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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. It's kinda like Skyrim in that way, it does what intended but with many bugs in the way lmao Squash them bugs with an Obsidian hammer!!!
  2. That seems to be the general consensus. There are a few people that think Deadfire is better, most are content that it's a bit below.
  3. Oh my! Paladin armor ftw? "Gee uhhh What a Paladin?"
  4. Are there any merchants in Deadfire who are able to scam/con the player? And if so, does it affect a player's character moreso if they are at a lower intellect? Can pirates scam a player and crew at sea? Always wondered this.
  5. The voice acting is only a bit above average quality, it's nothing special. Some people are giving the voice acting too much credit, and it's only because they didn't expect it to be done "good enough" in the first place. Then the narrator, which seems to be a hit or miss with people.
  6. Of course the more trustworthy reviews are negative. They actually care about the game enough to tell Obsidian what's wrong, they're not sugarcoating and fanboying. It's likely that they aren't members from forums like this one so their opinion is going to be less biased and more honest. And no, this is a positive thing as it's good for the game's future in the long run. Let's get all negative reviews at launch and positive reviews on a year or two. Make us backers proud Obsidian!
  7. You don't see the bugs that were fixed prior to release. You don't have any knowledge at all how many and which bugs were fixed during that extra time. It's more reasonable to assume the game would have had a lot more bugs if it had been released one month earlier than to assume that the one extra month did nothing good at all. You have no way of comparing the state of the game from one month before release to the state of the game right at release. Actually I do. Mainly because I was talking about the press build which although wasn't the full build, didn't crash as much pr experience the bugs. Anyhow, there's no denying the game has hundreds of bugs and technical issues, even if a few (and I mean very few) come forward saying they haven't experienced anything bad.
  8. Seems the casual audience is loving it so far. The game is easier than a Jrpg on prom night...
  9. Seen a few different streamers tonight get frustrated with the game crashing It was a but painful to see but optimistic a patch will fix that in a month or something.
  10. The game has been crashing constantly for different streamers it seems, due to the bug everyone is talking about I assume? I'm still holding off yo's. I heard there's a bug thread but can't find it. Edit: I see now, not one official bug thread but many bug threads. I think we should have one bug report thread where everyone lists their bugs and their specs for devs to see. Would be smart and tidy up the forum a bit.
  11. https://www.lostateminor.com/2018/05/07/octopus-chainmail-hood-one-thing-never-knew-needed/ A chainmail octopus helmet will protect you from cannon fire.
  12. Kligon Warbird next plz!!! The new Dragon Quest looks stunning, might be the first DQ game I own https://youtu.be/C4i44kx5EhA
  13. I've never larp'd but admittedly after seeing these armors, I kinda want to :D
  14. Is it bad that Sleeping Dogs and Yakuza games are what I wanted from Shenmue?
  15. I take it I'm missing something because I have no clue lol I'm guessing my writing reminded you guys of a song but I'm not entirely positive
  16. Ow come on, look at what little I have. Share share share! One Piece Pirate Warriors 3Alan Wake The Long Dark The Forest The Witcher 3 I think that's about all I have installed at the moment
  17. Hopefully the issues will be sorted out by the next patch but only time will tell
  18. Well, the game has officially launched and as we feared, it's filled with bugs and technically challenged but the game is beautiful and the storytelling is great as was also expected. Seems the extra time for bug squashing didn't do any good for the game, should you trust them? Like anything else, it's a gamble. It seems that people tend to put their trust into a company, sometime even after they get burned badly they still tend to go back because of nostalgia and try to block the bad experience out of their mind. So it's up to you really, not sure if any of us can really give you a solid answer except for the generic "Follow your heart".
  19. Actually I haven't, I mean... I've been critical yes, but always with good reason. Naturally optimists never agree with me but that's okay. I was right about the buggy launch and the voice acting though. My past threads have questioned things such as development but seems I was right to question now that final release is through. Onwards and upwards, This review is actually a positive review if you read it, the person loves the game - pointing out the flaws doesn't always mean the person doesn't like it, but it's always going to be hard for a community such as the Obsidian community to accept as being honest with flaws can possibly prevent someone else from buying the game I suppose. Anyway, one person found the review hopeful so this posting wasn't in vain
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