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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Deserve those bastards right. There are a few **** landlords where I live and a few good and reasonable folks as well. When you go rent from someone you need to check up on their history and how well they treat their tenants. Of course I never expect to get my security deposit back anyway. I do a cursory clean before I leave but I figure the landlords and managers know the best places in town to do carpet cleaning and other detail work than I would.
  2. It pretty much puts everything in one big disorganized pile.
  3. Um... Why are Holland girls cheap dates?
  4. I have yet come across any rats in ME. That game needs rats.
  5. That is pretty much the long and short of it. I do have a normal, corded phone which my Internet goes through. Most of the time I just let the answering machine deal with any incoming calls.
  6. That is how I treated my Sphere campaign. The magical aspects of the game world was infused with the culture. The city watch wouldn't wonder how and why there is webbing in the streets. They would know some wizard or sorcerer casted Web and be annoyed. Merchants would have wards on their shops and guards with See Invisible or Detect Thoughts in use.
  7. They can email me or come to these forums and PM me.
  8. This sort of contract thingies is why I will not ever get a cellphone. Phones are evil.
  9. Does CoD4 have Co-Op and PvP capability?
  10. Still messing with Mass Effect, but now I got it hooked into my computer monitor and sound system. It is now far far far superior in performace than on my old SDTV. The only drawback I have now is that I am always reaching for my mouse when I have a controller in hand.
  11. You forgot Doomsayer and 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit.
  12. My grandfather died with Alzheimer's. Its not a nice disease. I hope with the new techniques in stem cell research can find a cure before it becomes too advanced to help him.
  13. I would like to run Vista on my XBox 360.
  14. 1e and 2e were flawed, and I welcomed 3e. 3e had some problems but they were fixed with 3.5e. 3.5e is pretty much next to flawless in my opinion. Not perfect mind you, but nothing made by human hands will ever be. 3.5e works and works well. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
  15. If you and I agree isn't that like crossing the streams? Yes, but I like roasting marshmellows.
  16. What bugs? I have yet found or experienced any major bugs, or even minor ones, in Vista. It is, so far, the best Window OS I have used and I have pretty much used them all.
  17. They are a serious problem, don't get me wrong on that, but a bugger who shoots unarmed people who aren't even fighting back is a coward in the highest order. However seeking humor in tragedy is a part of the human psyche. I still remember all the jokes that emerged about the Challenger explosions.
  18. Tragedy is tragedy, Krezzy, and it effects us all whether directly or indirectly.
  19. Lucian, XP was great but Vista is better. Vista is very stable on my system and more than gets the job done.
  20. If you can't laugh at tragedy then it will only eat you up inside and leave you a withered old husk.
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