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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. It's coming sooner than everyone thinks, just wait and see...
  2. Dragon Quest XI is coming this September and it's by far the best rpg of the year (the Japanese version has been out for a bit which allows me to make such a claim). It will be on Steam, PS4 and 3DS. The best on the best!
  3. You feel this because it's true. The development of the game, compared to the first, was hell. Unfocused and a bit tragic. This is what happens when a game is too ambitious for it's own good. Some devs are talented enough to pull it off, Obsidian still needs time to grow and learn from their mistakes (regardless of people who may say "but Obsidian is made of vets from the 90's", which is irrelevant considering the downfalls of Deadfire).
  4. I think it will be a one and done kinda game, I don't think you can make any kind of "choices" and I doubt there will be multiple endings (maybe I'll be proven wrong). With everything I've read, it's going to be like Arkham Knight though, in the sense of tons of content, probably could get 50-75 hours easy out of it with all the side quests and crime waves. Additional info: Mary Jane and Miles Morales are playable. Black Cat will be playable through dlc. There is a role playing bit in the sense of leveling up and the cool thing is that you have different suits you can level up individually, buy moves, equipment, etc. High tech Spidey
  5. I too, hate when people try to excuse or justify the poor ship combat/mechanics with the lie of "Ships were intended as a stronghold, not for combat" especially when Obsidian stated different so many times. I hope so as well, as underwhelming as it is, Obsidian should place ship combat and mechanics of ship in general as high a priority as balancing the game. Such a huge piece of marketing for reaching consumers, should also reflect in the efforts of the actual game. Just saying.
  6. Ehhh... it's a bit more sinister than that, sadly. "Want interesting ship mechanics/combat? Buy the upcoming dlc!!!" Tbh, not sure how balancing and story got so messed up but I'm kinda glad they didn't cater specifically to fans/backers when developing this game. Gotta make new fams somehow I guess, even if that means pushing the more difficult stuff to the dlc expansions. Perhaps that's the reason why so many are unsatisfied with Deadfire. Obsidian kinda hyped the crap out of it but the fact that it ended up being treated as a one-way street mini-game rather than a gameplay feature with actual depth and meaning makes it not the experience we hoped for. I mean of course it's tolerable but you know what I mean It's basically just that and nothing more. Considering that the ship was Obsidian's main marketing tool (as seen in the covers and pictures) nobody can argue that it should be much grander feature in the game unless of course we want to give customers the wrong idea and raise sales but maybe they just ran out of time and said "We'll wait for dlc" teehee.
  7. I would have loved if Obsidian took notes from FailBetter Games... (Sunless Sea) instead of trying to be innovative with it. Sunless Sea is still the perfect example of an Rpg first game with real time sailing/ship combat as a secondary feature, and it does it so well that some people (who have never played it before) would think that it's a sailing game first and an Rpg second.
  8. While what you say is very true, I can see why Obsidian did such a thing, they wanted the game to appeal to more people. It was either ninjas or pirates and pirates was the easy way to go since ninjas have a far more complex lore to them (and it would be unfair to inject full on ninjas into the pillars world anyway) Unfortunately, it's easy to see by now (for anyone) that they bit off a bit more than they could chew and when you try to put too much into something, it can backfire. I will admit though, that Deadfire cover used in marketing, wss brilliant and beautiful. I think as far as sales go, it will help the game surpass the first just because it has a pirate ship in the cover. Pirate games are a thing now so it was an "easy" option. So there's that at least
  9. Well some people love awful combat with even more awful balance, it can make things somehow more "difficult", yes? Yes. So let's not knock that. At least Obsidian said they are working on tweaking this for us, too. That way more people will enjoy it not being a chore. That's the point isn't it? For the game to be as fun as possible for everyone, not just the fans/backers. At least, as a backer, I want the gameto be fun for everyone and I know Obsidian feels the same, thank God.
  10. It's not just you, I've both keeping up with this forum as well as others, I've seen this being said by a few people somewhere else so at least rest knowing you're not alone.
  11. You don't have to apologize. If we're going to be honest and transparent forum members here, we already knee that Deadfire wouldn't be for everyone, an what's more some of the backers aren't even happy with it. This was to be expected since the game was much different than the first. p.s I hope this thread doesn't turn into an attack-the-OP-fest because the OP made some good points and his opinion doesn't support the game. Too many threads have been deleted for members here not being able to handle it.
  12. I have to give credit to Sony, they've really been spitting out the best games, high quality story writing,graphics and gameplay. I'm so excited for Spiderman and know that it's not one least bit overrated. How do I know this? Simply looking at who's at the helm (Insomniac, makers of Sunset OD and Ratchet & Clank). It's going to be amazing, spectacular, ultimate!
