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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Which music files do you know that can be swapped out without? Also, if you do find out why some work and why others don't please share. I would much appreciate it.
  2. More like Power of the Internutjobs.
  3. It's easy. Not too easy. I was able to change the title track but when it came to changing the music for the dance clubs I keep on crashing the game.
  4. However Science, by its very nature on depending on empirical observation and experimenting can adjust quicker to new ideas of thought and discoveries than religion. I find that the big three, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as dinosaurs in spiritual beliefs and if they do adapt to modern thinking and join the 21st century they will lose their intrinsic nature of being what they tend to teach because the very heart of their scriptures are centuries upon centuries old with very little flexibility and adaptability built in to them. For a prime example is the acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriage. Even some of the more liberal minded Christians would balk at the allowance of gay marriage let alone more conservative factions, however homosexuality is a part of our society and with human sexuality being a phsyiological drive they do not see that a person cannot 100% control who he or she is attracted to. Its that type backward thinking that hampers progress. They same can be said about stem cell research. There is no scientific evidence of a soul. There is no scientific evidence that an embryo is any more self aware than a skin cell or gnat. It is a collection of cells and nothing more, yet we have Christian groups claiming, without any sort of evidence to back this up, that an human embryo has a soul and should be treated the same as any living person. If it wasn't for Christianity and Islam ruining civilization with their constant fighting, both with each other and within, and hampering progress of civilization we just might be a slightly more advanced people than we are now.
  5. Here is some pics of Bloodlines. Going through it with a few mods and a few new skinjobs.
  6. I don't really care to be honest. I believe in fair pay for the time and work being done. If the work entails that one needs to go above 40 hours in a week then the employee deserves to be compensated for that time with extra pay.
  7. It's called a salary. Even those on salary deserve compensation pay if the employee put in extra time beyond 40 hours in a week.
  8. Always willing to show I am oblivious to help out my fellow poster. Um... That didn't come out quite right...
  9. They could have an automated system that could screen out such sillyness. I know Qwest has a voice based system that you can talk to the computer itself and get all your basic needs taken care of and never actually talk to a person.
  10. I hate prank calls. They are never funny.
  11. I don't plan to. Here's an interesting article that addresses this concern: http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html I firmly believe in a fair wage for a fair day's work, and if I work more than 40 hours a week on a given job or project I expect to be compensated for that extra time. I am sure we all would.
  12. EA is a sweatshop grindery. Working 60 to 80 hours a week without overtime/compensation pay? Why would anyone want to work in such conditions? I most certainly would not.
  13. You haven't heard the horror stories of how EA treats its employees?
  14. While it is more prevelent in Islam, there are some Christian sects that are having a hard time living in the 21st century, like the followers of Pat Robertson and Rev. Phelps. Most religions are a throwback to a time in which human beings didn't know why there is thunder or why a person gets sick, and had a fear of death so they invented something called an "afterlife." I am not saying following a spiritual path is a waste of time, just that Islam isn't alone in not coming to terms with the 21st century.
  15. In any case, Bioware is owned by EA now and only an idiot would actualy want to work for EA.
  16. Being led by a warmongering president that acts like an ass doesn't help how other countries view the US either.
  17. Those who die for a lie already died in vain. Those who act on falsehoods for the gain of others have already failed. I don't consider it as abandoning Iraq since we shouldn't be in that country to begin with.
  18. Man, I bet that is a real pain to mow.
  19. We shouldn't have gone into that country in the first place. The whole reason why we invaded was a fabrication, a lie, and as far as I am concerned every soldier that has died over there died because of a lie. Not to bring freedom and peace to a nation, but for a lie from a warmongering president and his Republican party. Because of that lie we have had soldiers die needlessly, Billions of US Dollars wasted, and ultimately very little gains to show our investment into Iraq. Let the Iraqis determine the fate of Iraq. No more and no less.
  20. Phoenyx Wright? http://www.cybermoonstudios.com/PhoenixBoot.html
  21. *looks around his apartment* Neat?
  22. Hmmm... I want to add more music variety to Bloodlines. Anyone here have an idea how I can do that?
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