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Everything posted by anathanielh

  1. It’s like all these troll posts (I truly hope they’re not real) are choosing to come at the same time and it’s absolutely bonkers to me.
  2. Well, no matter what Mirke truly is, it hardly matters as the end goal is to sail your junk into Eothas’ junk and save the world’s junk.
  3. What if mirke is half woodelf and half orlan? No hair but with orlan body. I request that this be canon!
  4. I have a pet Eothas statue, but he ran away at the start of the game so I have to find him again
  5. If they close this thread, then I will have lost my purpose.
  6. Which raises the question: Did the ancient Engwithans sculpt a shaft for the statue of Maros Nua?Which raises another question, if they did, is Eothas perpetually 'rock-hard'? Spoiler: He attacks with his junk in the final fight. It instakills your entire party unless you have some form of protection
  7. Are you placing 5 different kinda of traps? It’s the same way for the potion making achievement and the scroll making one too. They have to be 5 different items not just 5 of the same.
  8. That would make for some interesting “fanart” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9. Man, this one hurts because I had him around for a large portio of my life (as of now)
  10. Finally have a dancer for The Salty Mast (Best ship name NA)
  11. Why can’t the watcher be a naked. How can I roleplay florida man if I can’t be a completely naked corpse eater
  12. I certainly hope so. I want a banana sword and a waifu companion
  13. You could just not use it. Sell it or something. If you feel like something’s ruining the game, why force yourself to use it and ruin it more for yourself? (As opposed to not using it and having fun like you were before)
  14. Isn’t there a quest right after you board the ship that says sail to PORT MAJE to pick up supplies and crew?
  15. I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t encountered a single bug. Only had 1 crash after a like 12 hr play session the day of release if that counts (Memory leak still a problem after really long sessions, but it’s negligible when i usually play an hr a day) Guess that crash counts then, maybe
  16. Miasma of dull mindedness is pretty amazing from my experience with it. It basically makes any enemy with low-average will your bitch.
  17. That’s why I injure the above deck crew beforehand. Typically the ai switches the helmsman to replace the deck which makes them unable to move or act quickly.
  18. This is my strategy 60 hrs into the game. Dhow. Wyrmtongue cannons Get close and injure 1 or 2 dudes Switch to cannonballs and watch the world burn
  19. What’s weird to me is that the faction I have a purple rep with has 4 underneath. Is that 4 good or bad? It’s confusing to me. That should be how many rep boxes you have unlocked. If you have 2 red 3 blue, it should say 5 purple. Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the help.
  20. What’s weird to me is that the faction I have a purple rep with has 4 underneath. Is that 4 good or bad? It’s confusing to me.
  21. Just as the title says, what exactly does a purple reputation line mean? Does the faction have mixed feelings about me? If so, what would the reputation number below the faction mean if the line is purple? I read the cyclopedia and it said blue lines mean the faction likes you and red is the opposite, but it said nothing about how a purple line behaves. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  22. i think wizard/ranger with gunner talent (-20% reload) and fleet feet (+5dex and more stride). With the dual wield talent on top and wearing light armor you can get really fast attack speed. You can also go chanter and get the reload speed chant if you don’t like ranger, but it will be available a bit later than the gunner perk.
  23. Ship combat seem to be either: Rush to board and kill them or sink them. I was dissapointed when I found out that you could not just soften them up before boarding them.So... Whats the point of grapeshot then? Can you take out a ship by shooting the crew with grapeshot? Cause i've tried and couldn't do it, the hull gave out before the crew did. Injuring crew just forces them to be put into rest or makes them less effective at their role. This makes it easier to shoot up the ship from a distance. I’d suggest either immediately boarding or if you believe you can’t fight the enemy, injure the crew and blast em from afar
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