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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Well, that's just it. Deadfire sat in first place on Steam's bestsellers page for a few days, however, that means nothing grand since right below it was a 6 year old game that was 50% off, which is in a great amount Steam users libraries already and below that were older games on sale as well... Had a been released alongside anticipated games with a ln actual community, it would have actually been impressive and relevant.
  2. There will always be sh!t*y Crpg's. It's far easier to make a bad crpg than it is a bad racing game or bad hack and slash game. So there's always more bad cpg's than other games in their respective genre. As far as Deadfire flopping, it's too early to tell. Has it been "successful" according to developer standard? What we members think, matters not. Why not? We don't really know where the company is at or what their quota is. We also don't know the longevity forecast for sales, my guess is that it won't do well but I may be wrong. And yeah, I think we all know Deadfire won't sell on consoles. The first game is already one of the worst selling console games this gen, not sure why they'd even bother with porting the sequel. Meh, prove me wrong!
  3. Many of the best games these games are only on console, especially new IP, I'm guessing pc exclusivists hate that fact and that's why most have zero interest in E3. Still, as a PC main, I'm glad to own a PS4. Would love to see a LBP, another Tearaway as well. These are the types of games that offer greater experiences than rpg's. "How can a game without dialogue or combat have more depth and lore than an rpg?" "Media Molecule, that's how". I remember a true story that happened, funny but true.... "We can play console games on pc emulatiom" Vita/PS4 gamer: "Yeah, good luck with trying to emulate them on a pc 10x's more powerful, good luck on that one" Pc eletist/Recerse engineer with a couple master degrees: "Stupid pony" Engineer emulates Uncharted 4 successfully at 15fps on quad Titans and 64gb of ram, pc burns out from too much stress on gpu's. Next attempt, tries emulating a PS3 game, pc with twin 1080ti's and 64gb ram literally melts because it cannot compute alien technology that PS3 is (severely outdated cell tech running is still vastly superior to pc tech if today; PS3 is cell tech). Third attempt, the guy manages to get a group of 25 of the world's most experienced members in reverse emgineering to work together to reverse engineer a simgle PS4 game. They successfully manage to emulate it at 20fps, they're playing the game and suddenly come to a certain part... They realize that it's not possible to emulate Vita, PS3 or PS4 games due to axis controls, aug reality dept, touchpad sequencing, etc. Thus, no Vita, PS3, PS4 game can successfully be truly emulated. So sad lol The only real solution, play pc ad consoles I'm a little tipsy, slaphappy and so I thought I'd share this with you guys. This will indeed be funny in 15-20 years as it will still be true. So funny! Anyway, E3 gonna be GREAT this year! I'm watching the live streams, like I do every year. It's tradition for me, almost religious you see? Hehehehe
  4. OP, Please stop defending the story's faults. If you feel you must defend the story then you know deep down that there is no real defense so stop trying to seek validation in protecting something that cannot be. I see, greedy fans white knighting the game, it's not really helping. Helping will be to give real critique, even the devs do not like someone giving false defense such as you and other members here are doing. Therd come a time kemosabe, where you must become man and accept what is, embrace those failures, move on and hope for Obsidian to do better with dlc and future games. In the end, it's just a game and people need to to come realize it .. even if their time and money are vastly invested in it.
  5. It's a hard balance to find "satisfying combat", especially for a game such as rtwp rpg's where you can cheese your way to victory or your party becomes op rather quickly. Smarter devs have made interesting rpg's without combat, gone is the filler and filthy grind.
  6. Let's be honest here... The less combat the better. One thing Obsidian could learn from other indie game devs is that rpg's don't even need combat to add a sense if victory and the problem with most rpg's is that combat is unnecessary and tacky.
  7. Eora was minus one more murderous religious bigot?Durance is amazing! Btw, been meaning to tell you: I live your baby elephant man (profile) pic!
  8. It was in top sales on Steam, most likely GoG too but people seem to think that's some sort of feat when nothing else interesting released in the same week due to delays. Now that the month is finished, well, I think we all know sales are drastically lowered and won't pick up til the game's on sale via drastic discount.
  9. I think the game feels bigger because of all the features they added. As far as content and length, the game is a good bit smaller than PoE1's base game. I suspect this is ultimately due to Pillars 1 having less features and being more focused on building an actual story and the foundation of lore. It just takes alot more. The argument of "Legnth varies for each individual player" is rendered useless as such us true for the original as well. Also, the fact that balance is so obtrusively faulty in Deadfire, there's really no reason it would/could take longer to complete against the original. Lastly... Will Deadfire's dlc really add more gameplay than the White March expansions did for the first game? I doubt it very much, I think it will "add" or refine features to make players think it's adding content rather than adding more actual content. This isn't to say "Deadfire dlc won't add content at all" Don't misunderstand, just that the dlc won't be quite what people think, as the base game (Deadfire) was unlike what anyone thought it would be. "But.. uhhh... Well, there it is" -Jeff Goldblum
  10. There is a VR community on Steam who are literally aiming to put to death anything retro or outdated looking. Are you part of them?
