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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I could say something how a really feel about holidays such as Easter but today I feel like showing some restraint and not do so.
  2. In my experience with Windows OSes since 3.x I have to say that Vista is the most stable I have come across. Vista is better than 95, 98, ME, and XP.
  3. I just want to go on the record and state that I hate the Chinese government.
  4. 3) Get his wallet and take all his money, then use his cellphone to anonymously call for an ambulance. Leave before it arrives.
  5. You are missing out on some good Sci Fi. In terms of acting, writing, and the overall good fun in sci fi Doctor Who, both the original and the second series, are superior to the Stargate series.
  6. However there are many cultures that share what is known as "universal taboos." These are behaviors that nearly all the various cultures share the same view as being bad or "evil." One such taboo is incest. Now, varying cultures have a degree of separation that varies when it comes to incest but nearly every culture shares that direct sexual intimacy between parent and child or between siblings is wrong. The degree of incest begins to vary when it comes to cousins.
  7. What the developers say and what will be in the finished product may be wildly different.
  8. I am getting sick of the d20 System in general. Its time to move on.
  9. No. That is just proof that God is, indeed, a jerk.
  10. HELLO! Its a spy game with your character being part of the CIA and the CIA, either directly or indirectly tortures people.
  11. Mr. Tigger, I think this thread has gone a bit off topic. May I suggest a lockdown?
  12. Cy, so I contradict myself. So what? My opinion may change tomorrow, the next week, or even the next hour. Don't like it, deal with it.
  13. It is, however, not the longest running science fiction series on television ever.
  14. Well, it seems that we aren't creating a character in AP, but being given the Developers' character instead. We are probably jump right into the "tutorial" with a few skill points to distribute and that is it.
  15. Bioware couldn't do a better job with Mass Effect's story line however that does not mean that I think it is perfect nor does it exclude that I don't think that someone else, particularly the staff of Obsidian, could have done a better job. PS:T is better than Baldur's Gate, KotOR 2 is better than KotOR 1, NWN2 is better than NWN1, and MotB is better than SoU.
  16. It stands to reason that there cannot ever be a perfect game because games are created by imperfect beings. Fallout may have been the number one position of my favored games but it would be a mark of hubris if I believed that it was perfect.
  17. I have always stated and will always state that there is no such thing as a perfect game.
  18. Gee, I think someone needs some help in reading comprehension. If you took all that I said and use a tad bit of logic the bottomline is that Bioware couldn't have made Mass Effect any better, BUT I believe the game could have been better if Obsidian was at its helm. The Nickster figured it out, why can't any of you?
  19. Knowing the skill of Bioware, the story in Mass Effect couldn't have been better. They are Bioware, not Obsidian.
  20. Here is the readme file for the patch. MoW has been done for a while I hear. They were just waiting for the new patch to be released. I say no later than next week we will have Westgate. patch_notes_v112.rtf
  21. It is finally here! Patch 1.12! Downloading as I type. WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *does the jiggly dance in slo mo*
  22. No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  23. What kinds of things. Be specific.
  24. Yes, I did. Spider asked if I consider "just the story" of Mass Effect better than PS:T, and I stated that if these games were novels PS:T would be the better novel. I simply pointed out that these are not novels but games and should be judged at such.
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