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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I just sent out my resume. Got an e-mail about an opportunity I think I would be foolish to not try for. This always makes me nervous.
  2. I actually had that battle Is there anyone in your party Only Anders. Everyone else will, each character is set to one spoiler. But if both other members are set to the same spoiler, only one of those will spoiler.
  3. Super Street Fighter IV It's nice to see that Seth is still a cheating POS.
  4. Liam Neeson and Harrison Ford should work together more often. It's not the film. I haven't seen the film. What film?
  5. They can already do that. The thing is that it wouldn't be any fun. CC enemy group (hey, using the same rules, it's now just whoever gets the first shot off), assess strongest target, focus fire until dead. Exact same general strategy that players use.
  6. Two short stories for you: http://qntm.org/gorge http://qntm.org/transit
  7. The same argument holds against pre-ordering entirely, an unproven studio already has a "higher" chance of screwups. Either you understand the motive to pre-order or you don't. It doesn't make people who don't share that with you into morons.
  8. I think it's better if it can be done without consequences and resources. But I won't make the claim it can. I'd like to have a gun fight in a library with books exploding. And I'd like to see it happen without the physics system have a seizure. But I'm going to be somewhat pessimistic about how reasonable the implementing of that idea might be. I'd like to geomod my way in and out of locations as well.
  9. I would agree that in theory anything might potentially be valuable to someone. I would counter by pointing out that it's not a strong argument. Development to the end of making every trivial object interactive has consequences that may not be cost effective. Detailing every single item in the world such that it can be picked up, manipulated, and respond to the physics system just because a small percentage of players may want to build a book fort isn't necessarily a good tradeoff when it results in extra work and restrictions on other details. Not that it can't be done. Some have done it. Oblivion did it.
  10. Liam Neeson and Harrison Ford should work together more often.
  11. I like not having them follow the same rules. Using the same rules causes sometimes silly problems. But now that you mention it, it would have been nice if they at least acted like they live in the same universe. Mages should cast spells that are at least superficially similar. And like you said, it could give you an idea of what to expect. Seeing a really cool ability and being disappointed you can't get it isn't fun. Part of the reason I picked up Force Mage is I was expecting that exploding gravity ball spell to be there.
  12. I miss comic book nerd.

  13. Ahem
  14. Playing fewer games is actually not uncommon for a game developer. I think there's a post or blog floating around from MCA where he mentions only playing games for research purposes. It wears on you. I've been there, too.
  15. What you got against the Lord of the Rings movies?
  16. It's the Geth attacking! Obviously they've built more of their gigantic warships. Good thing nobody let their guard down and dismissed them as a credible threat.
  17. Wait, the Austrian weather service is a credible source on Japanese nuclear issues?
  18. A battleship armed with an anti-infantry gun. It's crazy enough to work. The Reaper Anti-Shepard would be the one dreadnought among them that isn't a moron.
  19. Three things can happen to your character in Dragon Age Origins. Dead: DAO. Left to a realm beyond the fade: Witch Hunt. Otherwise disappeared: Dragon Age 2 I felt the ending was fine. I thought Act 3 felt rushed and silly. But the ending itself was fine.
  20. Waffles. Cheeseburgers. Fajitas. Dwarf Fortress. Daily Show. Stargate Universe on Blu-Ray. The Slayers. Shrimp flavor Ramen. Life is good.
  21. They won't kill us all. At worst they'll be at the cusp of victory, then proceed to transfer themselves into toasters or various other household appliances for absolutely no reason at all. At which point they can be killed with handguns.
  22. We don't need you Australians exposed to even more violence! Between your constant inebriation and living in a hell world, it could push you over the edge.
  23. It's Nixxes. Their ports have been solid.
  24. I, too, hate it when the left demonizes and tries to control the lives of homosexuals.
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