  11. Rage 2 is going to be closer to I76 tha Fallout will ever be... and that's a good thing. What's more is that the new Sonic Racing Battle Royale takes the genre up a notch. Interstate 76 is pretty good, but there's also few others that are just as good... Twisted Metal 2 Vigilante 8: Second Offense Cel Damage Rogue Trip Of course, most people here have never heard of them because it they weren't on pc but nonetheless, these are genre defining for their own reasons.
  12. I missed something, do people on the forum think that better game sales mean a better quality game? Even with the exception of people not being able to accept the fact that FO4 did some things better than FO3 and NV, there seems to be alt of other confusion on forums within the whole topic as well.
  13. FO3 and NV definitely had more freedoms than FO4, that's for sure but story wise and gameplay mechanics wise, FO4 was quite the evolution for the series. FO4 was polished and became Minecraft-carnate but that doesn't really matter since Fallout lost its identity long ago.
  14. FO4 had over 2/3 the sales of FO3 and NV combined. Indeed, that was due to the horrors that were FO3 and NV. People had learned their lesson, there is no recovery. No matter how good of a Fallout game we get now. Quality of each game is debatable. As an all around well rounded rpg, FO4 was the best and most polished/wholesome experience out of the 3. Although sales were severely damaged by the repuatable status of the priors, it seems that FO4 was granted the "Most accessible" of the 3 Bethesda Fallout's... somewhere along the way, people got confused and started seeing FO4 as more casual oriented or worse in quality. In the end, FO4 was better in alot of ways than FO3 and NV but fell behind on others. Pick your poison, so to speak, the lesser of two evils lol
  15. Yes, they really should be focusing on new IP's. I think people will be surprised that a new Fallout wouldn't sell as expected. All thanks to FO3 and NV of course.
  16. I understand that but that doesn't mean it can't happen. We all know how stupid Bethesda is hehe I really have no clue lol Maybe it's a spin-off. Didn't feel mmo-ish to me though, at least, with Bethesda. The guy at Kotaku that said that it was a new Fallout game pretty much implied that it wasn't an MMO.That's a relief!
  17. I really have no clue lol Maybe it's a spin-off. Didn't feel mmo-ish to me though, at least.
  18. It's probably a mobile game which you can trade stuff with other players.
  19. Actually, the biggest adcantage of most jRPGs, is their graphics, including Tales of, Persona, Dragon Quest, Battlechasers, etc... Not every game has to look hyperrealistic. If studio spends all their resources on ultra fidelity, there are no resources left for other elements of the game, and we are left with a trainwreck of a game, like Final Fantasy 15, which happened to be everything, but jRPG...Dragon Quest XI and Ni No Kuni 2 have already proven that Jrpg's can have rich graphics while also having amazing gameplay, these ones have put the rest to shame in both catagories in terms of Jrpg's in recent years. I would never want the genre to be boxed to one certain art style but rather evolve on the one they already use. Cel-Shading, for example, is my favotite art style, I much prefer that over photorealism or hyper-realism. Edit for bad English, English is not my strong suit.
  20. It's good to see some Pokemon love on this forum, I'm not a huge fan but still, I always enjoy people looking forward to it
  21. I haven't played Horizon ZD yet. I'm actually getting it this weekend! I'm very excited!!!
  22. There's also the generation that thinks the 90's were better than the 00's. Riiight. I am over 30 years of age but I wish to God I had been born now than in the 80's. So much more tech now that I wish I had when I was a kid. My kids have it good, so much that they don't know lol I don't know, I suppose any generation thinks their era is "the best" and finds something to complain about. That's how we know we are getting old... "Those kids don't know what this word means or who this was... *sigh*" and in reality, we old folks have alot to learn from the new generation if we could just get over our bitterlies of youth. It's always been an interesting topic to me for sure!
  23. Yeah, Unreal engine is awesome... I'm happy to see that a good amount of rpg's are switching to this. For the longest, we've seen so many ugly Jrpg's in oarticular which have only used reskinned assets (Tales Of Games for example, or even my fav Jrpg series - Ys franchise). Unreal breathes life to that and really no Unreal game looks the same. I found that even each Arkham game looked vastly dissimilar though the engine, artists and characters stayed the same. Unreal engine is just an incredible beast, when I see how beautiful Soul Calibur 6 or Dragon Quest XI looks in 4k, I walk away impressed every time! :D Also, I wish other studios picked up the Fox engine, what a nice engine that was as well.
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