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Everything posted by Jenceslav

  1. In the update, the possibility to recharge blessings was returned, but they went a little bit too far with Merisiel (at least, maybe with other characters as well) and her ability to recharge any blessings played on her Dexterity check. Android, Normal difficulty Attack on Sandpoint: when Meri discarded a Blessing of the Gods acquired earlier to explore again in Swallowtail Festival location, the prompt Recharge / Discard appeared. The top card of the blessings deck was Blessing of the Gods as well. The same happened later (on purpose) with Blessing of Erastil used to explore. Again, she could recharge it. Summary: Merisiel seems to be able (now, with her high-level power) to safely recharge ANY blessing for exploration. It needs testing if it affects also her other checks. Seelah and Kyra should not be affected, as their power is all about the type of blessing, not the type of check.
  2. OK, two test runs - I couldn't reproduce this with Orb of Firestorm (2d4) and Orb of Shocking (1d4). Android, Legendary Attack on Sandpoint, Seoni>Meri>Kyra>Ezren 1) Ripnugget (one location free) - Seoni used Orb of Firestorm on the first check, its bonus correctly remained for the second check, at end of turn, prompt Recharge / Bury appeared. 2) Ezren at The Old Light encountered Goblin Pyro, wildcard summoned Wrathful Sinspawn for Merisiel, she evaded. Kyra used Orb of Shocking, Ezren killed the goblin, then explored again, encountered Cultist. Sinspawn goes to Seoni, killed. Due to Ezren using his power to examine his deck, Orb of Shocking was again back in the hand of Kyra. Confirmed once more - Ezren's "draw the top card if it is spell" breaks Orbs (different bug) 3) Merisiel at the Town square magic-spyglassed Bugbear and Goblin Warcaster, encountered Bugbear, Seoni played Orb of Firestorm, Meri killed the goblinoid, played Archer and encountered Goblin Warcaster. Without weapons and with 2d4 bonus from the Orb she dispatched the she-goblin. End of turn, Seoni was asked Recharge / Bury?
  3. Well, this game is enjoyable especially in multiplayer, but in tabletop version. The current game does not have the possibility of real multiplayer on two devices at this moment. Maybe, when we cry loud enough, the developers might find a little time between bug-bashing, new content and bug-making, troubleshooting and such to implement it. Pass and play is really greyed out and unusable. Strange. You can always pass the phone or tablet around the table if necessary.
  4. I am sorry but I don't understand completely. So one of your characters encounters a Monster, someone plays Orb of Ice and adds 1d4 to your check (or is it 2d4?). This bonus stays till the end of the turn, but then, you are not asked to recharge/bury/banish it? I have Orb of Firestorm (2d4) and Flask of Fire (3d6) in my Seoni's deck and use it quite often, but did not notice something like this, even with several encounters per turn. I can test it, but maybe it involves only the Orb of Ice? Such things can happen if the behaviour for one card is not inherited but just copied. Regardless, this update does seem to have a rather large amount of cases where cards stay in the "to-be-discarded" or "to-be-recharged" state (next to the decks) and are not placed there correctly.
  5. Great job, Achilles. I dislike Thassilonian Sins very much and wouldn't dare to test a bug that just forced me to forfeit the scenario. Especially on Heroic or Legendary... But you should not feel ashamed for reporting a *known* bug. It apparently is a long-*known* bug (1 year? Huh), but no one can be sure if the bug is still there or was corrected. Now we *know* it is there. --Dak'kon
  6. Just like a Goblin Snake is not a goblin. It just has that word in the name But Zombie Giant is even better. Funny
  7. Again, the same as Ethics Gradient said. Developer's choice in publishing brand-new material. The original tabletop Rise of the Runelords had three stat-boosting spells: Glibness, Speed and Strength. These translate to Eloquence, Agility and Strength (why the name-changes? Agility understandable, I think, but Glibness?). The developers could maybe add the remaining stat-boosting card (Toughness and Sagacity are in the game as uncommon treasure cards). So when they added Mass <something>, they added the whole lot of them at once as they are at the same level, but probably forgot Brilliance.
