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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Basically sounds like USSR. I remember hilariously they tried to ban Karate because it was "deadly". Meanwhile they allow the (in my opinion) far more street practical things like boxing and wrestling. As a result people were learning Karate in basements based of smuggled books with much enthusiasm as a "forbidden deadly art" that would make them all awesome ninjas. It is a thing that happened.
  2. This has got to be some kind of joke... If not that is just spectacular. If the gaming press were not a bunch of full of themselves hypocrites THIS would be front news.
  3. This is like the discussions about Satan worshipping music no one has any more. It'll pass and sit in its corner quietly unless poophead politicians actually succeed in their book burning campaigns this time around.
  4. Hmm... coincidence or conspiracy? It's another video that say GG is tainted because it's most prominent actions were the harassments. But it is the same media who take a tiny minority of people engaged in actual harassment and smears it on everyone who happens to post under the same hashtag (and as it happens many threats don't even use the hashtag). It is an image deliberately created through empirical inaccuracy and intellectual dishonesty.
  5. It sounds like a marketing tactic. 'Lets create the most "extreme" game ever made'. I guess the attraction would be to get a kick out of pretend-burn the world.
  6. Yeah that's another inaccurate video about the state and nature of GG
  7. I wonder if they'll let it on Steam. etc.
  8. But in all fairness, you're only killing them so you can put more clothes on them, like Jesus intended. Oh and Jezebel is willing to pay for masturbation material. Picture of journalist who either favourited and retweeted these bullying tweets: http://imgur.com/2o6lNXc This with what Orogun1 posted is damn depressing. These guys are openly encouraging bullying and the Guardian wont even talk with pro-GG crowd and labels them as idiots. I think I'm going to take a few day break from this. I thought when this started to hit mainstream media I would get to see more balanced articles, you know, reporters talking to the both sides, but no. No, no no. Lazy reporting what others have reported or even denouncing pro-GG crowd, like the Guardian. And why in the hell everyone keeps talking about Zoe? She is as important to GamerGate as Gavrilo Princip was to World War I. LOL. The irony of professionals acting like the worst 1% of GG is just precious.
  9. Well at least massive amounts of exposure are guaranteed for that game.
  10. The irony in that twitter handle.
  11. Lets go one further and provide a signed statement containing all the bad things in the world we stand against any time we speak up about anything? How about I just speak about what I want to speak about and if some other person says a thing you don't like about a subject I'm not speaking about you go to them and not to me.
  12. "Tainted with sexism" is just a convenient excuse.
  13. He didn't check his privilege this morning?
  14. Such lack of self awareness.
  15. That's pretty funny.
  16. What's the point of the average torture porn slasher pic? The story? To see the hero prevail? Please. People just like violence for whatever reason.
  17. I heard about that video on co-optional podcast.
  18. It may just get us censored in this climate. Even though it's not very different from a slasher movie where it's really all about how inventive the kills are.
  19. I'm not going to point a finger at anyone specific because you can't know. But I have no doubt at least some out there do not feel threatened at all and are milking this for their own benefit. It is obviously too effective to not be exploited by someone in this way.
  20. I admit this is exactly how me and a bunch of buddies played GTA. Just seeing how much havoc you can wreck.
  21. Good read for those who think video game culture is somehow special or different when it comes to certain kinds of behaviour.
  22. Well off to fight ISIS then cause this means they like represent you and stuff.
  23. I'm not sure why you think what you said merited a different response.
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