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Everything posted by uuuhhii

  1. player can still deal with enemy very easily with some decent build or gear but die in a big room full of enemy are far more common than before
  2. the pariah by anthony ryan.another fantasy book with extremely pointless revenge plot bland medieval setting and useless character.skillfully put together but still boring and forgettable.all attempt for reader to care fail when writer make the same mistake so many mordern fantasy novel make when main character are forced to join the evil army and doesn't focus the story on escape
  3. pretty sure they will pull a fallout first while in alpha
  4. owlcat forum have some population in the first few month of kingmaker.probably dwindled due to horrible interface
  5. not sure what is wrong with the forum today but everything not in the first line doesn't show up when reply
  6. if most of the 700 are underpaid intern than the salary would likely be less than 150 million
  7. english word in japanese seems to be so much worse than danish in english or kanji in japanese took two minute to recognize coffee writen in katakana are coffee the two pronunciation for kanji thing was there the moment kanji was introduced into japanese but nonsense like takanashi was fully manufactured by someone trying to sound smart
  8. japanese are more messy and turn increasingly to english write in katakana which is incomprehensible to most english speaker
  9. replay would be much better with new game plus ridiculous how long it take to put it in the game
  10. owlcat didn't even have the time to edit entire page of description copy pasted directly from paizo book how would they have time to fix any design oversight
  11. setting didn't hinder kingmaker too much the whole one small block of land have one trick setting was pretty bad fit for anything other than pathfinder society play
  12. cyberpunk edgerunner visual are great so many recognizable music and background from the game hard to understand how much time each montage and timeskip take really hard to see the point of the story just merc getting too many implant and lose their mind in the start middle and end too many character didn't get chance to be interesting
  13. or lower the difficulty like anyone doesn't want to waste 100 hours read awful small text in layer after layer of ability description
  14. pathfinder 1e are such shaky foundation to build game upon already there is also no way to figure out what part work as written what is bugged in owlcat game without testing
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