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Everything posted by uuuhhii

  1. yes the legal definition that is the important thing after a colony displace and massacre millions for decades
  2. entire uk are the punchline since brexit vote but if they are wasting money shipping people around they should dump all those voted to leave eu at falkland so the rest of uk can join the eu again
  3. uk really plan to ship people to rwanda thought it was a joke really should have expected worse after brexit
  4. after all their enemy is simultaneously overwhelmingly powerful and despicably weak
  5. if intelligible are the standard than wouldn't a lot of accent doesn't count as the same language against eachother still struggle to understand british english in some tv show
  6. one can say the same thing about every part of the world the inevitable collapse promised by the pursuit of endless growth is very obvious now
  7. wait it was a resident evil game didn't these game get insane amount of remaster and remake corporate might feel defensive about even the garbage one just incase they can put out another version of old game to harvest old fan before they all go into retirement home
  8. the point of fan service is profit just look at dead or alive dlc if modder are doing it for free the publisher get nothing
  9. style is nice dialogue is absolute chuuni at least second season have sakura ayane in it
  10. there are massive amount of people dream about fully ai generated mmo for decades they just didn't understand how awful it would be
  11. italy recently had a fascist rally after electing a fascist leader hope the rest of the world are better prepared this time
  12. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/development-diary-6-mission-scripting-and-ink.1620877/ sound like game maybe years away
  13. wait it didn't have pc version before seen ad for this for years
  14. pretty sure played at least two of the new tomb raider game couldn't remember much other than the horrible puzzle section
  15. it is genocide or at least massacre but that hardly been new meanwhile the massacre may expand to much less soft target than gaza that will not end well for anyone
  16. pretty sure something similar exist before but with a 12000 in there
  17. most likely they will get away with colonizing gaza just like before only question is will the backlash be bigger or smaller when they colonize next region
  18. not sure the rest of conservative are willing or capable of containing the cultist anymore even if conservative decide to go with someone else ego may lead to trump running as independent
  19. another mahjong anime how is this genre still exist would there be a new uno anime or is gintama all one could expect
  20. so us and uk are sinking ship to protect their little middle eastern colony pathetic
  21. trying to play holocure got headache from insane amount of shiny object on screen might need to give up
  22. vampyr never should have been a combat focused rpg narrative focused game like night road work far better
  23. how much hp a great unclean have in this game would be funny is they die in one turn too
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