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Zach Morris

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Everything posted by Zach Morris

  1. I only remember one girl at this site. Don't hink it's gonna happen. I can't vote because it just doesn't feel right. But I guess I would have to go for whatever guy I am. The male PC is the hottest.
  2. Do you guys think that maybe having one of the main badguys in a game that doesn't speak english hurt him in the long run? I mean is it good mechanics to have an adversary that you can't even understand? I for one was a little dissapointed when he couldn't/didn't really speak that much.
  3. Are the dark and light side versions terribly different? Like is a Jedi Master terribly different than a Sith Lord?
  4. Visas had that personality thing going for her. That's what I liked about her. Plus blind girl... mmmm... HEY that means I have a chance!!!
  5. EA has bought like 20% of Ubisoft. What do you guys think of this?
  6. I played my first time through as a 1. female 2. LS 3. Consular 4. Jedi Master 5. Revan Female/LS What do you guys suggest for maximum difference my second time through.
  7. Sorry to break this to you, but that has nothing to do with the class you chose. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed. A pure scoundrel with a -1 modifier to constitution wouldn't have a problem being "pretty godlike" in TSL.
  8. Sometimes * works and sometimes / works. Just save it before you do it.
  9. alright I'll stop complaining and start playing again... here it goes.
  10. Why don't you put the level setting on difficult? I've played the game at normal for the first 10 hours, found it easy, and stimmed it up to difficult. I enjoyed the game immensely more after that. My roommate, on the other hand, is new to the D20 system and has a hard time even on easy difficulty. It varies from person to person. The reason you hear a lot of complaints about the game being easy is because most people on these boards are familiar with the system. That said, raising the difficulty made me enjoy the game much more. Perhaps it will do the same for you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have only played on the difficult setting. Even for KOTOR. I don't even know what the easy and normal settings are like <shutters>
  11. TSL is painfully easy. I can't motivate myself to play it right now. I'm about 25 hours in and I just kinda stopped. Maybe I'll play it tonight. I think what gets me frustrated is that I don't even think my main character has even been knocked unconscious in the game, much less have a chance for the whole party to die. Then I started running around with just my main character but that still didn't make a difference. I remember when I first heard they were going to take away the player cap. I didn't like the idea. I thought that the developers would lose their ability to balance the game with that. Then I was like, wait a minute, they are game developers not me they know what they are doing. Now I realize that my gut instinct was correct. Just so I'm not all complaining... I really enjoyed the first 15 hours or so of the game. Lots of fun just exploring, but instead of the game getting more challenging (which means more involving) it got easier. My level ups meant nothing to me because it didn't matter what I picked because I would kill all the enemies regardless.
  12. Yeah, when I make my first (well videogame) RPG, I'll come up with some original stuff to put the challenge in. I don't like challenge, just for the sake of challenge. I think challenge in games just makes the choices more important. Like "man this dungeon is really hard I just got a level up, What feat should I choose?" Stuff like that.
  13. Hmmm... I'm pondering it. I really want to play a challenging/good RPG. Went back to Counter-Strike Source last night. Is that a bad sign when I haven't completed TSL yet?
  14. Messed around today and I was able to start out as a scoundrel. I did pick the beginning stuff as a Jedi but as soon as I controlled my character she was a scout. I level upped and still worked. So now off to figure out about player charts.
  15. Or for me would six inches twice count?
  16. I was disappointed with the difficulty of TSL. Would NWN be able to fulfill my long for a challenge or is it a cakewalk too?
  17. How hard would it be to make a mod where you 1. Start out as a non-jedi 2. Become a Jedi once you land on Telos. 3. Become a Prestige once you meet Atris. 4. Put in a level 20 Player Cap. 5. And adjust the level up charts. ?
