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Everything posted by Tale

  1. It's air conditioned when you're putting tile down. That's awesome.
  2. I heard the Malkavians no longer exist after Gehenna. :'(
  3. I agree with video games as art, but the whole "I weep for you" thing did have a bit of self-righteousness to it.
  4. My comment was meant to imply that Emerald and Ruby were needed for Knights of the Round.
  5. I think you have that backwards. I know Emerald and Ruby were added for America and I believe KotR was around in the original Japanese release. Emerald and Ruby were a justification for a spell that could one hit the final boss.
  6. Your shermans will be invincible when in smoke against StuG's. As for DC, it's a nut place. 7 races balanced (to a degree) against eachother. Single player is a bit stale after one race but multiplayer can be an interesting dish. I love Dark Crusade, if not simply for the technological spin on undead. You think all my guys are dead? WRONG! And just to kick you when you're down, I'm jumping my base of ultimate destruction right into the middle of your base of sitting there and crying.
  7. That game is practically ancient now. It's what, 6 years old? I don't see another being created. It was, however, what got me interested in adventure games. If not for it, I might not have ever played Broken Sword 3, Dreamfall, or The Longest Journey.
  8. Shadows of Memories? I LOVED THAT GAME. I remember buying it from Gamestop, the guy behind the counter stopped me and said "Are you sure? You can't return it if you don't like it." It was awesome. I played through multiple times to get the real ending. Though it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There are 5 different endings, and 2 extra, REAL endings! (w00t) (this means atleast 7 playtroughs inclusive fun & new, not yet explored things) ^_^ I did 7 playthroughs of the game! The confusing part is
  9. Shadows of Memories? I LOVED THAT GAME. I remember buying it from Gamestop, the guy behind the counter stopped me and said "Are you sure? You can't return it if you don't like it." It was awesome. I played through multiple times to get the real ending. Though it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
  10. Welcome to Robot Chicken.
  11. I love my Skaven. Nothing has so much as dented my Skaven army in the campaign. My Chaos army gets its nose bloodied fairly often, but the Skaven rarely lose half a unit.
  12. Yes Yes?
  13. What if the computer is able to modify it's own programming code? This.
  14. Sounds like a trap.
  15. It's out? How is the game overall? I'm liking it. The units actually use formations!
  16. I'm now also playing Warhammer Mark of Chaos. Loving the Skaven!
  17. You can't seriously be that daft. Talk about taking things way too literally, especially considering the rest of Hell Kitty's post. Hell Kitty is talking about your skills as a game player, and the skills of the character. For example, a classic point of a contradiction was in Morrowind, when you could shoot someone with a bow and arrow point blank, but then your character's skill determined after the fact whether or not it actually was a hit. I can't really shoot a compound longbow, but if my skill as a player has me shoot an arrow (not a real arrow, but one in a video game, by using a mouse or some other form of input) and I see that arrow hit someone, but some bizarro mechanic says "nope, your skill wasn't good enough" then that's not a good thing. That's because you're looking at RPGs as action games, not as what they are, storytelling games. The goal isn't "to beat the enemy," though that's what many CRPG developers turn it in to. The goal is to "see what happens." Win or lose, either is good. The character is just one you play, much like an actor, and you improv his actions, using the rules to determine the outcomes. And the character can die, it's okay when he loses, it just plays the drama along.
  18. But Rodimus is only 9.99! How can I resist! Buy me one.
  19. Okay, I just want it on record that I had no involvement in Ford's death.
  20. Homicidal.
  21. I shot it, but it didn't die! I SHOT IT, BUT IT DID NOT DIE!
  22. The zombies that reform after you kill them. I'll see if I can find out what they were called. Leech zombies. God, I hated those things.
  23. Or for that matter, just get the sword that kills everything with one-hit. Yeah, that was a brilliant inclusion.
  24. I just couldn't play RE 0. It was all cool until the IMMORTAL ZOMBIES showed up. I don't deal with stress well enough as it is, don't send zombies at me that I can't make go away! THE GUN IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE BAD THINGS GO AWAY!
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