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Everything posted by Serrano

  1. Since you mentioned JA... Does Frozen Synapse look like something that would appeal to you? I still have the extra serial key that's just collecting dust if you (or anyone) want it. The only downside is that it's a bit of an annoying system to give someone a friend copy, basically you'd need to create an email address specifically for the game as the buyer needs an address to send the details. http://www.frozensynapse.com/
  2. Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure used to crash constantly on every PC I tried it on, I mean literally it seemed to happen almost every five minuets it was just unplayable. I think I only ever got past the opening, which is to say I landed the ship and took a few steps into the base. The rest of the game is a mystery to me which always bugged me as I'm a huge Aliens fan.
  3. Serrano


  4. I've started my first serious run at Mysteries of Westgate and I'm really enjoying it so far, hats off to Ossian. I like how skill checks come up in almost every conversation (and aren't just limited to things like bluff, diplomacy and taunt) and that sometimes they will throw in red herring options to keep you on your toes.
  5. It is frightning how quickly it all mounts up.
  6. Auntie Monte, the heatwave combined with heavy hay fever is unbearable. If I leave the windows open the pollen will get me, my eyes will itch and I'll be constantly sneezing. If I leave them closed then even with a fan I'm uncomfortably hot. What should I do?
  7. Edit: Nevermind, I really need to type faster.
  8. Still seems silly to me. If she has time for a photoshoot then surely she can improvise her way to the mall.
  9. What's going on with leg of her pants?
  10. I thought Sienna Guillory and Oded Fehr made a good Jill and Carlos, neither were really like their videogame counterparts but they fit the movie and were fun to watch. I think if RE3 had followed on directly from the ending of the second film it would have turned out a lot better, but oh well. The series is truly doomed now that Wesker is in it.
  11. You forgot to mention how hot Canadian women are, get your priorities in order man.
  12. It should also be noted that Anna Torv is gorgeous with brown hair. Just wow.
  13. To be fair Leonard did a good job on Fringe, it's a shame to lose the character so early if for no other reason than he's such an imortant part of Walter's past.
  14. Fringe is one of my favorite shows. It doesn't look like the main plot will be starting until season 3 though, I guess this is what LOST fans went through.
  15. I spent the last couple of hours playing a browser game called Transformice. It's like a cross between Lemmings and a social commentary. It's also one of the funniest games I've played in years.
  16. If it were me I'd make sure that Chain Shot was limit to the kind of distance that regular pistol shots are. I think I'd also lose the pinpoint accuracy and require that players aim as normal with the advantage of the world moving at slow speed. I'd have Chain Shot use a different damage table for grunts, bosses and vehicles, bosses only taking a slight increase in damage for head shots so you can still do a noticable amount but never enough to destroy him in a couple of vollys. I think Stealth Operative would be probably be just fine though if you couldn't judo throw a guard in front of his buddies without revealing yourself.
  17. That could be such a long conversation. I think AI improvements would go a long way, as would making boss encounters possible to deal with by non-violent methods. Toning down certain abilities like stealth and chainshot would also be a good idea. That said, I think the game on whole is more balanced than people give it credit for, it's just that some of the things that are broken are so common that you're always noticing them
  18. I really enjoyed the non-combat parts of the marine campaign that often felt just like being in the movies, Rebellion nailed the asthetics and capturing the mood. I think it's the multiplayer (which had some unbelievable issues) and the support for the game being dropped so quickly afterwards that gets most people's goat. I don't want to go into a rant or anything but I think overall AvP really did deserve the bad things said about it, the things it got right (and there were things it did really well) were just outweighed by lots of niggling issues.
  19. Right, because that would be womens volleyball. Fun to watch, fun to play apparently and fun to think about. It's brilliant.
  20. I suggest pretending to be Alan Shore for a year or two.
  21. Serrano


    I had linked an article that explored that but removed it because I didn't think it would be relevant In response to your question though, there are so many sad songs out there that it's obvious that there's a market for that kind of music. I also thought that a lot of musicians (like many other types of artists) poured their emotions into their work and that it wasn't uncommon for them to be more creative during their emotional highs and lows and turn out some of their best work. I completely agree that a poor quality song isn't likely to provoke much of a reaction out of anyone, but surely there are reasons why and how a high quality piece of music can effect us emotionally that go beyond "Because it's good" and that seemed to be where Walsh was navigating the thread.
  22. Serrano


    This is also worth a read; http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/200...ion-moira-farr/
  23. Serrano


  24. One of the reasons given in an interview (with rock, paper, shotgun I think) was that they had originally included a skills system but found that the skills and augs were always in conflict with each other, so they decided to merge them and justify it in-game as Jensen getting used to how his cybernetic bits work.
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