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Everything posted by Sand

  1. No, I was telling Gab's Alt, Dark Raven to get a console.
  2. I don't mind innovations one bit. What I do mind is change for the sake of change. If they are actually making the change for the better more power to them, but they are not. Level 1 is a newbie. Level 1 is a fresh out of the boot camp. No prior experience, no real world knowledge, or anything. The first few levels are suppose to be the make or break point for him or her. All WotC is doing is making PCs more uber so instead of actually playing DnD its SUPER DnD. Bring out the tights and cape sort of thing.
  3. Obviously you have never went through the shopping craze of Cabbage Patch dolls and Tickle Me Elmos.
  4. ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Come on, Dark Raven, join us... ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
  5. Just as long we get a third person view like Bloodlines and ME I will be very happy.
  6. Sorry, but it had to be said. However, taking cover and being able to dodge attacks are indeed good life saving skills even without a rabid gunman around during the holiday season. Especially you are looking at a single special gift for a loved one, which there is only one left, and you are just one oout of 30 trying to get it.
  7. Windows Vistaa, dear. Windows Vista.
  8. Don't apologize. It is a sign of weakness.
  9. Kaftan, behave yourself. Macs tend to be overpriced pieces of crap.
  10. Eh? I have the most fun in DnD at those first few levels because the threat of death is there. It makes every combat session a life or death situation which it should be.
  11. Um... Why would anyone check for a part in one product for a different product?
  12. As much as I dislike Christianity, and to an extent of any organized religion, I would most certainly not go about shooting them. Even those I truly detest such as that Phelps guy I would never seek to do violence on because that sort of thing is just wrong. A verbal spat I have no problem with. I guess it is the season in which people snap I guess. FIrst the Mall incident then this. Damn crazies. Only a coward would shoot at unarmed people.
  13. Let the Forgotten Realms ahve its last hurrah with 3.5e, use Eberron as the default system for 4e and create a new campaign setting made specifically for 4e. Instead of trying to convert and destroy the Realms into 4e, just start anew. WotC would piss off the fanbase a lot less if they do that.
  14. I still hear that song at work from time to time. I'm gonna have a shower, then risk a trip to an overpacked mall to go get a haircut. Oh freakin' joy. Well, I hope you know how to duck. I am considering getting a VGA HD AV cable for my XBox 360 so I can play it on my monitor, but then again I could get a HD TV tuner card and plug it directly without an additional cable, but the cable would be a cheaper solution.
  15. Weeks? That only happens in CRPGs. In PnP it takes in character time of years if not decades. At least in my gaming group it does.
  16. The Shifter is easy to explain why its not in NWN2. NWN1 is a 3e game and Shifter is a 3e prestige class. NWN2 is a 3.5e game and Shifter was removed in 3.5e.
  17. You can never go wrong with Foamy.
  18. Mostly because there are sound reasons why that content was canned in the first place.
  19. I wish there was more diverse item crafting and modding in the game.
  20. That is one thing I totally disagree with. At level 1 the PCs are not heroes. They are nobody nebies on the scene. To become a hero level character it needs to be earned, not given for free.
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