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Everything posted by Sand

  1. That is great news for the kid. It just shows how freaking backwards and how much Iran's theocracy is completely f**ked up. There is no defense for that, Yuusha.
  2. Stupid cops around the world! This one is from Wlash's (if memory serves) part of the world: http://www.gamepolitics.com/2008/05/26/swa...t-crazed-gunman
  3. My main beef with Iran, and Islam in many many parts of the world, is how they treat women. Women aren't treated fairly nor equally. Till all Islamic governments treat all women as equals to men then I will have nothing to do with them or their religion. While the US is backwards in some areas of civil rights, most Islamic countries are downright stuck in the dark ages.
  4. I already have the XBox 360 version and I hate the copy protection so I am not going to buy the PC version. REALLY!
  5. Dear gods, no. We don't need an incompetent version of Serpentor running our country.
  6. I agree with you, not Sand. he'd like to see tough sentencing for people who yawn without putting their hand in front of their mouths. Don't exaggerate, Walsh. I just believe in right and harsh punishment for those who break the law.
  7. Wow. More people agree with me than I thought there would be.
  8. Unfortunately. The really need to ditch the Parole System.
  9. Yeah, I play ME still, but I mostly play GTA4. I think it would be cool to merge the two games. Grand Theft Auto: The Citidel! Instead of Niko, the main could be Wrex. On a more serious side, I just needed to take a break from it. There are two missions that are royally kicking me arse. Snow Storm and No. 1. Grrrr...
  10. Its better than being a twisted husk due to humidity.
  11. At some point I need to actually play that game. I got it in my collection but GTA4 is just occupying too much of my time.
  12. Exactly, Lady Crimson. If 1st degree robbery had a mandatory sentence of 5 years, and you did this crime on 5 different victims you should be punished for each of those times, for a total of 25 years. Each count needs to be added to the sentence if one is convicted on each count, and each sentence served consequently, not concurrently.
  13. You don't need to.
  14. And he deserves to get egged over that?
  15. He did this multiple times, Volourn. He was making a career out of robbing people at gunpoint and using his authority as a form of protection for himself and to intimidate others. Mind you I would love to see tougher sentincing on murderers but I feel that his sentence was just right due to what his job was and how he committed these crimes.
  17. Eh, close enough. I quite gaming on Nitendo and Sony systems. Yeah... That's it.
  18. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24725536/ Basically its a cop who stole from people, abusing his authority to conduct "police" raids on homes then, with his partners, robbing them. He got 102 years prison time, 82 of it was mandatory because of 4 firearm convictions due to laws passed in Congress. Now does this crime warrant such a hefty sentence?
  19. Probably, but if I was I would make french toast.
  20. Hey, I am not pissed off. I'm a console gamer now.
  21. Sand begins to sing... I hate you! You hate me! We are a dysfunctional family! With chainsaws and hollow point bullets, lets go on murder spree!
  22. No doubt. They don't even make good cars.
  23. Who's Steve Balmer and why is a student throwing eggs at him? Does he deserve to get egged?
  24. I would sell his soul too.
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