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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I am not saying he should be executed or anything. 5 years in prison, maximum, less for good behavior, and up to $50,000 fine.
  2. Because if I do get some extra money, and the upgrades are to my satisfaction on my PC I might just get a XBox 360, but there has to be more than just one game on that console that I would want to play that isn't already on the PC.
  3. Oh, I can just see that. I log in on a game with you guys then all of a sudden, PK'ed.
  4. If I wanted Bioshock or the Orange Box I can get it on the PC. The only X Box 360 game that is only on the 360 I want to get is ME which more than likely will be carted to PC soon enough anyway just like Jade Empire did. There is just not enough games on the XBox 360 that is only on the XBox 360 that I really want to warrant getting the console. Besides, if I can get my PC to play Crysis on Ultra High then there is no doubt that it will be able to hand Dragon Age.
  5. Well, I can't play Crysis on Ultra High.
  6. I mostly want a PC that I won't have to upgrade for quite a bit.
  7. Well, I hope this will kick in some laws that can punish those who prey on children like this. I think it is just sick that this guy is going about unpunished.
  8. Room yes. Money no. I am just going to keep focusing on my PC. At least til I get a upgraded CPU and 2 8800 GTs in SLI. Maybe by then the XBox 360 games I want to play be carted over to the PC by then.
  9. Well, doing a study of comparitive religions I consider to be a part of sociology and anthropology.
  10. I also found it quite entertaining. Religion belongs in church and education of math and science belong in school. Sounds like common sense stuff but some people can get a little zealous on religion.
  11. I am finding Crysis hard as hell, but fun. I like running people over in jeeps.
  12. A screen play eh? Care to give a synopsis? I'd like to write a novel or script one day. Maybe later. I might just upload the entire thing for people to read when the revision is done.
  13. That is what most parents would do, protect their children. There are protecting your children and there is letting them learn from their own mistakes. In something of this magnitude it would have been best that the daughter own up to her mistake and learn from it than have daddy come rushing in to the rescue.
  14. If anyone could do it, it would be Obsidian!
  15. Well, the game blows regardless of platform.
  16. I'm sorry. Begone, PC whore! What Kor said ^^ Isn't Halo on the PC too?
  17. I actually had the urge to go over my screenplay again and do some revisions on it. Maybe I'll actually finish the storyline this time.
  18. Then he shouldn't be covering up for his daughter.
  19. Witcher's lack of character creation wasn't the reason why I didn't get it. I am kind of... burnt out on CRPGs and I wanted to play something that didn't use the NWN engine. Four games is enough for me.
  20. Yeah, it will be released after Battletoads 7 is out.
  21. A lot of games are like that nowadays. It all depends on how you play them. So far, I am enjoying the game.
  22. I like this one. BOOM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vre1ABXbMoM...feature=related
  23. NVidia always had the better tech, but ATI always seems to have more stable drivers. With the release of the X3870 I am seriously rethinking my desire to get a 8800GT. The only drawback witht he new ATI card is that it is still takes two slots withthe 8800GT takes up one.
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