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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. All i can say is, that i wish you all luck to sell games like Forza Motorsport 3 or Uncharted 2 through digital distribution to all the people with 10GB per month data caps...
  2. And yes, i have forgotten one more thing to say, which makes me wonder everytime i think about it, about publishers/developers business sense... with digital only you are killing one profitable bussiness model aswell, media renting... Mr and Mrs Average do not have a clue nor give a damn about digital delivery, but would be happy to spent some cash while going to WalMart/<insert your big local shopping centre name here> rent for his kiddie Joe Average Jr. some games for few dollars... PS3 is out for 3 years and is still uncracked, so if you guys would rather stop bitching about how hard to code it is for PS3 and finaly learn how to do it properly, and rather used all the money and effort you spent on destroying 2nd hand market, into working rental system, you could have already collected few billions <insert your favourite currency here> on royalties, in these 3 years. but yeah, i bet, this lost opportunity is accounted into piracy and second hand sales when you show your annual bottomline to your shareholders, right? EDIT: It is realy ridiculous, how long is your business whining about piracy, and when someone offers you crack-proof (at least until now) all you do is whine about how hard it is to code for... Man just have to wonder how serious is the piracy threat to your business, when you are wasting this opportunity...
  3. sorry but for that you have guilt on your shoulders aswell, the problem of the industry is not only piracy and second hand sales, but lower and lower quality of software produced aswell... you see the same in music and movie industry. If consumers don't see a value in the product they purchased, they are more likely to sell it second hand... it goes for all goods, not only software!!! until you notice that, going 100% digital will not save the publishers, it just makes people spend less money on new goods, because frankly, if you sell your old stuff for 10-30 EUR, you are more likely to buy new stuff for 50-60EUR... unless you change the prices of new digital only software to 10 - 20 EUR maybe even less, you will harm only yourself... 2nd hand market makes adds brings loads of cash into 1st hand sales aswell, and looks like only gaming, music and movie industry is not seeing it, for whatever reason... if i sell my used car for 10000 EUR i am more likely to add another 5000-7500 EUR into the pool and buy me new car... same for games, movies, music, consoles, TVs, just different prices... 2nd hand market is aimed for the less fortunate people with lower income, especialy in the time of crisis, and think whatever you want, these people are powerful market aswell, helping to fuel more fortunate people with higher income, but not high enough to spend 50 EUR on new entertainment each month... if you take away their possibility to sell their games seconhand, they just say themselves "**** YOU, I AM GONNA BUY ME AN IPHONE, THEY HAVE GAMES FOR 10EUR EACH I DONT NEED YOUR 50EUR DIGITAL ONLY **** WHICH I CAN'T SELL" to blame everyone else, except myself, is always the easiest thing for humankind to do... edit: more and more people are in these rough economical time just waiting to buy Platinum/Game of the Year/Budget versions of games... even Gabe Newell admited at some time, that most sales they see, is when they do make special sales offer for 10 USD or less...
  4. Nope. I'm not asking you to like it, I'm telling you what's happening. The industry is sick of the killing that retail is making HENCE, digital delivery avoids retailers, so its one less person taking a munch of the pie. and retail is sick of companies going digital... with no retail, no consoles, so suck it up, like all other industries which have to live with second hand sales, i dont see a reason why software or music should be the only exceptions allowed... and besides one or two more DRM server shutdown and you can bet your ass, European Commission and their US counterpart will have big drama running about it, because of the first sale doctrine, which is in almost every civilised world law... and on other half the future of internet in the eyes of every single ISP are download caps... good luck with digital distribution with harsh caps like most of EU and Australia/New Zealand have
  5. Or 1TB big BluRay Discs, which works on current hardware, and can play 1080p video with uncompressed sound, without any delay or prebuffering
  6. I can say the same about FO1 and FO2...
  7. Does that mean, that we get something which punish us for playing recklessly in comming Obsidian Games aswell ???
  8. look here http://www.metacritic.com/games/ps3/ one advice for you always read the best, the worst and all user reviews
  9. That is true, but its also the case for most RPGs in recent memory. Even NwN 2 has a point where you can work for the guard or thieves and you end up taking the same quests with slight changes and dialogue and the same outcome. I don't remember the last modern RPG where you could do something with real negative consequences. The Witcher
  10. I rather support Bethesda, which does not think that all their customers are thiefs and douchebags, than to sponsor any other company which might have the best games ever, but allows you only 3 activations... Besides many of people here, which do have similar gaming preferences and very close thinking about gaming as i do, did said that F3 is not a bad game... Oh, in that case, blame the fact that english is my 3rd language
  11. I'm going to assume that the remaining 90% of the game did not need me to be logged in, and considering that I had never touched it for the rest of the game, I doubt it's required. if that's realy true and no online registration of the game is required to play it, you made me a very happy person 30EUR for game + 5 DLC on one DVD is pretty good deal for me \o/
  12. is it mandatory to subscribe to Win Live, or i will be able to play the game without ever signing into it? Or without using some 3rd party utility?
  13. Anybody purchased Game of the Year edition? Did not played F3 yet but thinking about getting all in one pack... Anybody knows how big role plays Windows for live in this F3 edition, and what it does???
  14. selling more copies does not automaticaly means having bigger profit... Blame the people behind the game budget making
  15. Not realy, all they need to do is not to make it on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, and release it only for DS and PSP... Was the JA DS port a big seller? Because I'd imagine that would be the litmus test whether anyone thought a new DS game would be worth it. the fun about DS and PSP ports is, that it does not need to became big seller to make ****loads of profit... budget for DS/PSP games is usualy 10-100x lower, so you need to sell only a fraction of copies to be financialy successful... The biggest money maker this year was without doubts Dragon Quest IX, made only for DS... it sold 2.3 million copies in first two days, and over 4 million on 26.09.2009 and the most funny thing about it is that compared to GTAIV or Fallout 3 the budget used for development was laughable... Square Enix is now bathing in money...
  16. yes you are correct... Game is not available for free, only the source code, and with it billions of mods...
  17. Not realy, all they need to do is not to make it on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, and release it only for DS and PSP...
  18. If they ever reboot it, it will be into Ultima Online 2
  19. It depends very heavily on what you want to achieve, your budget and audience you are aiming to appease, in gaming bussiness, or in any other bussiness, it is easily possible to make more money with small budget and right marketing strategy with 100K units sold, than to make money with AAA budget and 1 million units sold...
  20. Well maybe you just have to be stupid like me :D I bough a slim only to play NGS2 team missions and try NGS1. Then i got Uncharted got hooked and preordered Uncharted 2 and spent the last few weeks playing the MP demo. I also got Valkyria Chronicles and i'll probably get Demon's souls sooner or later and all of this in 1 month. ( 550
  21. unfortunately Atlus never released anything in EU
  22. Final Fantasy XIII, XIV, versus XIII, God of War III and Gran Turismo 5 are the most aticipated games for me in near future...
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