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Everything posted by Malkoy
I understand why you are frustrated. I think there is ambiance and RP reasons to consider as well, since this is an RPG after all I think Cutzil gets these monster body parts from local trade routs and does not go murdering Vithraks herself (himself?). It's rather fair for her to go: "Sowwy, nothing yet. Lot's of people buyng these, hunters can't keep up with a demand" Would be wierd if once you buy out 10 talons or 10 vithrac brains and Cutzil goes all like: I'm sure Orron would appreciate having 10 of everything in his shop though. If only he didn't swam away...
That is the intent I had in mind for group triple crown walk-through (I don't want to sneak through Engwithian Dig-site with a group due to the dumb pathing decisions AI makes). Does anyone know actual numbers though? I heard its base 5 man xp +10% for each missing group member (up to 140% solo, taking 5 man xp as 100%) and crew on the ship gets 75% of experience active group gets, resulting in a bit over full xp (140%*75%=105%)
If I understand correctly, offensive parry on WotP doesn't apply the AoE, rather it's a special strike against a single enemy. It's still really good. Even ignoring the damage, dazed is very powerful for a tank, since it's effectively plus 4 armor. I can't think of that many reliable sources of dazed that can be kept up against an enemy reliably throughout a fight. Griffin's blade could possibly manage it on a crit build, but I'm not sure what else could. My bad, was judging by the debuffs icon on enemies. Must be applied frequently enough though
I would look at the game log. Not 100% sure (I use 2H form my tanks ot 1H+Shield 95% of playthroughs), but I believe it to be Primary (seen somewhere on the forums). Better question would be whether disengagement attack can be proc-ed reliably with AI, the way AI is. And the answer would be: No. Unfortunately not!
As I completed my PotD Solo (Triple Crown + Magran Challenge + Berath Challenge) playthrough recently, I can share my experience with a herald. A had around 130-140 deflection, build focus was healing with Ancient Memory / Exalted Endurance and killing with summons. Nemnok is easy - there you can facetank everything. Fampyr Cave / Splintered Reef are more complicated, because you need Acolyte's Frostbite for free Concentration and Modwyr for Intellect affliction immunity. Getting Charmed/Dominated is annoying, because the Enemy AI often changes your Paladin Aura ... so you have to switch your weapon sets a little bit. Sometimes when you get damage spikes you need Greater Lay on Hand or Healing Potions, but in general its really easy with this class. It is not a build that won't get hit, but it is a build that survives this kind of stuff. Cap's Banquet would be easier to get then leveling Modwyr
What stats / race would you go with? Dwarf for Might etc. ? I cannot seem to facetank the Fampyyr Cave on PoTD with an Unbroken/Trickster stacking around 168 deflection that seems to get knocked down lower by the fampyrs. I had him using Cap Banquet to not get charmed, and I was chugging Ironskin and Mod Heal and Merciless Gaze potions. He could hold his own for a while (with second wind / heal pots) but they just wore him down* (note didn't take Unbending Trunk). Is your Goldpact/Streetfighter going to do better? I've been reading all the tank threads and can't seem to find a build that I like an can test that can facetank the Fampyrs in the cave, in the woods (Sanguine Great Sword), or Splintered Reef. Even stacking engagement - spear modal, blackened helm, Unbroken, Fighter +1 talent, Large Shield, Guardian Stance - mobs are still breaking thru and going for Aloth when he starts casting. I'd really like to understand how to build a tank for PoTD that can do his job and/or solo (at a reasonable pace, eg not Sir Sit A Lot). Is it all just cheese with potions/scrolls to do the PoTD solos that involve Fampyrs (or even things like Nemnok)? I had problems in that cave. These fampyrs seem to be overturned compared to other content a bit. I would go as far to say that Fampyr cave is top 5 hardest encounters in the base game. Cap Banquet is a must. They also cast nasty damage AoE on the ground that you want to avoid and their "priests" are both high in damage and hard to kill. This is ability intensive encounter, deflection wouldn't solve everything for you there, since you have Fort/Reflex (maybe some Will?) targeted abilities used by Fampyrs. It took a bit of grinding and nice RNG to get though that fight. Would not venture there on triple crown Nemnok I have had little trouble with solo, you can choke point hold, split and leash enemy clusters in the room. Didn't find Nemnok really challenging when he's alone. Queen and Guardian fights are tougher imho because you have to face everything at once and can't cheese it like Nemnok(I heard there is a sweet spot for chanter on guardian fight, but never had to use it). Priority targets are important on solo in general. That would largely depend on your class. If you feel comfy with 15 armor most of the time, Arquebus kith and rogues will hurt more than the rest of the pack for example. If you have high deflection and didn't invest into +10 passives for other defenses, spells and abilities will hurt. A lot. I know I suffered a ton on some fights with my riposte 2H Holy Slayer, since I had dropped dex to 8 and left per at 10, resulting in a low reflex defense, and no shield buff/modal to compensate. Entonia Signet doesn't work for me (no bonuses, when I look at deflection checks in the log). I'd use ring of minor protection, cloak of greater protection, and a ring of your choice and have all +10 defenses from passives to survive. Mirrored image seems to be superior to me for deflection bonus, I don't use use Llengrath's for deflection or hit to graze, I use it for reflex heavy fights. Flanking is painful for damage and defense, best advise: don't get flanked. Sometimes you can't help it, but you can get enemies in a choke or corner in a manner you won't get flanked. I usually corner hug ship fights for this reason, since my crew melts on 3rd sea bounties and way too many attacks go my way. I don't know how Goldpact/Streetfighter will fare on solo too be honest (it will revolve around DoTs probably (Gouguing Strike, Wither upgrade) and burning down ranged attackers while running around for Arterial strike procs) I would take Goldpact/Trickster version of The Faceless Dancer for solo any day though. As for race, Wild Orlans are superior tanks due to Perception/Resolve focus. Accuracy and Deflection/Will are way too valuable for me. Passive is just a side treat. But then again, solo play would be past the scope of this thread.
