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Everything posted by arkteryx
Carnage bugged
arkteryx posted a question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I was testing heart of fury and noticed it didn't scale as well as it seemed it should. Looking at logs, I noticed most of my carnage procs were listed as "(Hit) Similar effect with longer duration already applied" and weren't doing any damage. See the first attached screenshot where 17 heart of fury hits cause 166 carnage hits but only 20 actually do anything (had to scroll through and manually count, can't see them all in this shot). It's doing less than 15% of the carnage damage that it should! There's nothing in the description of carnage that indicates a foe can only be hit by it once at a time, should be an instantaneous effect, not sure where the duration thing is coming from at all. This only happens with things like heart of fury or clear out since they hit all targets at the same time and hence generate simultaneous carnage hits. Even with a full attack like barbaric smash there appears to be enough time between attacks that carnage goes off properly, the "similar effect with a longer duration" expires before the second hit. At first I thought maybe this was just a visual bug, maybe the damage was being done but just not displayed. So I berserked up with confusion and stationed Ishiza behind the targets as a test dummy since I could actually see his health numbers and compare them before and after to see how much damage he was actually taking (I wish there was a way to see actually health numbers on enemies, unharmed/hurt/bloodied makes it so much harder to do these kinds of tests). Sure enough he only took the damage that was listed, additional hits that claimed they weren't doing anything were in fact not doing anything. What makes it really weird can be seen in my second screenshot. The first time carnage hits him, it did 13 damage (not shown), the second time it hits him it must have rolled less than 13 damage because you see no additional effects and no damage done. Finally he's hit a third time for 15 damage. Comparing his health he did indeed take 28 damage. If carnage were actually working like a DOT as implied by the "longer duration", you would expect the third hit to overwrite the first, causing him to only take 15 damage. Instead it appears that the 13 damage is already done in whatever minuscule amount of time passes between the first and third hit allowing the 15 to go on top of it. But if it was already applied, why doesn't the second hit do any damage? Why can a larger damage hit add on but not a smaller one? Thus not only is the full amount of damage one would expect not being applied, the amount is inconsistent since it depends on the order of the damage numbers. 10-13-15 would do more than 15-13-10 even though all of them should be simultaneous. I suppose I can see some possibility why you might design it so that heart of fury can only apply carnage once to each target, but I don't see why you would make it random. I don't know if it's always been like this or if this is new but hopefully it can be fixed. Make heart of fury great again. PS: It would nice if we could see the damage calculation for carnage. Seems odd that hovering over it shows the to-hit roll and even armor/pen (meaningless since it's raw damage) but doesn't show how it came up with the damage number. -
Events at Sea
arkteryx replied to rjshae's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Hardtack? You're too soft on 'em. Starvation diet for a few days will get you to mutiny territory way faster. -
BS skeleton fight
arkteryx replied to Kilburn's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Not sure if you're aware, but encounters in deadfire aren't random (with the possible exception of ship combat, not sure about that), there's no such thing as an encounter "roll". That skeleton was and always will be there and will always have the same defenses. The only reason it would be different is if you changed the game difficulty setting. -
Being a murderous bastard, I slaughtered the Wahaki, took my reward from Master Kua for Tip of the Spear, then killed him too. I then sailed on to Magran's Teeth to complete He Waits in Fire before heading back to Neketaka. So now I'm at the decision point to pick a faction. But first I'm trying to clear out all my sidequests including Fruitful Alliance. It tells me to talk to the Queen about it but when I do, she instead wants to talk about joining her side. The first time I talk to her, I can decline, tell her I need more time to think about it though that gives me a hit to huana rep. If I then talk to her a second time, I can turn in Fruitful Alliances but in the same dialogue (with no chance to break or cancel in between) she says it's time to get rid of the trading companies (and amusingly says that the wahaki stand with us even though they're all dead) and gives me the quest to blow up the brass citadel. The only way to not lose Maia is to flatly reject her plan, which loses the Huana as a future possibility. If I don't have Maia in my party, there doesn't seem to be a way to refuse the quest at all, even saying I need time to think about still adds it to my questlog. Now it might be logical (as much as I hate to apply logic to video games) that the queen wants to talk about the most important matter first but it's awfully annoying from a gameplay perspective that I can't complete the quest without closing off some other future possibility. Basically turning in Fruitful should be a separate dialogue from receiving Taking out the Traders with a break in between so you can do one without the other. Savegame: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CVIezeg5Ik7qbbY4DAf32atWAx35fwbT/view?usp=sharing PS: Can we increase the max size of attachments on the forums so we can attach savegames directly rather than having to save them somewhere else and link? 1MB isn't enough when saves are 5 or 6.
So I was messing around with monks, a class I haven't used much in deadfire and noticed something strange. Stunning surge, the upgrade to stunning strike, was refunding not only mortification on a crit which it should but also giving me 2 wounds which it should not unless I'm very much mistaken. I had previously used the console to respec xoti which I know can sometimes lead to weird consequences, so trying to eliminate alternatives I started a new game, single class base monk. Got to the beach, used the console to give myself level 20. Leveling up I tried to avoid any passives that could possibly be giving wounds, no imagined pain, no parting sorrow, not even rooting pain or duality of mortal presence just in case they interacted somehow. Still getting wounds back from stunning strike. https://pasteboard.co/HYBvqNA.png https://pasteboard.co/HYBzqI4.png Notice I have no active effects (the one icon is from combat focus giving me concentration), have nothing equipped, hitting with just fists here. Stunning surge crits and I get my mortification back (notice I still have 11, max) and I gain 2 wounds. I'm not getting wounds on any other crits and I don't get them if stunning surge doesn't crit. This is all in v4.1.0.0023, not beta branch, with all dlcs installed.
