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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Goblin starting area is best quests I've ever seen. You get a possie, a floosie, a bitchin ride, and a personal assistant.
  2. Wait wait, I just heard that Nathan Drake in the next Uncharted might actually tuck his shirt in. I need the scoop on this!
  3. My Cataclysm copy arrived a day early (and my copy of Dark City a day late). I spent a good hour just revisiting places to see what changed. *sniffle* I'll miss the old world.
  4. Better than the alternative does not mean good. No matter how many times you repeat the claim. He is still missing his real arms. And that is a legitimate cause for bereavement. It could be worse is a asininely meaningless position when it comes to emotion. Yes, the robot arms specifically are cool. Yes, all the stuff he can do with them are bitching. Hell, I'd probably prefer them to regular arms. But I don't tend to give lots of credit to the sensation of touch. Nor do I know the rest of the consequences he may be putting up with.
  5. That's not how it works. The realist situation being detached from the ideal does not make realist good. Such as a quadrapalegic without the option of robot limbs being "still pretty good" because the alternative is death. Or loved one's dying, but it's still good because not all of them died. They still lost something.
  6. I don't follow. It could be worse. That doesn't mean it's good.
  7. Started playing WoW. Cataclysm hasn't arrived in the mail, yet, so I checked out the new Argent Tournament stuff and started trading Jewelcrafting for Engineering.
  8. i think it took me between 60-80 hours to finish the game my first playthrough.... i thought it was a tad better than the witcher, how overrated are we talking here? We're talking your average Bioware-overrated where their numerous fanboys are in love with the game and one (or several) ingame characters. Us well adjusted guys like to stalk the VAs.
  9. It makes your face all scrunch up.
  10. Can I have your doctor's number?
  11. Just trying to fit in. Just be yourself. We'll love you either way.
  12. Someone seems bitter.
  13. We'd have thicker glasses. Or all switch to cheap plastic cups that bend.
  14. My copy doesn't look like it's going to arrive until Saturday. I consider this unfortunate.
  15. It's always nice to have a sit down with your business partners.
  16. It's not unheard of to use that kind of thing for temporary soundtracks. I'm not naming any names, but I know of a well known CGI company that, on at least one occasion, cut the CGI from a game they worked on into an overly long movie trailer format using music from the first Transformers movie. For internal use only, of course. It may have been the same song as this one.
  17. I've said it twice already. I like it.
  18. Steam does fail at big releases, including Team Fortress 2 updates. Ususally for a few hours.
  19. What you stated earlier is simply a complete misunderstanding of all elements involved. Completely ignorant that this information was not specific to a specific person and place and that there are a large number of people who readily disagree with you on your assessment of what wikileaks has been doing for the past 4 years. Wow, are you even trying? This took almost 10 seconds to Google.
  20. What you stated earlier is simply a complete misunderstanding of all elements involved. Completely ignorant that this information was not specific to a specific person and place and that there are a large number of people who readily disagree with you on your assessment of what wikileaks has been doing for the past 4 years. There's simply no shortage of already malcontent government servants or security clearances. And that, inevitably, the two overlap in various places. No element involved is in particular short supply. They're just waiting for excuses.
  21. Well, in their defense, all the characters I play are pretty hip.
  22. I never really credit the "martyr" idea, but I have little doubt that there will be dramatic global backlash. Political (holy ****, you straight up murdered a foreign citizen) and civilian (you want a leak, I'll give you a leak!)
  23. Maybe they've started working on the Wheel of Time RPG? They had a deal with EA if I recall correctly. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE
  24. They view the abovegrounders as unwashed mutants. Their perspective is not dissimilar from the Enclave, just without the genocidal cleansing.
  25. Undead Warlock - Played WoW with a friend for a while. Got bored, quit. Gnome Warlock - A new group of friends on a new server started playing. Played with them. Got bored eventually, quit. Blood Elf Warlock - Decided to check out the two expansions, did a trial, decided to stick around for a while. Got bored, quit. And now I want to check out this new expansion. Since this is going to be a resub, is there any way I can use that to benefit one of you guys that doesn't require me to play on your server?
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