Natural synergy with Trickster, can be built for damage: The Faceless Dancer or as a support tank with Unbroken/Devoted and Patinated Plate. Bonus: Devoted (free ArPen, deflection and accuracy buffs and +3 engagements) + Trickster with WotP (Double riposte with Dazed applied in AoE) + Patinated Plate (30% chance to Stun enemies that hit you, if they manage to) + Blackened Plate Helm (+1 Enagement) + Unbreakable Imho best main tank I've ever had Gear:
Streetfighter/Ascendant with Fire In the Hole and Hand Mortar (Blunderbuss modal synergy, both Weapons apply rogues on hit effects in AoE, AoE Sneak Attacks and procs Deathblows). Insta-cap on Cipher resourse = free spells almost instantly for the entirety of the mid game. Takes couple extra shots on max level. "Ascended" is +30% all damage, which has high up time in this build. If in group you can cast ancient memory on the entire team to refresh their class resources (Except yourself). About as OP as it gets. Start with 1 Blunderbuss for accuracy, switch to two-weapon once you have stolen instinct. DoC Breastplate + Body attunement = enough armor to not aggro everything on you. So much damage that on PotD(group) @ lvl 19-20, you don't have to pause or use abilities in 70% of the fights. Mid game you can recast dominate on tough high level foes for free over and over until you turn the tide of the battle.
I get like 6-8 rubies all the time from Ondra Temple in the old city(locked room). I noticed that altar with random chance at gems behind the worm resets soemtimes (don't know condition, had to go back due to low mechanics, never killed the worm), not sure about sarcophagus with rubies in the 2 conch locked room. Crookspur dungeons chest in one of the hallways has random high tier gems loot too. Adra Ban is infuriatingly rare. Gotta plan for it. I know you can get two at the beginning of the game in Engwithian ruins (hidden architect room. I also know that it's worth the wait to upgrade Benny's armor to superior with Kraken eyes. Adra Ban is meant to be spent on weapons
Try Holy Slayer: Goldpact/Streetfighter with Hand Mortar(good) or Fire in the Hole(better) One-Handed(big damage), Weapon and shield(for when/if your main tank dies). Blunderbuss modal gives you flanked 100% up-time (doesn't stack with perception inspirations). Trickster with Riposte and Great Sword Devoted with WotP is a lot of fun too: - less damage than mortar: almost everything in this game is less damage that streetfighter+mortars - able to engage more with stances - incredible survivability with Trickster (one of the best defenses in game for this combo) - more active than your average tank - fun factor - Probably hardest thing to kill in the game that actually does some decent damage
Also pure Troubadour will get to skeletons chant at level 13. Wrap him in Patinated Plate and Cadhu Scalth (?) for survivability, get Sneak to max (Boots of Sneak and Mirrorback in personal inventory for early game) and you have Solo PotD contender. No Brisk Recitation, 1 imp per 6sec for 0 prases and minimal micro + one other chant of choice. Past level 14-15 you have army of imps (10-15) and bunch of Invocations to chose from (including summons). Since imps are ranged you can summon Ancient Instruments of death and break AI targeting for good. And your army will have minimal pathing issues.