  18. What KOTOR 3 needs is a new engine and 3 years development time. So it can come out for Christmas 2008.
  19. I had that all formated so it was easy to read but something happened...
  20. Here is how I think the player charts should have looked in TSL. Scoundrel: Same as in KOTOR. Scout: Same as in KOTOR. Soldier: Same as in KOTOR. Consular: Same as in KOTOR. Sentinal: Same as in KOTOR. Guardian: Same as in KOTOR. Jedi Master: Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feat Defense Bonus 1 +1 2 2 2 1 2 2 +2 3 3 3 0 2 3 +3 3 3 3 1 2 4 +4 4 4 4 0 2 5 +5 5 4 5 0 2 6 +6 5 5 5 1 4 7 +7 6 5 6 1 4 8 +8 7 6 7 0 4 9 +9 7 6 7 1 4 10 +10 8 7 8 0 4 11 +11 9 7 9 0 4 12 +12 9 8 9 1 6 13 +13 10 8 10 1 6 14 +14 11 9 11 0 6 15 +15 11 9 11 1 6 16 +16 12 10 12 0 6 17 +17 13 10 13 0 6 18 +18 13 11 13 1 6 19 +19 14 11 14 0 6 20 +20 15 12 15 0 6 Jedi Watchman Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feat Defense Bonus 1 Ends Ends Ends Ends Same Same 2 at at at at as as 3 20 15 15 12 Master Master etc. Jedi Weapon Master Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feat Defense Bonuse 1 +2 Fort+ Ref+Will same 1 Same 2 +3 as Jedi Watchman 1 as 3 +4 1 Master 4 +5 0 5 +7 1 6 +8 0 7 +9 1 8 +10 0 9 +12 1 10 +13 0 11 +14 1 12 +15 0 13 +17 1 14 +18 0 15 +19 1 16 +20 0 17 +22 1 18 +23 0 19 +24 1 20 +25 0
  21. I am enjoying my time with TSL. The story, dialogue, artwork, all done very well. But what I want to talk about right now is the play balance in TSL. Particularly the play balance in the combat phases of the game. I felt my choices really didn't matter in combat. Because I would win regardless of what I chose. Flurry, Power Attack, Force Whirlwind, they all fell to me. I know that the enemies scaled to your level but all that scaling seemed to do was give the enemies double or even triple the hit points. This really didn't help them because when my PC was hitting for 30-60's up to 4 times a swing (on a master speed/master flurry strike) all my character had to do was swing one more time and they dropped. I think with a couple of changes in the play balance of KOTOR 2 there would be great potential for a combat phase that would be filled with exciting life and death choices. 1. Keep easy and normal setting as they are in TSL so if people enjoy the way it already is they can just play on those settings. 2. On the difficult setting put the Level Cap back in. Level 20 cap would help the developers know how strong the party is. This would then help them craft enemies that would give better challenge. 3. (I know Obsidian didn't have a choice on this one) Don't start out as a Jedi. Have the story exactly the same. But instead of at level 2 you remember the force, make it story based so right after you get off of Peragus II then you would have the force come back to you then. 4. Let the Prestige class also be story based. Have it come earlier. Since the level cap would be in the player would need to be a Prestige class earlier to help take advantage of it more. I thought a good time to be a prestige class was the first meeting with Atris. Have your character learn it from her. 5. Bring back the old player level charts and create new ones for the 3 new prestige classes. With these things put into the game the play balance would add more "choice" to the game which is what play balance really is. Giving the gamer choices that matter. I think it would have been a lot of fun to be a Soundrel/Consular/Master. Or the player could do whatever they wanted. Soldier/Sentinal/Weapon Master.
  22. If you are LS you might have to pay that little short mouse guy (outside of the Pazaak den) two thousand credits to put in a bad word for you with the Exchange. That might trigger the next event.
  23. In KOTOR your character got a bonus if they went all the way light or darkside. Is this in TSL? Also if it is does anyone know what these bonuses are? And if so how do you know your character has it because the information bar that was usually opposite your alignment bar is no longer there.
  24. I meant half.
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