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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I guess they're looking for contracts or publishers. Cool that it's the same company representing the company behind Overlord (a personal favorite).
  2. I'm curious as to what he's hinting at (has he actually played it or is he simply skeptical?), but it could mean anything as it stands.
  3. Oblivion did sound great, relatively speaking. Really, there's only one thing that killed it for me and I'm skeptical of it in this game. It's one of the most reviled features, so they've hopefully fixed the implementation.
  4. That they might have werewolves again is exciting. THERE IS A GOD!
  5. It lacks in subtlety. Boring. Boring. Thank you ever so much for announcing it. I wouldn't have known it was boring if you didn't tell me.
  6. But then I have to buy every book twice! MADNESS
  7. I could get into it, y'know, if I didn't already own a ton of bookshelves and dream of having a personal library. How am I to show off a library with the kindle? Take people into a room, say "this is my library," and have it be nothing but a kindle on a table? That's simply disingenuous.
  8. Stop toying with my emotions! *weeps uncontrollably*
  9. Magicka is a lot of fun.
  10. I will cut you. I'm just now hearing that the prequel is dead? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO At least he's getting Noomi Rapace, who he was wanting previously for the Alien one.
  11. I doubt it. I looked around a few places and found various versions of the same image with minor differences (the ticker text showing different parts of that sentence). So either the originator created multiple versions or there are multiple independent confirmations.
  12. My thought process on seeing that. 'But that's Iraq!' 'Wait, where's Egypt supposed to go?' And then I felt dumb.
  13. I miss Baldur's Gate's magic missle.
  14. People have already cracked the format enough to introduce custom skins. I've seen Shepard reskinned as Miranda. And Garrus cuddling with a Collector in the Commander's room. Though I guess since I've only seen model swaps and not actual new models, maybe not so much.
  15. Deleted all my Dead Space 2 data, just to see if it was a corrupted profile. And promptly went to reading A Game of Thrones instead of actually testing the game. Because I'm scared to know.
  16. Then they'd just be accused of ripping off Dead Space!
  17. It's good, but I have a hard time getting into the campaign. I have, for some reason, pre-ordered Retribution.
  18. Haven't touched multiplayer. And this is the first problem I've had. Tried to load my older saves and they won't load. The load dialogue completes, but the level itself won't load. 2nd oldest save loaded indefinitely until I quit game. Oldest save (of 3) loaded for a long time then froze. I've either got dying hardware or something really screwy going on with profiles/saves here. I think I'll play a different game tomorrow and see how it goes. Got a level out of Extraction without problems, but that's not going to tell me too much.
  19. 7 times now. 5 of those freezes have been at about the same time and place. I think I'll walk on the other side of the room and see what happens. Edit: Walk other side of the room, no freeze at all. Yeah, it's the game. Edit 2: But the room after next freezes.... Edit 3: Up to 10 freezes now.
  20. Dead Space 2 has frozen 5 times in one room. It's beginning to annoy me. I hope it's just the game and my console isn't dying.
  21. This Saturday? I need more notice!
  22. NOW you tell me.
  23. What about the shut down of the internet?
  24. They don't die, but that doesn't mean they don't fall down. They cease being a meatshield when they're unconscious on the floor.
  25. How does that look like a cyborg? It's regular armor with a glowing face. What part of that suggests electronic/organic connection?
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