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Everything posted by Swxpert

  1. whaqt pristge claSS do you get if your alignment is exactly 50/50 and you reach lv 15
  2. i already said somewhere that even at lv 50 i find sion impossible
  3. sorry i couldn't be of more help :sad:
  4. no, that would be fine, it is the same thing with diciple being soldier-consolar
  5. fist game i did i was lv50 and sion was impossible
  6. is that like the room on the nar shadda docks next to the flophouse that shows up but you can't open the door? I think so. On some maps in the Trayus Academy you can see dots on the minimap indicating that there are rooms, but there
  7. oh, i missed where he didn't have the pc version my bad
  8. i'm just tring to cover all the bases, this game (like many) really wasn't ment to be played on a laptop, i think 1. get more ram 2. try it on a desktop
  9. i think i prfer mods that tun your pc into differnt races, though if someone had turn mandalore into a rodian, that would be funny
  10. also try it without the patch
  11. this is very helpful thank you
  12. i just could never picture mission as a bountyt hunter, thats all
  13. i get the dual core thing but why hate intel
  14. isw it really as good as i hope it will be?
  15. im sorry but you say that you only havwe a problem when you use speed and you like to do that alot, myself ive never had uses for any of those powers save for heal
  16. is that like the room on the nar shadda docks next to the flophouse that shows up but you can't open the door?
  17. i've had ls master+hks influence but not with hannhar
  18. thanks that helps me
  19. or at least visas, i really like vissas
  20. well that is YOUR choice
  21. well it looks fine
  22. i wanted kriea to dance for vogga
  23. this certainly is puzzling would you please post your .ini file here
  24. i thought you were talking about reAL crack
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