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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Don't much care for the sentiment but nice curves on the left.
  2. A bigger expense than any half-assed sanctions would be absorbing East Ukraine and it's 14 000 000 people. Trust me the people in Moscow who bother to count are far more afraid of this than of Obama.
  3. Shame... I don't want to buy a controller just for one game nor play a skill based game like that with a highly inferior (in my hands) control device. I don't think I've played with a controller since Playstation 1.
  4. For anyone playing Dark Souls 2 on PC, do you still need a controller?
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgDMsyBW8Tw Crazy hot...
  6. Well I can agree about the quality of Bioware romances. The influence bar mini game like in DAO is dumb and makes everything feel mechanical rather than any sort of meaningful. Also I know they want to have multiple options and options for all genders and all sexualities. But less is more (and not only for romances). A camp/spaceship/whatever in a Bioware game feels like a harem. Because all options have to be accommodated means nearly none can have real depth. The relationships are a side destruction that are disconnected from the world around them when they should be organically interwoven with the rest of the narrative.
  7. I know the kids in those romance threads discussing these games like they are a harem anime piss a lot of 'hardcore' gamers off. But sometimes the opponents of it come off like. "Ewww, girls!". If you are going to have character driven stories and relationships it would be weird for romance not to be present at all.
  8. Someone likes Game of Thrones a lot.
  9. Means a more convoluted relationship management minigame. The more "complex" Bioware made them the worse they became.
  10. Oh so you want Russians to die or to be discriminated against first? Because a party with openly recorded Nazi ideology taking security posts is no cause for concern at all? Ethnic Russians should just sit quietly and shut-up when racist russophobes are in charge of defense posts? No potential problem from this at such a devise and volatile time? Whatever. I have nothing more to say to you. For the record I never said I approved of any invasion.
  11. It's nice that those things are a bigger priority to you and western world than ethnic Russian people and what it means for them when Nazis hold defense posts that would among other things potentially make them at this very moment participants in, for example, dealing with security control of parts of the country populated by people they don't like. Yes this is our "selfish interests" not to have Nazis participate in that.
  12. They have real influential sits in the government right now and they hate Russians. There is no government of national unity representing all sides. But keep telling yourselves these people have no influence when they hold such important posts and are literally Nazis. You think I want to take over Ukraine? I actually don't support it at all. But Ukrainians have to deal with this ****. Right... Exactly. The same exact parliament changing tune completely after the physical power in the streets changed hands and they are guarded not by trained police but by guys with clubs from Svoboda parties. People bring guns and hammers into official meetings, Svoboda party members force people to resign by beating them up. Nothing suspicious here at all. No duress and threat of lynch justice at all by those same fascists who do these things with impunity.
  13. Just in case then. If anyone still had any illusions.
  14. Here is something juice for you from people who are not the oh so terrible Russian propaganda: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/03/18/yes_there_are_bad_guys_in_the_ukrainian_government Still think eastern Ukraine has nothing to be upset about? No Nazis in Kiev?
  15. Piece of history. Khrushchev giving Crimea to Ukraine way back when:
  16. Oby you are just strange...
  17. Hm? I'm not sure I understand.
  18. I would prefer a character with predetermined backstory and personality integrated into the world and events with depth to a fully customizable "me" in most rpgs.
  19. Right Sector thugs beating and robbing people with impunity as police sits quietly by the side. Will Obama object? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afrXa-qsLfo
  20. "make romance integral. romance that is actual part o' the main plot" To do this well there should be just one main love story plot for the entire game. At most two, to account for both genders. Bioware of today won't do this.
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