  8. Heh, that is why my Lieutenant Lem has 1 armor card in his deck, which is ... Djezet Skin. And guess what is his favoured card type all the time? However, his Arcane+Divine=Charisma is sometimes hard to remember, but my first bought character was Seoni, so I do not have such problems :-D
  9. Well, this is somewhat correct, even if annoying - you did not close that location, so the henchman is shuffled back in. But this is less infuriating than the situations when you have: Location without a henchman (failed check to close the location) and Graul ogrekin with permanent ability "after the encounter, put this card on the bottom" - no permanent closing except for villain is possible Or Thassilonian Sins (3 Villains) on Legendary. So, you defeated a Villain? OK, but there is another Villain at that location, so it is not closed. You have to try again. Oh, and by the way, all checks to defeat Villains are +5 difficulty (cummulative) now. When you have three locations open and all Villains in play, the numbers can get very ridiculous in no time...
  10. Spyglasses are very fun cards, but have some interesting bugs. Legendary, Adventure 1-1 (Attack on Sandpoint): Merisiel at City Gate encountered in her first explore a barrier requiring a Perception check (Pit Trap, I think), to which she used Magic Spyglass (+1 die) and then could use the normal Spyglass as well (another die) => 3d6 Either it is an error in the barrier or the Magic Spyglass does not invoke the "1 item played per check" rule... More fun results from Pit of Malsheknekor - if you have explored the deck, e.g. via Magic Spyglass, and encounter the Pit, you can draw a revealed boon from the deck and the barrier is NOT defeated. Merisiel at Swallowtail Festival did this, revealing Pit, some Monster and a Blessing of Gorum. She explored, encountered the Pit of Malsheknekor, which gave 3 items to the deck. But she was able to take the Blessing of Gorum instead, the three items got banished and the Pit was shuffled back. I do not think she suffered the damage. This loophole should be fixed. Probably affects also the Kohl of Uncanny Discernment (worse than Spyglass and from higher adventure deck? ) We need more Alchemists (Damien)!
  11. Who knows, but the Favours are with some exceptions concentrated in the B deck, I think. Probably for the players to have a chance to encounter them more often when they were so lucky to pull them out from a chest. Favour of Nethys is much stronger than others, because it is also improved in its basic function (others have "only" the +1 blessing clause, whereas this allows you to scout deeper)... In my opinion, Nethys is (with Lamashtu and maybe Gozreh) one of the strongest blessings in this game.
  12. I found the wildcard "your hand size is reduced by 2" (or maybe 3??) the worst thing ever. When I got that (in AD 5 or 6), I forfeited without second thoughts. Your case is something that should not happen, stacking multiple increases. Ugly combinations "banes +3" + "all checks +1" and "fail to obtain boon => discard blessing-counter" + "blessing deck has 5 less cards" are rather common , but this is too much
  13. I was just lore-joking But more Chellan, sword of Greed cards means replaying the whole game in a completely new party. That is why I have "only" two in separate parties Three 1s are pain, especially when you have something like 3d12 - that is why I pile as many blessings as possible for Villains and Henchmen to get 99%+. Once I even failed to defeat Ripnugget (10) with 3d12+6. Shame on me!
  14. I must admit that I never ever failed this particular check But two Viorian Dekantis are funny. Based on the little bit of lore I read, she wields / wielded the Greed sword. Sadly, two Viorians does not mean two swords.
  15. Hmmm, I have been seeing these "locks" for several past months. I supposed the locks meant that the currently played adventure is the only one visually "unlocked" to help you find it But it might have been a bug all along and I was just too ignorant to understand that . The first time I noticed that, it was I think at the time when Goblins were not here yet (although I saw them in the Vault very very briefly just after the update before RotG was released), but the Adventure 1 had wrong names - from unreleased RotG adventure...
  16. Alternate skins are in almost every way the same character with the same power progress (with slight changes to basic powers like Frost Seoni's = Fire and Cold blast). The skills (dice) are slightly or not-so-slightly different - 1d8 instead of 1d6 and such. There are changes in subskills like addition of Fortitude to a character or changes in the existing skill (Divine Wisdom+1 instead of Wisdom+2 and such). And then there is also slight change in card amounts like +1 Ally, -1 Blessing. There was a perfect list of changes, but I cannot find it now. Sorry. Powers are the same, so "only" the skills, secondary skills and card amounts are different.
  17. Definitely not useless. Yes, they got to the end of RotR adventure path and story-wise are finished with the adventure path, but you can mix them up and play on Legendary and experiment with them. Replayability in this game is huge and it would be bad to dispose of old characters (especially if you are a completitionist who wants to have/collect everything).