  13. You should try Steam forums https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/1696046342875575033/ ^The link I posted is the thread the developer made and pinned himself. They are probably more active there since there's much less clutter on Steam forums I reckon. Additionally, alot more players there so you may have a better chance at finding a fix there whether from dev or other players.
  14. I don't think there is a fix but you're definitely not the only one experiencing this, seems to be a common bug - best bet would be to check out the Steam forums,they seem to be a bit more hellbent on exposing these types of bugs.
  15. September is gonna be great, no, GREAT for us gamers... Geez, look at everything coming out in that month. Soul Calibur 6, Spiderman, Dragon Quest XI, Shemmue, etc. The best of the best! I'm excited but also... E3 is right around the corner!$$$ (June 10th) We should never take E3 for granted, it's always good for the industry and wants to kill loot boxez.
  16. Yup, seeing how I loved Rage from Id and Mad Max game from Avalanche, this is a 100 for me That was basically my exact thought with Avalanche's Mad Max game. Two different types but Fallout has more or less lost it's identity since after Fallout 2, Mad Max and Rage are very focused. It's as different from the first game as Deadfire is from the first Pillars, the tone is completely different but it's a welcome change To me, the first thing I thought was Watch Dogs 2 marketing, this instinct was because of the neo-pastel colors - pinks, lots of pinks, hipster vibe, spraypaint style. My guess is Rage 2 will release sooner than everyone thinks. The official box art has been revealed and the pre-order is already up on the main site. My gut says a bit after E3 just like Bethesda did with The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein 2.
  17. You're entitlement to say I'm entitled to say something that we all know is true, is at the very least unsettling and a perfect example of what I mean about a community who has a deluded and white knight mindset.I'll spell it out to you in simpler way, when you buy a game like say: Horizon: Zero Dawn or The Witcher 3, you have two versions... The "Standard Edition" and the "Complete Edition" so please stop babbling in your ignorance. The "Complete" editions include that "optional" dlc. Any game dev, including Obsidian will tell you if you want the complete/full experience, to buy the dlc as well. So stop complaining about complainers who aren't really complaining but saying something you don't like or can't understand. What you really mean to say is "You have a choice to see a game as complete even though it's not, because the game has a proper ending or legnth" Alas, I think I've proven my point. So what you say is that Deadfire shouldn’t be completed? 1) Self contained, full of content game isn’t a complete game, because more content is to be had. 2) DLC make the game complete. Because that’s on the label. Just like GOTY edition. Everyone knows “Game of the Year” in an accurate and true label. 3) but Obsidian shouldnt release DLCs. Because...? Sometimes the amount of stupid is overwhelming. Well, never once did I complain about the game having 3 dlc's, in fact my pledge was $65 (meaning $45 for the base game and $20 for the dlc) so if anything I already accepted and supported the fact that the dlc's were planned, this is not new knowledge for me. So that alone kills the argument of trying to make me look like some kind of dlc hater. My preference, was somehow turned into a complaint by members but I think that is because some members viewed it as an attack to Obsidian's dlc ideals. I simply said I prefer pointless cosmetic dlc's over story dlc's. In Deadfire's unique situation, I think we could all agree that since PoE1 main quest was longer, Deadfire could use all the help it can get. People's point of "Deadfire had dlc planned way ahead of the game so the game isn't incomplete" is actually a bit contradictive since intelligent people will catch this and say "Hey! If this was planned way ahead of the game being released...." so maybe we know why Deadfire was a shorter game after all. Maybe they planned for the dlc to adjust and make up for that missing legnth. Pillars had 2 dlc, Deadfire has 3. I reckon this al makes sense. My second point which somehow got twisted was when I recommended a person to wait until a sale wasn't a negative thing either. Judging by the game's current state, it's just a wise thing to do. Most games I buy I wait til they are on sale anyway. But I agree, yes, the sheer amount of stupidity and ignorance on the forums is indeed overwhelming.
  18. No, it's not. That's just a myth that older members here go-to every time they hear someone call out Obsidian for their rough releases. To generalize modern games as buggy, whether we're talking rpg's with alot of freedom or of all genres, would be a flat out lie. I've played alot of games on Steam and consoles for the last few years and barely any of them had bugs. Obsidian has a reputation much like Bethesda, on that the games - even when delayed still turn out to be a bugfesta.
