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Everything posted by Swxpert

  1. i still never got these options, even on third playthrogh
  2. on my single coreVS. dual core threre really isn't a difference in performance.
  3. also i think on that 3rd game don't you have to be a female exile?
  4. that is possible, truly i see no physical problem whith your computer
  5. was there a specific reason why k2 has so many hardware issues
  6. i thought the setup was fine and some of the features k2 added like flowing robes, and other things, but i liked the menu setup in k1 better, and the warping
  7. i picked mine up for 20 and that was 2 years ago, you can probaby get a copy for less now
  8. ah, crysis, another game that has massive hardware problems for most people
  9. whether or not he is in admin makes no diferance, i have no admin on vista and it still loads saves
  10. ooh, can you show me a picture of the disk
  11. ok, edited the topic as per the moderators instructions: was anyone else disspointed that k2 used the same k1 engine?
  12. was anyone else disspointed that k2 used the same k1 engine? do you think they'll use a differnt engine for k3? will k3 ever get made?
  13. hello, i am having a glitch were a i get althe way to malachor, but when the miraXhanharr fight is suposed to occure, mira never loads after kriea gets done talking, also on telos bastilas body is missing, her head is floating in mid air.
  14. did anyone else notice the similarities between Goto's backstory and the plot of the first Ghost in the shell movie?
  15. i play the bink vidoes in tiny screen and they look great
  16. i have vista to, i have to run it 600x800 with no textures, or else it runs so choppy, and it still runs choppy on koriban, and the game crashes alot on mines, plus it will crash 2-3 times before ever even getting to the title screen
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