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That seems like a pretty big bug. Has it always been like that, has obsidian commented on it? I counted only 8 hits registering out of 20 that should and it seems like it gets worse the more you have (more chances to have a "stronger effect" I suppose). To rule out it just being a visual bug, it would help if there were a way to actually see enemies health numbers instead of just healthy/blooded/etc. so I could manually verify how much damage I'm doing, especially since the damage numbers disappear so quickly even when the game is paused. Any more thoughts on the stunning surge bug? See previous page for screenshots.
You get a lightning strike for each individual pellet hit, so four times with most bluderbusses (assuming you hit or at least graze with all four pellets) and potentially many more with the mortars. Makes heart of fury or whispers of the wind with dual mortars even more OP. Sadly carnage hits (which wouldn't proc off a blunderbuss anyway) don't proc storm bolts just like they don't proc most other on hit effects. Here's my next question: when I use heart of fury in a big group some of the carnage hits say "Konstenten(Carnage) Hits Rotghast. (Additional Effects)" and list some raw damage when you mouse over. Others just say "Konstenten(Carnage) Hits Rotghast" without the additional effects and say a similar effect with longer duration is already applied when you mouse over. Does that mean they're not doing any damage or is this just a visual bug? Carnage should be an instant effect, not sure what duration has to do with it or why they wouldn't all count. In a big group most of the carnage hits appear to be getting overwritten, potentially robbing me of a lot of damage.
So I tried this again, trying to eliminate alternatives. Started a new game, single class base monk. Got to the beach, used the console to give myself level 20. Leveling up I tried to avoid any passives that could possibly be giving wounds, no imagined pain, no parting sorrow, not even rooting pain or duality of mortal presence just in case they interacted somehow. Still getting wounds back from stunning strike. https://pasteboard.co/HYBvqNA.png Inventory and skills: https://pasteboard.co/HYBz2rH.png https://pasteboard.co/HYBzqI4.png Notice I have no active effects (the one icon is from combat focus giving me concentration), have nothing equipped, hitting with just fists here. Stunning surge crits and I get my mortification back (notice I still have 11, max) and I gain 2 wounds. I'm not getting wounds on any other crits and I don't get them if stunning surge doesn't crit. As for stunning surge working on aoes, consider this screenshot: https://pasteboard.co/HYBtB9U.png Same base character, now using the basic hand mortar with no upgrades. I miss my main target, the tiger, but crit the rotghasts and still get my mortification back and gain wounds. This is all in v4.1.0.0023, not beta branch, with all dlcs installed. Is no one else seeing this behavior? Can someone test and confirm that they are not getting wounds or that stunning surge only refunds on their main target? Because I feel like I've done everything I can short of reinstalling and I'm still seeing the same effects. Edit: In a similar vein, I found that Barbaric smash also refunds its rage cost if it kills someone other than the target, either via carnage or an aoe weapon like mortars. This may be the intended effect but it's not what one might think reading the description which only mentions killing "the target."
No dance, sister of the reaping moon. Tried creating a hired adventurer, base monk, no other items equipped, same thing. Was definitely giving me wounds at the same time it refunded mortification, didn't happen if I didn't crit, wasn't happening with any other abilities. But yeah, probably still some weird bug. Would be interested to hear if anyone can reproduce it. The only mods I have installed are a visual one for inspirations/conditions and the more ai commands neither of which I can imagine would affect this. I thought the bounce might be throwing me off so I specifically tested with just the regular hand mortar. It would also give me wounds using stunning surge with just my fists, assuming I crit of course. As I understand it, aoe weapons like whispers/mortars get any stat bonuses from an ability against all targets (+pen from strike the bell, +dam from finishing blow) maybe because they're a bonus applied to you rather than a debuff on the enemy, so it makes sense that flames of devotion gets the bonus accuracy/damage versus everyone. What surprised me was that bleak walker still sickened everyone which seems the same as toxic strike weakening or stunning blow stunning which don't. Are there any other debuffs that you can still apply in an aoe? I also was kind of hoping that using an aoe finishing blow on a near death enemy would give the same high bonus against everyone around it, was sad to find out it calculated separately for each enemy. On the other hand, I realized you can combine dual mortar Whispers of the Wind with Avenging Storm from Heaven's Cacophony to be even more ridiculous.
So I'm getting weird results with stunning surge with an aoe mortar. Not only am I getting the mortification refund on a crit on anyone, but it's also giving me back 2 wounds when it does. Is it supposed to do that? Nothing in the description seems to say so. I did originally have xoti as a priest/monk and respeced via the console which I know can sometimes cause odd effects. Also I noticed that my Bleakwalker's Flames of Devotion still applies sickened to everyone in an aoe both with whispers or with mortars. So not all afflictions are affected just most of them.
Patch 1.1.0 Updates Thread
arkteryx replied to David Benefield's question in Patch Beta Bugs and Support
Does anyone know if they changed proc effects to no longer proc themselves? Endless swift strike chains kind of break the game.