  19. You're entitlement to say I'm entitled to say something that we all know is true, is at the very least unsettling and a perfect example of what I mean about a community who has a deluded and white knight mindset. I'll spell it out to you in simpler way, when you buy a game like say: Horizon: Zero Dawn or The Witcher 3, you have two versions... The "Standard Edition" and the "Complete Edition" so please stop babbling in your ignorance. The "Complete" editions include that "optional" dlc. Any game dev, including Obsidian will tell you if you want the complete/full experience, to buy the dlc as well. So stop complaining about complainers who aren't really complaining but saying something you don't like or can't understand. What you really mean to say is "You have a choice to see a game as complete even though it's not, because the game has a proper ending or legnth" Alas, I think I've proven my point.
  20. Entitlement isn't the word, but if you want to be technical, every backer has some false sense of entitlement. It's just a matter of where they put that entitlement which makes some fans look worse than others - especially in such an argument where forum members white knight the game (one has to wonder if they have a shrine and light candles praying to their Deadfire gods). The reason I'm a bit more realistic with such topics is because not only did I back Deadfire but realizing that's it's not the only game in the world. People like me just want the game to be in the best state possible, for all players - not just the backers. And that goes for value as well as the state of the game. Yes, we know... They made a Road To Eternity video, what does that have to do with their newest game's current state? They're not the only company that suffers, every indie/AAA company has to eat, every game company goes through hard times and none is safe. Nobody said they were, people are questioning why they chose to go with 3 dlc's instead of one. Nobody's questioning or has questioned the company's morality or motives behind it. Wrong. They have shifted all their focus on squashing bugs, they even said that themselves so it wouldn't be too far off to assume dlc development has halted as the team finds every bug and erects game performance. It's not any different. Obsidian even decided to give their product a delay exclusively in attempt to kill the bugs but when even the majority of positive reviews are stating they ran into bugs, even when the developers admit the game's a buggy mess, forum members will still give their often deluded and white Knight outlook... excusing the game for it's faults and in hindsight, keeping it from being the best game that it can be. So thankfully the majority are being honest about the state of the game and what's even more important, the devs are listening and doing something about it.
  21. Well, you've already had many people in this thread say its not broken at all. Don't know why suddenly asking now would change anything. You could also, you know, PLAY IT and find out for ypursef.No, I said it's buggy. Not broken. Master Guradian said it was broken in terms of balance... I'm not ignorant to the fact that all the negative reviews are due to bugs, as the OP pointed out and the majority of positive reviews soeaking about experiencing bugs as well. I don't need to play the game to realize these things, and again, not going to play it before it recieves proper patches. Not sure why this bothers you and others, I don't have an opinion of the game yet, just stating some obvious things that myself and others can see if they actually read the positive reviews. If I had my own opinion, I'd be stating my very thoughts on the game, however, the thread is abiut the negative reviews and seems like many are white-knighting in defense just because they aren't having issues with the game - which is fine, this is normal for internet behavior. Just saying, I'm waiting to be safe.
  22. Why? I've said many times, I'm waiting fir the patches as the majority have stated to be experiencing bugs. If they would hurry and patch the game, I'd be playing it.
  23. Well I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I respect devs more for pointless skins and weapons dlc than tacking on important content/story dlc. Games without dlc have my most respect though, even if incomplete feeling... Now of course, one can argue (and someone here most likely certainly will lol) that just because the game has important content/story dlc, doesn't mean it's incomplete and I say unto everyone "Heed my words, it actually IS an incomplete game" For we will always know in the back of our mind, that we won't have the "complete" experience unless we have the dlc/expansions which complete the incomplete game in the first place. And yes. Perhaps, Obsidian should had focused a bit more on the base game and worried about dlc's later... as if the development process wasn't messed up enough by needless things poking about.
  24. Not at all, you're entitled to voice your observations. Some boil down to preference and are subjective, others are arguably objective. The former can be more difficult to address, if they're addressable at all. Just depends. But! Your feedback is valuable and you should feel free to express it.Good to know With all the fanboyism and gurd-dogging, it's nice that we can be honest with ourselves. Normally, it's "If you don't like what we like, you're a troll" so I definitely appreciate peeps who can roll with the punches and respect one another. As Elvis once said "A little less White Knighting, a little more intelligent conversation" this should be a rule for backers teehee
  25. It's true, if you believe so. You can now open a new thread with an all-cap click baity title like "BUGFEST! THE REVIEWS SAY SO!". Or something similar, you know PS. I played Skyrim day 1 and didn't stumble upon any bug either. I don't know, I've never wrote or made any threads like that but I could if you so desire me to I guess. And... That's amazing.
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