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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Some people are just masochistic in that regard.
  2. I am thinking of the OT-33 Pernach, from what I heard is mostly used by the MVD (Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs) but I could be mistaken.
  3. I have met Australians. Nice folk overall.
  4. Now a 9mm machine pistol... That type of gun is designed to kill people, but can jam up pretty easily from what I have heard.
  5. BioWare's power is so great that they made Austin part of Canada. OH NOES! I got a cousin who lives in Austin! DAMN YOU, BIOWARE!
  6. Maybe he would have used a falchion if he didn't have a gun. I do agree that we do need, okay not just us Americans, a broader education sstem when it comes to proper gun use and not just the regular joe blow off the street either. Police officers need some added training as well. If you go to some of the news sites there have been a reporting of cops killing people with the slightest provacation. That is just bad form in my opinion. I read earlier today that a kid in New York was shot 20 times by police officers for holding a hair brush in a threatening manner. A FREAKING HAIR BRUSH!
  7. I never update drivers unless I abslutely have to because newer versions of drivers often have more problems than they fix.
  8. I prefer not to lie, Walsh. And yes we should take a hand at the international field, but the homefront needs to be the number one priority. The invasion of Iraq was not needed. Saddam was contained and was no threat to the US. Bush and his administration created this lil' fiasco and he did so by lying. Ultimately, we are there because of a lie and that is what our soldiers are dying for. Bush's lie. You can try to justify it all you want, Walsh, but that is the core of it. Sorry that I seem to be lacking compassion on this issue but that is how I view it and its not going to change.
  9. I rather see Obsidian do their own thing. I am kind of sick of the typical fantasy CRPG. More sci fi or modern day CRPGs would be nice.
  10. Old news. I am looking forward to Battletoads 8, the one that uses UT3's engine.
  11. As someone who has recieved prank calls in the past I can honestly say that I never found them funny.
  12. Even dogs need to learn proper gun use: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7068549.stm
  13. Hey, they brought Iraq up and I just gave my opinion on it. I think you are being foolish, Walsh. Iraq is a waste of lives and a waste of resources, resources that we could put to work right here in the US, especially to help out parts of the US that have gone through some nasty natural disasters such as the California fires, Georgia's drought, and parts of the south hit by Katrina that are still in ruins. The US government should put its own citizens first, help those who are "weak and in pain" here in our own country than be ignored while our warmongering president continues this useless war. We have homelessness, unemployment, natural disasters to recover from, and millions in poverty. We need to put our own house in order before we help anyone. To do otherwise is foolish and irresponsible.
  14. Humans have been looking at more innovative ways to kill each other, and at greater quantities, for centuries. Its in our nature and that is something that isn't going to change any time soon, it is just some of us express that destructive aspect within ourselves more constructively than others (such as letting loose in a FPS than a classroom of one's peers). However, if guns and grenades were not available these people will find some other way to kill.
  15. Agreed. Its not the gun that is the issue, but how the gun is used during the course of the game. If the devs can come up with innovative ways to make a gun more useful than just killing baddies it could provide more interesting gameplay.
  16. Those really annoyed me. I rather take the exam and get it over with than wait for the bomb squad to do a sweep. Anyway, we need to find the reasons for such behaviors, take a good look at the warning signs, then help these individuals before they do something stupid. Parents are definitely key in this and they should take the brunt of responsibility when this sort of thing happens.
  17. Now, now, watch the psuedo-profanity there.
  18. Already have, at least to 3 people, and two of them agreed with me.
  19. You do have a good point there Walsh, a gun is a gun. Of course aliens may have moved on from guns and use psionic empowered crystals... which could be gun shaped if they have similar manipulator digits/hands.
  20. Unimaginative? Name one other FPS that uses Indian powerz!
  21. A gun is just a tool. By itself it cn't harm anyone. People kill people. Guns are just a tool they use. They could have easily use a car, a knife, a heavy blunt object, kitchen chemicals, and so forth and so on.
  22. I never had much luck with third party drivers but sometimes I try them out just out of curiousity. The main question is does your old driver work with the software you have? If yes, why try to fix something when it not broke?
  23. Yes, Walsh, it is the same song and dance, but Guard Dog has the right of it. Only the Iraqis can bring peace to themselves and they have a lot of different cultures in the bag without any sort of nationalism bringing them together, yet it seems the US fails to see that. If sectarian violence is going down, it is going down despite of the US pressence and not because of it. And OT: The reason why I don't put much value on human life, and while deaths of innocents are tragic, is the fact that there are 6 billion of us on this mudball and more are coming every day.
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