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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Wait... you consider gameplay of Baldur's Gate or Fallout games to be better than Bastion's? I mean, sure the freedom is gone but... the combat and exploration of Fallout and IE game's isn't their strong suit. If IE and Fallout games still have (or have ever had) the best storywriting and gameplay God help us... I want to enjoy the "garbage" of today. It's going to be Pillars, The Witcher 3 and Dragon's Dogma and others for me. Then again, what am I saying, this is an Obsidian forum (basically these games are king here) so pardon what I say quite dashfully.
  2. Sorry, thought you were someone else so I edited my comment. Sincere apology <3
  3. You try too hard.... You show me where any of those people included their losses, diseases, etc in their games... Humor is a different thing. User experience does not define personal comfrontation through story. A story can have many things but I don't think wht you're saying is what I'm saying. Good post. This nearly made me fall off my chair tho.Me too :D It was a good try, I admit.
  4. I'm probably going to be blamed for it even though technically I'm not the one responsible. Not only did I do everything thing in my power to keep the thread on topic, but the members on this thread seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Taylor Swift, who knew.
  5. Fair enough, Evolution in storytelling has gone a long way. As nostalgic players we seem to hold on to what we have seen ir heard when we were young - it was easier to make an impression on us, our imaginations and willingness to accept something fake as real is far easier to a child than an adult. But in an evaluation respect, it's perhaps far more certain that relatability and emotion inclusion is the result of today's stories being more carefully and meticulously crafted. We have games that are no longer designed to give players a false sense of proportional freedoms but to poke at their heart. Developers are now injecting their personal stories as a whole into their games. This is proven as non-existent in games from 70's/80's/90's as they were far more cashgrabs then than there are now. Projects like Hyper Light Drifter or That Dragon Cancer are the proof along with hindreds of others.
  6. As other members here, you've missed it. Upon further research, you will find thatTaylor Swift doesn't just sing. If she was like a million, she wouldn't possess true talents (other than singing).
  7. My analogy using Taylor Swift to represent developers of today was spot on, in hindsight, we can now see that the affect was very telling, indeed. She writes good songs, executes them but you will love to hate her regardless, but moreover even though she can perform live by herself with an acoustic unplugged greatly, people will still say she is a bad artist. This is nothing new or relevant but perfectly examples that of which I was saying. Same with a developer putting out good games and being honest but it's "cool" to hate. Multiple people seeking to validate their opinion on the matter by grouping their opinion doesn't make a legitimate argument, you just have to remember that there is only a small amount of members generally active here. With that, I give you all my blessing.
  8. Ask sonicmage I'm playing Dead Rising 4 tonight (courtesy of ShadySands) I will try Warfare soon, since it's f2p. Been there, done that...Https://youtu.be/munJ4ZH9SO8 It's simgle player story driven Warframe with hint of MDK
  9. What you mean is that you're too lazy to find ones that you'll enjoy, therefore it's easy to say "They don't exist". Imma stick with Swift, looks like people are gonna try to continue to crucify me for it lmao It's on youtube so therefore it is true, but at least Taylor Swift can sing live, without all the effects and writes her own vocals. We all hate Taylor Swift apparently.Nope, SonicMage117 loves Taylor Swift.She makes her millions from me and me alone
  10. Hmmm... if you say so.
  11. LOL NEVER! Her success is not without reason, she is the heart and soul and sole responsible for a lost generation so she is like a slew of indie devs. Real music, not distorted or auto tuned, written from the heart, not thrashy, not covered with effects to where her guitar sounds like a fart.
  12. I, for one, love Taylor Swift but prefer her older stuff when it was good - nevermind what I did there... Now enjoy a video of new games from E3 2018 backed up by beautiful TAYTAYS!
  13. I can tell you're not a musician, artistry is artistry. If only you had that experience or a close connection/love for music and thereby any involvement with it, you'd understand the analogy of which I represent, and thus represent well I do. But isn't it ironic? The very same people from my generation say "I remember when people just enjoyed games, I wish today could be the same" and in the same breath say "Omg... How can kids play this crap these days?" this seems to be the mindset and behavioral influence of people from my generation (generation Nintendo/Sega era).
  14. I'll bite. Again. But it's fun. Sort of. Like pulling nails. You do realize that you just prove your point against you? These games are deliberate throwbacks to the earlier ones you dismiss so easily, just with a higher resolution and arguably better graphics (isn't valid for, e.g. Celeste). The only difference being that such games were the AAA ones in the 90ies. That's like saying Kung Fury proves that good movies are still made today. I'd also be interested how exactly the storytelling got better. I don't see it. They are retro games but made today, this doesn't somehow make them 80's or 90's games lol Just because a game is highly inspired by 80's or 90's theme, or somebody says "But they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for xxxx" doesn't mean that we discredit the dev, especially if their game surpassed the game it was inspired by. I couldn't tell you how many games from the 90's were based off something before it (whether that would be books, music, other games) but the answer is... too many. As far as storytelling skills, of course they are better now, because ober the years we've gotten only more original and writers start thinking out the box more and more. The way storytelling in games is done in games is varily differed from novels and movies since you are the character and even more deep, the character is you. So the Bach of video games isn't as relevant and some people, should they not accept it, will never admot that the Taylor Swift of games is more relevant and redeemable but it's a happy truth, we should celebrate this.
