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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. Desura's owner filled for bankrupcy. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/06/05/desura-bankruptcy-bad-juju-games/ If you own games there, I think it would be good idea to download all of them in a timely manner.
  2. Oh drama!
  3. Just watched the documentary this morning, and once again, I would like to express my gratitude for fulfilling all of my expectations, which I had, when I was pledging for this game I really love to play the game, even though I do not have much time, so I am still at Act II :'( What surprised me the most in the documentary, is how you were recording the music for the Trailer My hope goes for the future of Pillars are, that you will go again for a Kickstarter/Paypal pledges, because IMHO PoE II without lots of the optional content made in cooperation with backers would be a hollowborn PoE (Yes I am reading every backers NPC story ). And as much as I love PoE, I can't wait to see your first RPG game in collaboration with Paizo. I've read on Codex, that Josh was saying that he would like to make a turn-based game, so I really hope this was a small spolier for PF cRPG Keep up the good work and keep the quality games comming!!!
  4. And where is the love for folks who are not able to travel over the half of the world :'(
  5. Well Menzzoberanzzan had Derro NPC, which you could recruit on the way down to Underdark.
  6. Oh Noes!!! Free European DLC included with the patch!!! Where is this world going to!!!
  7. Can't watch video at work. Is that a free upgrade, like Wasteland 2 GotY. Or not?
  8. Yeah, some footage would be very appreciated!
  9. There are few more good points... e.g. about sitting on franchises, just because they can... without ever doing anything again with that franchise... Thankfully some Japanese publishers got this right, and allowed older franchises, no longer in "mainstream" development, to use by third parties, and hopefully we can see that way finally Anachronox 2 and other good games.
  10. I generally hate the word "entitled", but I think it applies here.. I mean, come on - sure it sucks, but to say that they are the moral equivalent of super villains for cancelling a game that he thinks we gamers deserve? well... Well his hate of Konami is over the top, but actually he had some good opinions about all digital future, for example the info about ESA going against people who are trying to keep alive online multiplayer of no longer supported games, is what should have been the main focus of this video and not **** KONAMI!
  11. Some thoughts on all-digital future: (hint: it's not only about KONAMI)
  12. OMG!!!!!! Deep Silver opened up more of their catalogue on GOG!!! And yes, it's Saint's Row 2 and Saint's Row the Third complete! OMG!!!!!! once more!!! http://www.gog.com/news/major_releases_unchained_from_drm EDIT: And Nordic is back with two more titles in their catalogue as well...
  13. Well, Keyrock pretty summed up my predictions pretty accurately. Maybe to add to this prediction, that we see for sure many many "in-game gampelay" footages.
  14. But that would completely defeat the purpose of internet forums!!!
  15. I see you have LP of Pier Solar, how did you liked the game? I am considering for pretty long time to buy this on GoG.
  16. OMG Star Trek games on GOG as digital premiere!!!
  17. Lol seriously, the names of the characters... I am speechless O.o If they put as much thought into gameplay than they put into the names, I am really afraid about this game...
  18. I must admit, that If they will milk it in a way, how they are milking Marvel's cow, I would not have many objections at this moment.
  19. Yup it was indeed Alpha Invite, just because I was traveling, I had no chance to redeem and test it out before today.
  20. Yes I got it few days ago, but not redeemed it yet.
  21. Tried to played little bit, but it is really annoying. I have to break out of stealth all the time if I want to have Itumaak nearby for encounters, and most of the time it breaks the purpose of stealth EDIT: Silly me, I forgot to put savegame file link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Qvd0a_Nk9iTXBzbTRheXVMTWM/view?usp=sharing
  22. I do not know if anyone reported this already, but as the topic title says. After I traveled to Dyrford Village and reloaded Save Game, and wanted to start looking around in Stealth Mode, Itumaak completely stopped to move. He starts to move again, only after leaving Stealth Mode again. Before arriving in Dyrford, this bug never occured to me. Party is PC Cipher, Eder, Aloth, Durance, Pallegina and Sagani.
  23. Isn't this the police game, which could at least partially cater to your wishes? http://www.gog.com/game/door_kickers Or you want just that kind of stuff in FPS?
  24. OMG OMG!!! http://www.siliconera.com/2015/04/29/formula-fusion-racer-former-wipeout-developers-kickstarter/ WIPEOUT-LIKE KICKSTARTER!!! THERE IS NOT ENOUGH CAPS IN THIS UNIVERSE TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW!!!
  25. For some people was Steam never an option, so Disney has a big bonus point from them right now
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