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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. freethoughtblogs.com. Isn't it that Atheism+ place?
  2. You're crazy trying to justify this and this attitude is exactly what's wrong with modern feminism. Women now get preferential treatment in many areas of life and we all have to fall in line and pretend it's ok.
  3. This deserves it's own image. The irony.
  4. And the crazy keeps on coming.
  5. My god DQ won actual awards? How does this even happen? For all the talk of Fez's alleged corruption it was a good game, DQ should not even be on anyone's radar.
  6. Is it me or is anti-GG winning the crazy Olympics?
  7. Which one has more f***ed up hair?
  8. "Oh no you didn't! The throne is mine!!!"
  9. Demonstrates their mentality perfectly. "You asked to interview me. You're pressuring me." Should have just skipped a beat and claim harassment and oppression.
  10. So this happened apparently. Any media showing interest? Of course not. http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2ksmw3/gamergate_members_track_major_anita_threatener/
  11. Jennie Bharaj. Since she's been mentioned in Gamergate thread.
  12. Did this redditer also post to kotakuinaction or how did you find that post...? Someone linked it on #Gamergate.
  13. Well looking at the profile at least it's a poster with thousands of comments and has been on reddit for 10 months. I suppose there is some credibility in that.
  14. Here is the original discussion: http://www.reddit.com/r/TransSupport/comments/2ks7k2/who_should_i_take_this_up_with_im_literally/
  15. This has to be a joke...
  16. No surprise there. It's only women who get attacked. Only feminists ever get a voice. But everything is patriarchy, logical yeah...
  17. Fair enough. The fact he came out to talk is a big plus already.
  18. Kotaku's breaches of ethics warrant more than just adding in disclosure all quiet like. In the current environment their way of handling it is disrespectful.
  19. She is an advocate for gender equality between men and women as she sees it. According to their favourite definition of the word this makes her a feminist. Or have they conveniently forgotten their favourite dictionary definition?
  20. Actual sites.
  21. "How to end GamerGate" http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/10/how_to_end_gamergate_a_divide_and_conquer_plan.html WHAT DIDN’T WORK Ending Gamergate will not happen by moral grandstanding. Let’s quickly go over tactics that have been tried so far to stop Gamergate, none of which have worked: Hyperbolic comparisons of Gamergate to ISIS, the KKK, fascists, terrorists, Ebola, child pornography, etc., etc. Endless ridicule and antagonism of Gamergaters on Twitter. Convenient erasure of Gamergate’s many female, LGBTQ, and minority members, however wrong they may be. Telling Intel and others they are misogynist cowards when they pull advertising. Hauling out celebrities to condemn Gamergate and telling them their heroes hate them. Threatening to blacklist Gamergate members from the gaming industry. Wishful-thinking pieces like “So Long, Gamergate.” Fire-and-brimstone sermons like “Stop supporting Gamergate.” Shutting all gamers (not just Gamergate members) out of media discourse. The old “video games cause violence” canard, unproven as ever. Defective quantitative analysis. Defective social science. Obtuse social theorizing.
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