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Zach Morris

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Everything posted by Zach Morris

  1. Some games I think are hampered by too much focus on the main character. The game has to make it so that that character never dies, and if he does then you just have to hit continue. I think it would be an interesting game where you are in charge of many characters and if someone dies, that someone isn't coming back. That would just add a thrill in battles that I think is missing. I tend to just mindlessly go after a boss, playing him the first time to learn weaknesses, then restart to beat him, instead I would be worried. I would have to go to town, I would have to talk to NPC's, I would have to go to the library in the town ahead of time to learn weaknesses before I even fought the boss. Then when I do beat it, the sense of accomplishment would be that much more.
  2. I started out with the poll thinking I would vote for increase in Difficulty but Now I think I would have to pick more classes.
  3. For an RPG I see your point that it would break the story to just reload over and over. Certain enemies all you really have to do is learn their pattern and then they are easy. I have been getting my challenge fix with multiplayer games lately. There is nothing like a human opponent. That is why in the future I will look forward to games that have a leap in the AI department.
  4. I was playing some old nintendo games the other day and I realized something. Those games were hard! I played some games that I remember beating when I was little and I couldn't do it now. I needed some practice! It made me wonder. Those games were made back in a time when video games were still new. They weren't for the masses like they are now. Now making games costs so much money the developers try to make a game that will appeal to everyone. If they make the game too hard then no one would buy it. This is a sad thing for gamers who play for a good challenge. That is how I fell in love with computer games. I realized that as consoles were getting easier and easier, I could always count on my PC to fulfill that challenge that I wanted. So I guess I should be ready for the fact that TSL was basically made for the console. So I will play the game with an open mind and enjoy the game for the story and dialogue. Since games mostly are made for the masses now, I just have to be more selective about what I buy, and buy games that I know will have the challenge that I want. Props to developers like Team Ninja, for making games like Ninja Gaiden to keep the challenge flowing. Hopefully in the future there will be more of a line drawn between gaming for the masses and gaming for the gamer. But then I guess since there would be less of a market for gamers because ironically those games wouldn't sell as much. Am I wrong? Do you guys see any hope in the future for gamers?
  5. What is a couple of days? As long as we get it sometime in Feb. I won't mind. Hey even early March wouldn't be bad. Just as long as there are no big delays.
  6. Actually when I took a break from this site, my desire to play the game did subside. But now that I have been sneaking some peaks in here once and awhile, I'm ready to play again.
  7. I'm just wondering what do you guys think about bugs. They are kinda annoying but overall I don't think they're that bad. I mean I would have to say that KOTOR was one of the buggiest games that I have ever played, but it is also one of my favorites. So I would have to say that the bugs didn't really hurt my affection of the game.
  8. Yes! That is what I want. Some of my favorite times in Kotor was not even playing it but figuring out what mix of class would be my favorite. It would be cool if in TSL you could start out as a scout, then go consular, then go jedi master. (That character would be very hard to hit!)
  9. Oh yeah, and Darth Nihilus was in top ten villains of 2004.
  10. In the latest Game Informer magazine they have KOTOR 2 in the top 50 games of 2004.
  11. Right, but a game is supposed to be fun. I have more fun when it is realistic and difficult. I seem to be in the minority though. Don't get me wrong I like easy games too. It's just that all my favorite ones are the ones with a good challenge to it.
  12. Hey, just wondering if you guys know that when the PC version has gone gold will they announce it on that cover page even before you enter the site? Or will I have to keep on entering and look at the latest discussions to see if it has gone gold or not.
  13. I've got 925x and geforce 6600 GT PCI-express. I'll let you know if I notice anything. But for KOTOR 1, I used to play with a 1.8, 512 ram, and a geforce TI 4200 and I had to keep it at 800x600. After I upgraded to 3.0, 512 ram DDR2 and the 6600 I could have everything up to my hearts content.
  14. I'm with Hades. I would like the game more if the level cap stayed at 20. It just would seem dumb to have a character with 500 hit points. He could just stand there and get shot by a blaster over and over. But then again I'm a sucker for more realistic games. I even like FPS more if you die after 1 or 2 shots.
  15. I was at Fry electronics in Downers Grove the other day. First time that chain is in Illinois. They had a bunch of copies of fallout/fallout2. It was a two for one case for 4.99! I bought it and am now playing that to tie my wait over. It should help since I have to wait for Feb.
  16. Well it looks like the time is getting near. I, Zach Morris, (and some other PC owners) am/are going to be taking a little vacation from this site. I have enjoyed spending time with you guys and chatting. I will be back after I beat it on PC. Other PC owners sound in if your taking a vacation too.
  17. For those of you who want to increase the difficulty of KOTOR, here is a quick tip. Let your girlfriend borrow KOTOR. She will play and play. Then will call you up when she quicksaved it right before Darth Bandon (and it auto-saved right before it). You will be pleasantly surprised at the challenge level. I never knew my PC, Jolee and HK could be so weak! I finally resorted to HK running around planting mines and having bandon run into them.
  18. It says Droid Maintenance log. That means they are in another place and they have stumbled upon some past information of hk-50.
  19. Wookies were pretty good for battle. Lots of strength and constitution. Their only weakness was dex. But just use that every level up and give him the best dex. implant. If the battles are harder in TSL. I just might use him. But there I go again. I'm a sucker for hard video games.
  20. I think I will stop at 10. But wait, this one goes to 11.
  21. And yet you have an Indiana Jones avatar. You MUST be a George Lucas fan.
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