  15. I take it you don't play too many games, just the few overhyped AAA titles? To say "Games these days are garbage" as if 80's/90's games are so much better says you're either inexperienced or blinded by nostalgia, no offense but the "golden era" of gaming had more bombs than the last few recent years and indies blow away those titles. I would name some but I don't want to start an argument. I mean, If what I'm saying wasn't true, Stardew Valley wouldn't be considered better than the original Harvest Moon games by the hardcore fans, Hollow Knight and Dead Cells wouldn't be considered the best metronidvania by the most hardcore Super Metroid/Castlevania fans, the list goes on. Even storywriting has evolved and only gotten better.... So don't close off games off today just because a few were bad. And then there is the lath that says "I miss the days where games were good" but are the very same people who complain about a game even if it's great, because it's 2018, I guess. It's just "cool" to hate Ubi, EA, Bioware, etc these days. This coming from the biggest fan of Sega Genesis which was a decent system with decent games. The best one being Sonic Spinball and Dr. Robotnik's Meanbean Machine. Edit: Then again, I'm going to assume that everyone here is either around my age or a bit older. Every generation seems to think "The good ole days were the best huthut, they don't do things like they use to" which I can understand. I had this mentality til I got into indies and they opened my eyes, proving to me that they don't do things like they used to, they do them better!
  16. Turn off auto-aim. The new Tomb Raiders aren't any more casual than the old ones, whereas Lara could basically shoot anything without looking... in... any direction at any time. Fortunately, the new trilogy offers alot of options, you can turn iff auto-heal, turn on modifiers, etc. I would recommend this way for fabs of the old Tomb Raider fans, though it might not be their cup of tea since Lara isn't a mindless tank who can die from poor camera position.
  17. Perhaps you played the haldheld ones, I played and beat the ones for PS1/PC by Core Design. I was a huge fan but ultimately they aged horribly. Tomb Raider: Anniversary really revealed all of the flaws of 90's Tomb Raider, kudos to them for cleaning it up and remastering the best parts. It was if they'd admitted that things weren't done the best way or as good as they should had been.
  18. Well, let's be honest here, the 90's Tomb Raiders weren't any more difficult but the bugginess of the games made a 8 hour game turn into a 20 hour experience. At least the newer games have refined and comtained the mess that the original games were. Deaths in the 90's trilogy were rarely the player's fault but due to poor design issues.
  19. Anywho, For those who thought "Oh the new Tomb Raider is going to be the same as the other two new Tomb Raider games" You were wrong, it's actually more like the 90's Tomb Raiders but better. Old Tombs are back and it doesn't have those horrible movement, controls or cameras that were in the very first 90's trilogy so there's that as well. One of the more interesting titles at E3 (well probably not if you don't own a PS4). The open world is massive and that lighting surpasses anything we as a gaming community have ever seen before. Note how the webs attach to building and this is probably the first time we have actual FREE flow movement in a video game. Parkour in games like Assassin's Creed and other games never felt free but more linearly tacked on while this feels everfresh and Everealm is the place to show it. Truly an impressive feat for technology and gaming alike, let's not get ahead of ourselves, we already know it's going to be a great game when it releases.
  20. One of the reasons I spent $400.00 on a PS4 a few years ago, been waiting for this game for like 3 or 4 years lol One of the best games at the show
  21. Resident Evil 2 is topping Anthem and Cyberpunk 2077 in the trending/popularity scale. No surprise there. And yes, indeed. Not even those std infested booth babes from the 90's/early 2000's E3 with all their hardware reveals (namely N64, Gamecube, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, etc) could top this. https://youtu.be/TAzN2pkTpKc Uhhh... and to think PC was the main focus then, thank God times have changed and the industry has evolved. https://youtu.be/Df8gBFHEUNc The comparison is brutal but we've come a long way. Seems over the years the industry has finally learned that it's about gamers, not marketing direction or sleezy scams.
  22. I second Transistor.
  23. Well, at least they were courageous to show actual gameplay instead of saying "we have a playable build but we'll just give you a cinematic trailer for hype building" In other words, I'd rather people see gameplay and say it's crap instead of seeing a cgi trailer, trying to pick apart every scene and make speculation over things they have no idea on. Capcom has my respect on this, now if only they didn't remove the two most important boss fights in the game
  24. I'm thankful people aren't obsessing over the games that only showed cgi trailers this year. Resident Evil 2 and Ghost Of Tsushima are getting the most attention and rightfully so. The RE2 gameplay is pretty great too.
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