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Everything posted by Tale

  1. The length and depth of the characters is inconsequential next to them just being interesting. Interesting characters and/or interesting events. XII has neither. It doesn't even seem to have a half-decent villain. I didn't even know what the big deal was that my characters were fighting for. And never has combat been so... auto.
  2. Can you polymorph me a Wii and Limited Edition FFVII PSP Slim, while you're at it? I've got a handful of paperclips.
  3. I finished Gunslinger Girl last night. It has one major flaw, it's too episodic. Not necessarilly a flaw but that's not something I tend to dislike. There's no overarching plot that starts in the beginning and ends in the last episode. None of the sub-lots even seem to revolve too heavily around Henrietta, the main character. Otherwise it's a very good watch. Not as good as Black Lagoon, which is my favorite episodic. According to Wiki there's going to be a season 2 starting in 2008.
  4. Gifted 1 mentioned " Happy Birthday." I presumed that's what "b-day" stood for.
  5. Do you have recurring thoughts of patricide?
  6. indeed it would. and pcs and the 360 could handle doing that so its not out of the question. chuffing hope its possible hehe we need a good space battle - i mean the ones in Battlefront 2 are okay but a bit mediocre to say the least. I want hectic like in episode 6 at the end with the second death star - just a haze of fighters lol and you in the middle with a freighter or fighter of your own just battering the crap out of them all oooo god i hope heaven is whatever you make it - cos mine would be star wars for def! Get a Gamecube. Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader First time I played it when I got to the battle of Endor I had to put it down right after it started. Seemingly countless Tie Interceptors, plus a couple of Star Destroyers, a Mon Cal vessel, and a frigate. Perhaps more. It was AWESOME.
  7. I don't know whether I should run away from the horror that is this "conversation" or steal some of steal some popcorn.

  8. Your definition is flawed. But regardless, the answers to your questions only require an imagination. The concept of a man who has rejected technology for a simple existence is not so difficult a platform to interject your considerations of science fiction onto. Technology can effect even those who reject it, whether they like it or not. Kill the furry! fixed
  9. Yes, but it specific limits for specific crimes in specific jurisdictions. Obviously 47 years is not outside the statute for this crime in that location.
  10. What are these "birthday" things?
  11. Yes. I don't see what was so dissapointing about IW. It's a terrific game in its own right. The general belief seems to be it was cancelled because the rabid fanboys wanted an RTS, not a third person action-adventure.
  12. Most people I know got bored because it is: 1) Spend an hour or two walking across a field/desert/plain/bleach/valley auto-combating creatures. 2) Get to dungeon, spend an hour auto-combating creatures. 3) Beat a boss. 4) 5 minutes of exposition featuring bland characters, some of whom shouldn't even be in the story (looking at you, Vaan). Go back to 1. There's no real reward model for your time and effort. I've seen it said that the other Final Fantasy it is most similar to is Final Fantasy XI and I have to agree. Something about it felt like MMO grinding.
  13. I thought it was bad only because I was expecting the final episode to be final, since we were told, towards the end of the season, that the second Volume would be about a brand new bunch of heroes. So I was expecting Sylar to die in a mega fight with Peter that would destroy half the city. Of course, supervilains never die though. Meh. Still can't wait till monday. I never remember reading anything about the second season being about a brand new group of heroes. Is this another one of your crackpot theories? They had originally planned for each season to be self-contained with new heroes, new villains, and leaving the old ones behind. They ultimately changed their mind for some reason.
  14. Eidos and Blizzard both disagree (Deus Ex 3 that became Winback and Starcraft: Ghost). Though the Winback thing supposedly resulted from the poor performance of Deus Ex: Invisible War on the market. It (IW) was a good game, though! I blame the rabid fanboys.
  15. Don't worry, the game, like all SNES Final Fantasies, is easy. It's just a question of leveling up enough. That's the problem. "leveling up enough" = doing cummy sidequests
  16. War of the Lions comes out on the 9th! FUUUUUUDGE October sucks so bad. FFT: War of the Lions, Front Mission DS, Phoenix Wright 3, and Mask of the Betrayor. It would be manageable if I didn't have to buy a PSP just for War of the Lions.
  17. I'm trying to play Final Fantasy IV. It's intimidating in the way Squaresoft games were around the SNES generation. I'm scared that if I miss one sidequest and super item/summon I won't be able to beat the final boss. But I don't want to do the crummy sidequests.
  18. Rumors are the media's way of trying to lay claim to an advance scoop without any factual basis.
  19. Orange Box? Team Fortress 2? Valve? I have never heard of these, please tell me more.
  20. That's impossible. I haven't been hired to silence anyone. Wait.. you don't think... they're outsourcing, do you?
  21. I'm all for robbing banks, but not for a 360. You don't rob banks for $300-$400 unless you have drug problems.
  22. 08th MS team is awesome. I prefer my mech anime to be less flamboyant than Seed was doing. Patlabor, Gasaraki, 08th MS team, heck even Wing by comparison.
  23. They found the cause, arsenic in the water.
  24. Halo 2 is not a DX10 game. It uses Windows Live functionality which is Vista only.
  25. Considering Marvel co-created the original Transformers alongside Hasbro, I'm surprised Marvel doesn't do much with them. It's like they gave up their portion of the franchise after the original series.
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