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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I keep meaning to do another NWN2 run, but I always get distracted.
  2. Cunning has nothing to do with it.
  3. Worst ever, maybe not. http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/2590/ Alpha Prime is pretty bad.
  4. You do occasionally get dominant stance special dialogue. I'm not sure what the conditions are for that (do dialogues with a dominant stance choice have one for all dominant stances or does each dominant stance show up in different dialogues?). There's lots of ways to get special dialogues.
  5. One thing I really like about Crysis 2 is the posthuman element. Post/transhumanism seems like a terrific concept to pursue for science fiction action games. I think Deus Ex and Crysis 2 are the only games I can recall that actually go over the transition of humanity (or elements thereof) into something greater. Other games, such Halo, do feature transhumanism. But unlike Deus Ex and Crysis 2, it doesn't concern itself with the transition, which is the element I find most fascinating. It's becoming a Sci-Fi fetish of mine.
  6. It's not just Varric. Every companion has opportunities to interject into a conversation to possibly alter the outcome. I had Aveline threaten to beat up a guy right after I arrived in Kirkwall when I was going for the mass exodus achievement. Supposedly there's a logic to it, such as Fenris is good for dealing with Qunari. And then there's the star icon, which often relates to previous choices. Like if you did investigate on the topics the guy at the gate gives you, then you can use star on the guardsman at the steps. Basically, it lets you carry information from one guy to the next.
  7. It is bugged for everyone. Some suspect the quest isn't even supposed to exist. The official guide makes no mention of it.
  8. I never had a vehicle I was in explode on me on normal difficulty. But one did start smoking.
  9. If you liked Farcry, then yes, we have. It's the worst shooter I've ever played.
  10. I don't remember Crysis 1 all that well. I do remember it being too much like Farcry, which I thought was a terrible game. Stealth is actually useful now, which is great.
  11. You have the wackiest rounding skills I have ever seen.
  12. Just finished Crysis 2. 10.9 hours on normal. It leaves me with a question. I wonder when we'll find out the answer to that.
  13. My bank account had more than I thought it would, so I purchased Crysis 2. Definitely enjoying it. So far I liked Warhead better. There's not as much opportunity for screwing with them and doing hit and run. The shooting is more straight forward. Maybe that mixes up a bit better later.
  14. My dorfs are about to die of thirst for a lack of barrels! :'(
  15. Even the PC gamers I know pick up console versions for some absurd reason. And by "PC gamers I know," I mean "guys who complain that games are being made for consoles over PC." Part of the problem, you idiots.
  16. Portal 2 is cool. The last good Mortal Kombat was 2. I have no idea how people can keep buying those games.
  17. April is practically empty, so I might pick it up.
  18. I've read comments that the suit systems are less interesting and more automated than in the first game. For example, not only do you automatically acivate the suit's speed system when you run, but you can't run WITHOUT the suit automatically activating, and that running with the suit enhancement isn't particularly fast to begin with now. What's your take? Maximum Speed in C1 was pointless to begin with. I found it great in Warhead. I don't know if that's because of something special about Warhead or because by Warhead I was tired of trying to stealth. You use it for hit and run. Come at guys in stealth, shoot the crap out of them, switch to speed and run away. Wait for regen, repeat.
  19. Does that mean you can't opt out of being baptised?
  20. Why would you need baptismal records?
  21. I'm reminded of that one episode of friends where Chandler tries to leave the gym. Did you have to sit down with someone that kept trying to offer you new deals while you yelled "I WANNA QUIT THE CHURCH!"
  22. You're so sophisticated, Monte. If only we could all be like you.
  23. Sucker Punch is getting wrecked in reviews. I was going to see it, but I guess I'll wait to rent or a showing on TV.
  24. Why would it fail?
  25. hah, funny, I actually didn't like the guns but liked everything else about the character I liked both the guns and the character.
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