Synergy is the word everyone uses. Deciphering: intent behind building multi-class for many is either to enhance strength of one or both classes, mitigate inherent weaknesses in one or both classes, or allow things that no class could do on their own. Most often than not fun factor is not accounted for. I personally dislike Paladins that are not Goldpact or Bleakwalker (who are very niche to me RP wise) from mechanics perspective, but I would take Kind Wayfarers for RP any day over these two. I had tremendous amount of fun playing Lord of the Imps recently, which is IMPractical, at least for solo PotD. Most people are drawn to theorycrafting with a goal in mind to solve a problem. And choosing play-style or RP preference is not a problem. Creating a build that adheres to your play-style AND can accomplish a goal in mind (PotD, solo, Triple Crown, challenges etc) is the problem. That's why people "hate" Sorcerers and Thaumaturges. It does not match their play-style or it does not help them with their goals. I for example "hate" barbs, monks and druids because they don't match my playstyle. And "love" Herald (Paladin/Chanter), because it allows me to clear Solo+Berath's Challenge
This is one of the unfortunate game mechanics. One summon type at a time. Chanter/Ghost Heart/Curios(usable item summons) all fall in this category. I am shocked to see how many people want to see the pet for the ranger. In my games Maia's Ishiza goes out of the harms way with AI or auto-attck turned off and sits in the corner for the entirety of the fights, to avoid Maia getting bonded grief. I can't say whether it was intended, but it seems consistent with other classes that don't stack well. Mage Slayer Barbarian would not work well with vast majority of self buffing classes. 2 x Caster Classes together (Priest/Wizard/Druid) are not super efficient either. Look through this thread for some heads up on which classes are not working well together for future: Worst Multiclass Synergy I hear you and I feel your pain, so here's one way to achieve Summoner power fantasy nerdgasm: Lord of the Imps
I think when talking about tanking the name of the game is not to get hit, but It's say that shield tank + Trickster would be overkill, triggering flanked is a challenge sometimes as well. You can have three enemies that stand right in front of you and you would not be flanked, you are putting too much faith on AI. Flanked will reliably occur only if you manage to aggro 4+ enemies on your tank. Alternatively you can equip blunderbuss for modal to get "Distracted"Affliction, which grants "Flanked" status, but that will cancel out "Aware" or "Intuitive" buffs. I am yet to see AI disengaging from my main tank, once I lock them in engagement (rogues "Escape" quite often, without triggering disengagement) But then again, maybe I wasn't paying attention. Regardless, Trickster + DW or 2H seems to be more fun that Streetfighter tank. At least to me. Out of all sub-classes for this combination my favorite is Devoted/Trickster with WotP (Risposte build) Lot's of fun to be had there though, I can see Devoted with clubs: Shattered Vengeance and Kapana Taga (tricky to get, doesn't drop every time, save before attacking the ship), or just Kapana Taga for +12 Accuracy and 20% hit-to-crit. I guess what I'm trying to say, that you don't have to have sword and board tank in this game even on PotD (solo is a separate story). Every time I made one they felt pretty useless (looking at you Eder). No shield trickster certainly helps to spice things up a bit
*Entonia Signet Ring is supposed to give you +2 Defense per engaged enemy. Beautiful lies that broke my heart part 2. Can go to Hel with Gipon Prudensco: If Obsidian ever incorporates sets into their next game, I would like these two to be a part of "Remnants of Shattered Dreams" 2 piece set.
You can't control little skellies (the ones that originals split into) sadly though. Would it affect all the friendlies or 1 original target only? I though clear out is Foe AoE, also I can't usually target friendlies with abilities, just auto attack. Also, there's a look at how you can be evil to the core: https://youtu.be/aMnjpW7GEWw
My dreams are shattered. Was hoping of harvest skeletons en mass within like 10sec of real time then rush off to defeat enemy forces with an army of imps to The Flight of Valkyries I wish there was a way to IMProve upon the mundane aspects of this process. It is very IMPortant for us to come together as a community to solve this conundrum. Hopefully some clever IMProvisation would show us the way. I would hate for this build to be gIMPed by the long set-up time. Maybe IMPlementing Instruments of Pain (for reach) and smacking charging skeletons would solve this IMPossible challenge. Duality of Mortal Presence Int bonus for more wiggle room with Nalpazca for wound generation? Add One-Weapon Style with Swift Flurry and Turning Weel and Maybe reach Troubadour skeleton HP 1hit breakpoints for faster skeleton generation? AND OH MY GOD ITS WORKING FABULOUSLY!!!!! THE ONLY THING YOU NEED IS LEVEL 19:P Brisk Recitation + "Many lives pass by..." +Duality of Mortal Presence = 1 skeleton every 3 sec (12 sec lifespan), killed with 1 hit per 3 sec (125 accuracy vs vessels, skeletons have 24 deflection, so always crit) = 1 x Imp every 3 seconds (75 sec lifespan) = Up to 24 Imps at a time swarming the enemy. Neketaka has been IMPregnated by my IMPerial majesty. IMPresarios of Valian Trading Company has no power to stop it. IMPerialistic Rautai weep on their knees begging for mercy. My IMP army is IMPulsively slaughtering IMPoverished Gullet. IMPS THE REAL POWER IN DEADFIRE!!! Note: This build is a bit IMPractical due to high level requirement. You can however use Brisk Recitation, regular Swift Strikes and "Ancient Brittle Bones" to get there
I am going through Solo+Berath's Challenge with a variation of Sir Sit-a-Lot rather quickly (2nd day lvl 16 omw to Magran's Maw) I was not sure on how this will go when I started. I don't pause much now, but first 30k to get Patinated plate would probably be the hardest if you want to add Magran's to the mix. I am saving Magran's for the Group with Triple Crown (#efficientAchievementClearing ) Imho AI is useful for buff based classes (Wiz, Fighter) and will affect downtime during Magran's Challenge. Regularly convenience choice, it could affect downtime on Margan's, but realistically, if you are not sped up you can click very fast and practive using shift+click for identical result. #wizardIsProbablyNotTheMostFunClassTooPlayOnMargansChallenge ;P