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Zach Morris

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Everything posted by Zach Morris

  1. Oh cool. That system doesn't sound have bad.
  2. I usually go single blade for Consulars. Give them that extra defense bonus and chance to hit. They will be using force powers mostly anyways. Sentinal and Guardian no question about it. Duel is the way to go.
  3. How do you save KOTOR on XBOX? Are their save points or something like that?
  4. I don't know how to do that spoiler thing where it is black and you have to highlight it to read it. And for the sound names. I was referring to when you are installing you see lines of things that are being installed. For instance Kreia.wav and stuff like that.
  5. Don't read the end credits in the instruction booklet! Also try not to pay attention to the sound names that pop up as they install. I did both and saw names I ought naught to have seen! Oh the PAIN!!!
  6. I finally clicked on this thread. Juhanni was cool in the fact that if you were a consular you could use her to jump around in battles. Nothing like jumping from beast to beast on Tatooine.
  7. Yeah I saw that. Looks like its bedtime now and then off to the store when I wake up. It's funny now my thoughts turn to what Jedi I should start out as again.
  8. New games are usually released on a Tuesday. So the 8th makes sense. But sometimes for some reason or another some games come out on Thursday. So the 10th could also make sense.
  9. <tear> it's been a long time. We shouldn't have left you. Without a dope RPG to step to. It's been fun chatting with you guys. Good way to pass the time.
  10. I used to play KOTOR on a GeForce TI 4200. A great card. It served me well. I thought KOTOR looked great on it. I played it today on my new NVIDIA 6600GT and wow. Everything looked a little sharper. But what impressed me the most is the blur effect. Whenever I used sonic emitter the screen did this cool blurry thing. Also when I used Speed the whole screen had this speed blur thing that looked amazing. Also the glow around the mines looks gorgeous now. They glow and sparkle. What is going on here.
  11. The Commodore and Amiga would fall under the 8bit section. As for PC you would just have to estimate by what year it came out.
  12. Does anyone get a paper? Did anyone get one of those best buy ads. Usually there is a section for PC games and they will say something like "TSL" Available Tuesday." Did anyone get something like that?
  13. I really gotta say that I think the 16bit era was my favorite. A lot of good games made then.
  14. My top 10 as of Feb. 7th, 2005 1. Goldeneye. N64 2. Contra 3: The Alien Wars. SNES 3. Super Smash Bros. N64 4. Super Smash Bros. Melee. GAMECUBE 5. Command and Conquer Series. PC 6. Final Fantasy 3 (really 6 though). SNES 7. Chrono Trigger. SNES 8. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. SNES 9. Madden Series. CONSOLES 10. Earthbound. SNES I guess SNES is the overall winner for me. <Sigh> Goodtimes
  15. Since were all on these forums I was wondering how does the original KOTOR actually stand with you guys.
  16. OK. FF8 is going to be a struggle. I don't think I am going to like it. Time to focus on Fallout for now.
  17. My most look forward to game in a long time is KOTOR 2. But after the delay (for PC) I stopped coming to the site and my desire to play it slowly faded. I'm still looking forward to it though. Hardest game goes to a lot of those old nintendo games. Elevator action was extremely hard. Anyone get far in that game? Spy Hunter NES. Super Ghouls and Ghosts for the super nintendo also was hard. As gaming got more mainstream the challenge in them has not been what it used to be.
  18. I wrote a topic a while back about if a game is really good bugs won't bother me too much. I guess I'll just save quick, save often. If it crashes I'll just go grab a coke and start again.
  19. Yeah the graphics aren't that hot. But that doesn't bother me too much. I started Fallout and FF8. Going back and forth.
  20. alright boys. I'll change my avatar for you guys. What do you think of the new one?
  21. Good point. I'll do another one after it comes out. But like other PC folk here I am looking for ways to pass the time :">
  22. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Juuri sit
  23. I would also say my own. I have been messing around with it in my free time. It's still in the early stages. I'm creating my own battle system.
  24. Let the hot flames grow... I'll change my avatar if you want poo, just let me know.
  25. I'm going 1.2. They won't need as many Patches as KOTOR because they are awesome like that.
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