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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Hey, leave me out of this! Fixed. I know the difference. I simply choose to ignore it at times. Its more fun.
  2. I played the NWN1 OC once. The Expansion OCs more than once. I hated the NWN1 OC. I liked the expansion OCs.
  3. Or they could just put it out of our misery and start anew.
  4. I just want my M rated games to be actually worth that M rating. I am also so sick and tired hearing about parent groups complaining about M rated games. Gee, if they actually decided to raise their kid instead of having the government and media do their job we wouldn't be having this problem.
  5. how...unlike...Bioware. Its not a problem isolated at Bioware.
  6. Even though I do have Vista I am using a DX9 card. Radeon 1900 GT to be percise, and its playing very smoothly on medium to low settings. In case any one was wondering my Windows Index is... Processor: 4.2 Memory: 5.4 Graphics: 5.9 Gaming Graphics: 5.7 Hard Disk: 5.5
  7. Reading some of the posts over there it seems that the game has a few bugs and people are clamouring for a patch. HA! If a console game needs a patch then something is seriously wrong with the programming of the game and the QA department for not catching it. One of the main strengths of consoles is suppose to be their hardware conformity so that developers don't have to worry about patching. If a console game needs patching that is a result of shoddy workmanship.
  8. I died and fell on one. However I did make a nice pile of Koreans. Found a nice rock to hide behind and cloaked. One comes by, shot to the head, then cloak. Another one checks on his buddy... shot to the head and cloak. A third, walks by real cautious like, shot to the head. One right on top of the other. HA!
  9. Government regulation? If parents don't want their kids to have violent video games then they shouldn't be buying the games for them. We do have a policy. Its called the ESRB. If parents are too god damn lazy to actually make an intelligent purchase then they are at fault, not the industry. Excessive blood and gore is not what I want to see, but realistic blood and gore in my games. If I take a knife to someone's throat I want to see the details. If I poison someone's drink, I want to see the details. If you don't want to play these types of games the solution is clear. DON'T BUY THEM. DON'T BUY THEM FOR YOUR KIDS. Problem solved.
  10. Some children do get a good grasp of what is reality and what is fiction, some don't. Its the ones that don't that are vulnerable.
  11. I don't usually feel like cooking on days I have to work.
  12. On a related front... Why I will not vote for Clinton: http://gamepolitics.com/2007/11/20/us-sena...e-of-manhunt-2/
  13. Eh? Oh. Okay, I originally thought it was to the Escapist but was to the XBox/PC Hybrid article, so I went to the source of the JT article and posted that link. grr... damn werewolves...
  14. Originally it was to Escapist but I thought it would be better to have the source instead. I do hope that when Jack is finally disbarred it will be the last we hear from him. He has no one to blame but himself, but he won't. He thinks he's Jesus and you can't blame Jesus for anything.
  15. http://gamepolitics.com/2007/11/21/federal...st-florida-bar/ Discuss! ...or not.
  16. The CPUE is first and that should be mine early January. February and March are for the video cards.
  17. Thanks. That's what the instructions said on the wrapper. Silly me. Anyhoot, its done so I am having my thanksgiving meal! YAY ME!
  18. http://www.geek.com/microsoft-tests-xboxpc-hybrid/ http://money.cnn.com/2004/05/26/commentary...aming/index.htm http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=3531
  19. I just wished Microsoft went ahead with their hybrid X Box360/PC model. I would grabbed that in a heartbeat.
  20. One's bad game can be another's tuna casserole.
  21. I'm not talking like an expert. If I was I would be.
  22. Damn Biowarians not catering to our irrational and unreasonable demands! BURN THEM WITH VELVEETA!
  23. I want to visit multiple towns and cities on one wrold then hop to another. Maybe be able to explore part of a continent in an area of Oblivion, but with detailed characters then hop to another plaent to do the same.
  24. I am just kind of wondering what kind of performance would I get with a E6850 CPU and 2 8800 GTs in SLI.
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