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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. I agree that the love for that Milo guy that some people display is stupid but he is useful. Just always look for things that are undeniable facts in any journalism and Milo is the only journalist asking questions for "our" side. Christina Sommers might be uninformed about gaming but she was willing to go through some actual truthful statistics instead of the sensationalism those who are supposedly informed better like to use.
  2. Ok I kind of get it why they delete forum threads to try and, as they see it, protect Zoe's personal sex life. But apparently they are deleting threads about their email list even though they say it's not a big deal.
  3. I bet all her hate mail is from other "proper" feminists and thus will never be made into a major issue. Feminism's **** does not smell.
  4. I don't see a difference between her and Phil Fish or Jack Thompson. Gendered insults you say? Well, duh, it's the weak spot. PS. People that do this are probably less than 0.5%. And anyone who generalizes "gamer culture" by that can **** off.
  5. This is relevant here. Let men be men. We have our bikini babes, women have their romance literature.
  6. I suppose someone will think it mean. But oh dear...
  7. Assume attack formation!
  8. The video is actually from 2013 but fits nicely.
  9. The game better run properly this time.
  10. And it's true. Even Rhianna Pratchett gets crap from feminists for Lara Croft. "She's still too sexy, she's not strong enough, she has a male mentor figure, her death scenes are too violent, OMG "rape" scene, etc." I can only imagine if Rhianna Pratchett was a man.
  11. The treatment of TFYC is where the real corruption really shows up imo. Games' media are not giving them any coverage because their persecuted posterchild and her buddies have a personal beef with TFYC. There is a clique of specific type of social justice advocates in and outside of these websites who decide what is acceptable to receive coverage and what is not regardless of where the real interest of their readers lie. It may be. One is a gaming website and the other is a free for all forum where you can engage in all manner of gossip. No matter what some overall statistic looks like gaming enthusiasts still tend to be mostly male.
  12. This is where you would be called transphobic. Gender only exists inside your mind. Did you not get the memo?
  13. She also allegedly deleted the reference to iFred from her page.
  14. What do you want to bet barely anyone will report on this but if TFYC failed everyone would report on it.
  15. Well he is right about fact checking at least. There is a lot of shoddy reporting going around.
  16. ^ I have seen this happening a bunch of times. Also all this use of "white heterosexual male" all the time by SJWs as a legitimate argument is spectacular arrogance and hypocrisy. This by the way is how you know an SJW from just a normal social issues advocate.
  17. *fart noise*
  18. I think it mocks the way certain feminists diminish those words themselves and their hyperbolic reactions to things. Misogynist practically doesn't mean anything anymore. And there have been plenty of attempts to redefine rape. A convenient example given this mess would be how Zoe Quinn thinks cheating is rape. Or how some people will say if a woman drank alcohol regardless how much and regardless of the way she acts you would still be a rapist if she regrets it in the morning -- and naturally to all feminist beliefs the same does not work for men.
  19. From TFYC interview: "Kotaku's Jason Schreier contacted us after our Indiegogo page got hacked on August 25, about these issues. At the time, we assumed Zoe had simply not understood the terms of our website and asked to do an article on that facts of the issues explaining Zoe was confused and did not understand them. We wanted to set the record straight on what happened. That article was never published." Balanced reporting there Kotaku.
  20. So it's sounding more and more like there is a select clique of people with major influence over any gender discussion or project. And they have enough influence to just deny people coverage in the games' media or to brand them bigots if they don't like something. Because equality and diversity are so important to them I guess (sarcasm if you can't tell). This is one reason people hate these SJWs, because they always behave like this. Same with Fine Young Capitalists, same with just an average gamer. Pretending to have a discussion while censoring people they don't like (closing threads they don't like, deleting posts, blocking, etc.) or dismissing them as haters.
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