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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. As a non-American I have no idea what any of those finger signs are. I just think she is hot.
  2. I bet it's got an endless stream of standardized quests and tasks like most open world games. "Do 50 of these standardized fetch quests in out template designed dungeons with maybe randomly generated placement, clear 50 of these enemy camps that are all kinda the same mission, climb a 100 of these towers, and collect all the endless pieces of this one object that we just randomly tossed around the place." If it actually has variety and 200 hours worth of unique lengthy quests and activities I will be impressed.
  3. Post from the future?
  4. I don't really know or care who "Kid Rock" is.
  5. I can't bring myself to be exited for this. Everything feels so... standard and vanilla. The characters are not intriguing, the story hook is generic, the aesthetic is generic fantasy. The game has no charisma.
  6. Microsoft confirms Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox exclusivity deal "has a duration".http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-13-microsoft-confirms-rise-of-the-tomb-raider-xbox-exclusivity-deal-has-a-duration They lasted 24 hours. Why were they being shady again, to be shat on by the fans?
  7. They should.
  8. Sweet. Not. Maybe in the game there'll be a secret alcove where Lara will raid a tomb with buried Xbox One consoles. At least the devs are getting Paid with a capital P then.
  9. RIP. I admit I scoff inside at these famous people who got all the resource us mortals don't to have a great carefree life and get all the help and time they need yet end up so. Still a shame.
  10. Sweet. Not.
  11. That's silly. As if an actual equal fight would happen in a modern war. American infantrymen would call air strikes and artillery strikes and use all the equipment their enemy doesn't have the first chance they get. Same as any infantry. Lets face it. Give any infantry same equipment, same numbers, same meagre provisions and same living conditions as say the Taliban and send them into Afghanistan. I think the bravado about how great and tough they are will end very very quickly.
  12. It does kinda look like a skinny Jennifer Lawrence but I don't know...
  13. Warrior is a great movie.
  14. Oh so it's a meaningless and insignificant amount of arms and support then? Just for giggles? I'm sure the US support of the rebels has been calculated to have an effect. Nothing is nothing. Support political and material from behind the curtains by the worlds richest country isn't something you can just dismiss as not getting involved.
  15. Except that you did not leave Syria alone. If you had maybe we could see what would happen. And it's not up to me or you to decide if they are better off.
  16. Left a governement that almost immidiately failed without direct US role. That is not my definition of a functional government. ISIS was created because of the space created by fuelling a war which breeds lawlessness. US behind the scenes intervention has been fuelling and direct military intervention would have done little to prevent radicals from thriving. This is what really happened in Lybia: Three years after Gaddafi, Libya is imploding into chaos and violence World View: Its government has no real power; militias are ever more entrenched, and now the state itself is under threat http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/three-years-after-gaddafi-libya-is-imploding-into-chaos-and-violence-9194697.html
  17. Oh wow. US naively made a predictable mess -- just like the years of blood and destruction during Iraq occupation or the Taliban post USSR occupation -- by sponsoring these freedom fighters. But sure blame everything on Russia and China.
  18. Humanity is disgrace to humanity for collectively propelling tons of utterly worthless crap to the top all the time. Also this.
  19. Anything that has any kind of free look or aiming I don't want to play with a controller. A first person game like Mirror's Edge I can't even imagine playing on a controller. Mouse is almost as natural to me at this point as turning my own head. I can look anywhere and change direction instantly with a flick of my wrist, I enjoy the precision and the mastery it gives me. Analogue sticks have some annoying limitations. I really dream when someone finally gets one of those alternative control schemes (like motion) finally figured out.
  20. I'd be fine with a console if it had full mouse support. I just can't with a controller, it's like playing handicapped.
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