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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Those "gamer identity" articles are way too similar in terminology and attitude to be just accidentally very similar. Seems there was at the very least a loose collaboration to drive an agenda.
  2. I would not have much problem if someone else was using "gamer" in a specific context and the text was clear on who it was referring too. But these are the same people who throw a massive tantrum when anyone uses the words "girl gamer" to refer to a specific type of female gamer and not just all women who game. They are hypocrites and they need to practice what they preach.
  3. There are legitimetly good things that can come out of this mess. This from The Escapist for example: Maybe next time they won't just take one of these perpetually "victimized" snowflakes at their word by default.
  4. Looking forward to the movie.
  5. They put into spotlight what they want to put into spotlight and control the narrative. Jack Thompson was no different to Sarkissian, expect she doesn't call for government regulation yet. He received threats, he had games made of him where you could beat him up, he was viscously ridiculed. Was it ever about the abuse though in the gaming media? No. Was anyone told we are siding with abusers? No. Were we told there can't be a discussion while abuse exists? No.
  6. What a convenient argument. "Hey that protester broke a window. You are all siding with violent scum. So sit down and be quiet." If "That's ok too!" Then stop collectively raging and name calling every time someone draws a sorceress with big breasts or impales a female on a spike.
  7. I don't know if I believe in any actual foul play. But it is definitely not a clean system when the chair of the awards committee is an investor in one of the participants. No way around this being a conflict of interest if it's true and it should never be organized this way.
  8. http://www.lordkat.com/igf-and-indiecade-racketeering.html There isn't actual evidence available there. Just a claim that judges in indie contests had financial ties to Polytron, contests which Fez won.
  9. A game journalist that doesn't just pedal the SJW line and bothers to ask both sides? Must be the end of days. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/137293-Exclusive-Zoe-Quinn-Posts-Chat-Logs-Debunking-GamerGate-4Chan-and-Quinn-Respond
  10. I support common sense.
  11. I agree. My post is about the double standards. No doubt there was harassment. But I would bet only >1% engage in that, gaming media however is perfectly happy to make everything about them.
  12. I bet if Zoe was man who cheated on his girlfriend with five people. Not only would we hear the details but he would be an abusive bastard, a misogynist, and no doubt a rapist (using Zoe's very own views on consent).
  13. Unfortunately the press makes the narrative and now the whole issue is going to be entirely "a campaign of misogyny". Feminists have a monopoly on the entire public discourse outside of forums.
  14. So I've read nearly entire thing. Come on, this is the big reveal conspiracy to organize mass harassment campaign? This is hilarious how they jump on it after dismissing everything else as "conspiracy theory". There is one bad conversation that talks about hacking her email. But at least in the provided screenshot it is not show to be leading anywhere. The rest is typical 4chan nonsense.
  15. Nah. Photoshop would backfire bad. She can't be that stupid. https://storify.com/strictmachine/gameovergate?utm_campaign=website&utm_source=email&utm_medium=email
  16. I can't be bothered to read through entire 4chan logs. So what's the deal exactly?
  17. And it's thoroughly ignored. The SJW journos would rather talk about the handful of retards all day long whom they can use to push their bull**** agenda.
  18. The thousands of mysogynerds storming every female's twitter feed obviously. Even though I've tried looking for them in the twitter feed of that woman who quit because of harassment and I could not find them among the legion of people who tweet in her support. But it still sucks that someone done it. I will give her the benefit and not call her a liar.
  19. "The Patriarchy must control it's loyal hordes!"
  20. Umm.. Yes, exactly.
  21. The unfiltered hordes of the internet are not a hive mind united behind one set of morals and ideals. Mind blown. News at 11.
  22. That video is great. Not just because of this one specific case but the larger context of the logic these people use and the over-sensitive sex-negative direction they want media to take.
  23. Maddox truthtelling:
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