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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. I can't decide if Wu is just unhinged or cleverly advancing her career.
  2. Dreamfall Chapters. Good so far. And I'm satisfied with the amount of content for one episode of an episodic game. Granted they will probably be reusing Europolis quiet a bit in future episodes. Also for a Kickstarter game it is quiet an improvement visually over its predecessor, crowd-funding delivers a true sequel.
  3. Translation: "Bullying is ok when we do it."
  4. You can get free X-Com: Enemy Unknown if you vote in CVG survey (requires to register at CVG & Green Man Gaming). http://www.computerandvideogames.com/479038/blog/golden-joysticks-free-xcom-promotion-still-available/
  5. Illustrates SJW-ism perfectly - You can't count. - You're attacking women. /logic
  6. At this point everyone is going to play Hatred so they can argue about its "finer" points.
  7. So in a world where every threat is treated completely seriously how long will it take for people to be getting jailed over trash talking? How long will it take for a-holes to start exploiting that to ruin other people? The worst thing that could happen is to let typical SJWs to write these laws. Because with their hypersensitive interpretation of things a police state is exactly what would happen. It will be like those University sexual harassment policies that are going around in the western world where presumption of guilt is what seems to rule the day.
  8. The battle against objectification and misogyny continues today on the wide green fields of hypocrisy.
  9. Good movie.
  10. Oh. Human Centipede, I forgot it exists...
  11. Well game journos have beat us on the hypocrisy scale by a landslide this time.
  12. Transformers is kind of an extreme example because it is extra terrible but even so it is at a 6.1 Metacritic and not a generous 3 with 26 positive reviews 7 mediocre and 2 bad ones. And ironically enough the same gamer culture that you condemn has not only raged at negative reviews but also complained for years at the scale being basically a 7.5-10. "10/10 IGN" is a joke for a reason.
  13. I don't think you understand the point. Cry all you like (and personally I think Transformers is a terrible movie) this IS mass mainstream culture. It's popular that's the point. This is what they put big juicy dollars into. So lets not lecture gaming using this "wider culture" thing.
  14. Why did no one copy this sophisticated culture for Oculus Rift yet?
  15. With dat well rounded culture dem manboons are doomed I tell you.
  16. "Wider culture" y'all. Show us that asset...
  17. Lets celebrate the progressive "wider culture" shall we?
  18. There is no realistic solution to dealing with anonymous internet threats other than to simply ignore the vast majority of them as not being credible.
  19. He'll just want to smash nerds in real life.
  20. If we are just entirely honest with ourselves, people like violence. We dress it up with all sorts of contexts, some elaborate and beautiful to make it righteous violence, but lets be real we then savor the acts themselves. It's always been part of fiction. Some primal instinct in us that probably attributes success in violent domination with success at survival is positively stroked by the experience.
  21. That's the one. Honestly sounds like something that would happen in my home country than in US.
  22. I really like the shooting mechanics of all F.E.A.R games. PS. I wonder what reputation F.E.A.R 2 these would have these days if the genders were flipped in that ending.
  23. I remember some kid being jailed and put through hell because he wrote about shooting up a school and clearly labelled it as a joke. So no surprise they would try going after the Sarkeesian threat. Problem is it could be some kid tweeting from a cafe in Asia.
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