  18. Thumbs up for levelling all 11 characters in both available paths. Regarding the alternate skins, you can change their skin "on-fly". That is, if you have the Evoker Ezren, you can make him into the Evoker Scholar Ezren - but you have to switch some of his cards. So, you need no more character slots for them. But the Ranzak, Poog and Tontelizi (all males) are new characters - the former two are goblins, the latter from Valeros' adventure. The character limit is fixed at 24 (so far) and the developers often recommended not to use them all lest your device might run out of memory (if low-end). In the future, as they add more characters (hopefully a lot of them ), the developers will be forced to add more slots. If we talk about it a lot, maybe they will notice and add it to their looooooong list of things-to-do.
  19. Genpasha, try to contact Obsidian suport with your PFID (hexadecimal number in the Settings). It might be that you have some invisible card in the Stash. But first check by selecting All in the Stash, if there is no card of a type you forgot to check Invisible cards did happen sometimes after the tutorial or whatever. Some tutorial cards (invisible) were in the Stash...
  20. Grynberg, many of the bugs are still there, and the developers need to repair them, but there are only few people in their team. Your "take few bloody days off" is rather more acidic than is required. Three of the bugs you listed are not bugs. 3 - works as intended, if you turn off the "copy blessing" button after clicking on discarded blessing deck. It is a bit inconvenient, but you can easily make the B. of Thassilon work 7 - never played with more than 4 players (then, it gives correctly 250gold) 15 and 16 - Animal trick gives bonus regardless of any other actions as it is not "playing the ally" action. First you use the Trick (Lini's Power), then you can recharge the Animal for melee dice or give Lini huge strength and dexterity by polymorphing (and discarding). Theoretically, you should be able to do all three things at once without violating the 1 card of a type rule. IF the tabletop version has different interpretation, the game could be regarded as an incorrect interpretation in this way. Edit: 15+16: If you look here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1255246/reveal-more-1-animal-time-lini, you will find an explanation that this is all legal.
  21. Interesting. The first thing with the navigation bar "missing" was observable even before ValerosUpdate once you completed everything in the adventure path (B + adventures 1 to 6). Then, the navigation bar was hidden (no adventure selected). This does not concern me much (it may still be worth changing), but the second picture is definitely something the developers should repair.
  22. Normal difficulty, Adventure 5, Android - my Seelah has 'shuffle B. of Iomedae' power. When Blessing of Iomedae is used to explore or help to get a boon, the Discard/Recharge/Shuffle does appear, but when used on Recharge checks or against Monsters (probably, can't recall precisely), the blessing goeas straight into discard. So, her ability is at least partly affected by this bug.
  23. Rubarack, please stop trolling the forums and focus your discussion (=complaints) to only one thread, if you are able.
  24. Rubarack, please stop complaining - here are mainly other players who very probably like the game and just wanted to help you. If you just want to vent your anger, go fetch some boxing bag and hit it as hard you like. Ad the price changes - granted, Obsidian forgot to post the thing about price changes, which I don't like at least for new player's sake (I have everything except Goblins and Valeros campaign + many rare cards), but I respect that. They have to pay the developers (and the bureaucratic machine behind them, obviously). BUT your situation is just like buying foreign currency or other commodity. Suppose that you bought 10000 cubits (BSG example) for a future trip to Caprica city, but just put it in a safe for some years. Then you want to go to the Caprica city, eventually, but realise that the cubits now have lost 50% of their worth or maybe that cubits were replaced by another currency. The proper response in the second case would be to go to the bank and discuss the possibility of exchanging your cubits for new currency (see the analogy? a little help: bank=Obsidian support). In the first case, the fault would be only yours that you did not use that money right away. The second case is not your fault, but will not be resolved by going to a park and crying loud that you were robbed and how unfair the world is. My last words in this topic. Howgh.
  25. When I noticed that the Stash is not working properly offline, I stopped playing without wifi, so I cannot give you a reliable answer. But if your problem is mainly the inability to move the cards to the "Get rid of them! Please" window, try tapping on the card, hold it for a while and then drag it to the "trash" window. Maybe it will work. Thousand times yes! Or even just "remove the cards from Stash without any gold gained, if offline". On mobile (Android), it also irks me immensely that I have to drag every single card - tap and drag, tap and drag, tap and drag. Could the devs consider adding a button "Sell" when you click on a card in Stash? Click, click is way faster than tap, hold, drag. Mass selling would be perfect (e.g. a small pop-up window with options "Sell cards from AD ... and checkboxes B, 1, 2, 3... "or lower", some checkbox "exclude Uncommon and rarer cards" and such...)
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