34 above Kherson Area doing sorties towards Krynky. Russian channels so far confirmed one hit. It was presumably performed by Patriot. Does anyone know, hat range have the Patriots provided to Ukraine?
  2. And another giveaway https://www.gog.com/en/game/caveblazers
  3. Well I do not say this is 100% correct assessment, but from my experience, as much West does not understand the East, East does not understand the West. So from my PoV, the assessment is plausible enough. But all I can say, that after what has been happening with Hungary still vetoing 50 billion EUR help, and MAGAs blocking US contribution, Russia considers us weaker than ever. We had an edge, which has been lost due to stupid decision in the West, and Russia is trying to bank on it as much as possible.
  4. I know, pretty hard to believe that, when a person had no chance to experience Russian mindset. To me, it’s pretty plausible reasoning behind what they are doing. Regaining initiative is just an extra bonus.
  5. Of course not, as Russia started to execute their 2026 occupation plan starting near Kupyansk https://www.bild.de/bild-plus/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/mehr-land-das-ist-putins-kriegsplan-fuer-die-naechsten-drei-jahre-86419892.bild.html
  6. Despite that, it looks like correct tactical decision, all I have seen from Russian side for last two months messages like this, but in even more pessimistic and gloomy mood If Russia was not able to supply Kherson through Dnepr, it’s silly to presume, that UA is thinking, that they would be able to sustain supply themselves It’s definitely one big bait, which is working good, as they moved some time ago the best UAV unit’s here (Magyar’s Wings), which are hunting the Russians day and night.
  7. Found the Politico article, it is the same guy as reported by Reuters. https://www.politico.eu/article/ex-russia-wagner-officer-russia-atrocities-ukraine-war-crimes-igor-salikov/
  8. More Dark Souls Remastered in the last two days. I have finally reached Anor Londo, after defeating Quelaag and Iron Golem. I have cheesed him with summoning Tarkus , but Quelaag has surprised me few times, as I was using the Mildred summon, and when I had not seen Quelaag face to face, I was missing her explosion channel, which resulted in me being toasted Today, I have decided to go back to Asylum to visit Stray Demon, and I almost given up the fight after five attempts, where I ended up toasted in less than 10 seconds I have actually never fought him with melee character, so I had not much clue how to perform against him. Luckily, I told myself one more try, where I got asskicked in little bit more than 20 seconds, but I have noticed some interesting patters of his behaviour, when I have reached his back after outrunning his explosions So I went for “one more try before going to bed” The next try was a winning try, but I feel like it took me eternity. I had to outrun each of his attacks, and immediately running back using running attack for 69-88 damage, using lightning spear, which I found in Sen’s Fortress mimic chest. Sometimes I was able to land 2 attacks, sometimes I have missed him to to strange hitbox of his small tail and he had 5250 HPs The bonus of the day was, that immediately after the fight, I have found out, that I had enough titanite to upgrade my spear to +3, which would increase my damage by more than 20% Next goal is getting through the Silver Knight Archers guarding the entrance to the Anor Londo castle, which I was never able to get through without cheesing them with poison arrows, which I currently do not have Will be “fun”
  9. And another one https://www.gog.com/en/game/lost_ruins
  10. As the title says: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-former-soldier-wants-testify-icc-over-war-crimes-witnessed-2023-12-19/ There was in our news today a news about Politico article about Russian officer serving in army for 25 years and ex-wagner mercenary who fled Russia, after he refused an order from superior to execute civilians. I am wondering if it is the same person, as I am not able to find the mentioned Politico article.
  11. Thank you for a recommendation, I have already got few reviews of the movie and unfortunatelly, I already know, I might not share your enthusiasm for this movie I have to admit, the movie does a very good job trying to bring racing to wider audience in general, but for “Petrol Heads” it has so many flaws, which do not match reality with real racing, that when I finally decide to watch it, I will be complaining for a week or two
  12. I hit the brick wall in Dark Souls Remastered for the first time this playthrough. And it was Sif. Before that, I finished off Hydra on first attempt, and got to confident. I got schooled in few tries. The biggest reason is, that I have prepared special route for getting all of the PS trophies, so I have ended up against Sif pretty underleveled. Had to find a right balance of Armour and mobility, for mid-rolls and fast enough reactions. Unfortunatelly Sif’s arena has FPS issues on PS4 Pro, which affected my already slow reaction time But I have slowly and painfully learned how to defeat him using melee attacks in such circumstances, until I have defeated him. Took me 24 tries
  13. More Dark Souls Remastered. Capra Demon and Gaping Dragon have been defeated. Both on first attempt, so when I look back at the Boss Fights, I had 8 attempts on 5 bosses so far. Now bad for my clumsiness Unfortunately, that cannot be said about Bonewheel Shield Skeletons, which kicked my ass 20 times in 40 minutes, due to me always doing something completely stupid, clumsy or pulling more than two of them at once
  14. Little bit busy, so hopefully you forgive me my late announcement of another giveaway https://www.gog.com/en/game/legend_of_keepers_career_of_a_dungeon_master
  15. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/ everything goes according to plan
  16. Few days after that strike, he was shown on one monitor during a meeting with shoigu. He did not speak and did not moved much on camera. This sparked a lot of speculations, but the most recent consensus is, that he is still alive.
  17. I have started Dark Souls Remastered for the first time. This time, I am planning to go with more melee focused character. Last time, I had to go full caster, as I was to clumsy to defeat Ornstein and Smough we’ll see How will I fare this time I have defeated two bosses so far. Taurus and Gargoyles and I have already died 16 times next in line is Capra Demon, who stopped me very first playthrough for a year or so, as he was impossible for me to defeat, untill I’ve learned how to make the fight easier, with cleverly using the arena layout
  18. South Korea has provided Ukraine in an indirect way more artillery shells than the whole EU combined… Unbelievable… Europe needs to be saved from overseas again, because some people still believe, Putin can be appeased https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/world/2023/12/501_364468.html
  19. A figurehewd, which was campaigning for Ukrainian genocide with her “academic research”. And as always, FSB had the case solved in two days, while they are still “searching” for the murderers of Nemcov. Yeah… as convincing as all the arguments about flatness of the Earth Well, you both got a point with the anti-corruption, but together with her, number of GRU officers have been poisoned as well. So this makes it much less probable theory. I think, the attack on president was expected by anyone, and everyone takes it as it is: A valid target of warfare. The same would be considered if they attacked Budanov directly. On the other hand, Poisoning the wife of most powerfull UA officer, is on par of trying to kill Putin’s or Shoigu’s children. What do you think would happen, if UA attempted something like that?
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