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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Rumor: New Alien fps game to be announced/confirmed at VGA's, Hideo Kojima may be at the helm or involved? Source: https://www.gamesradar.com/alien-blackout-all-but-confirmed-for-a-game-awards-reveal-and-kojima-might-be-involved/?utm_content=buffer04687&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer_grfb Includes pic of Hideo Kojima pointing to/teasing Alien title
  2. Don't remind me of the memory cards guys But yeah, SOTN and something like Gravity Rush 3 would be great at launch though I highly doubt Gravity Rush 3 will be made due to the low sales of the first two games.
  3. I think they just meant for it to be an online version of FO4 basically but since their games have been a step up in tech and engine code, FO76 was just disappointing. There are a few people on my faceboook who really love it though, probably because they're console gamers and want the social experience in a FO game over anything else.
  4. Cars and properties PARASITE EVE!! <3
  5. Nice lol Mine's almost 3, we rescued her from a Wal-Mart parking lot where she was in an old woman's car engine, that was when she was probably around 6 months old. Til this day she is sensitive to noises like plates and she also hasn't been outside since that day (except for vet visits). She's very playful though
  6. Partial agreement should never be forced as disagreement, that has never been true in the real world but then again, on the forums it may fly or be accepted as fact. Idk.
  7. It was more of an educational one, of course he was trolling but maybe some didn't know that and thought he was seriously. Either way, my response wasn't strange, and members of the club should respect the LGBT and their liefestyles. It wasn't relevant because it wasn't 100% true. Assuming that others wouldn't buy the game or didn't agree just because they didn't literally say "I agree" isn't a fact check lol And it certainly doesn't make for a relevant response. Trying to force partial agreement as disagreement never goes well in the real world though it may fly on the forums Idk. Also. There is no need to jump in and defend him thought I do appreciate the vigor
  8. Yeah, old-skool cars has already been confirmed, they're gonna be like Model T cars, horseless carriages but it's going to feel really weird. That's just another reason I personally wouldn't play it, eveeything just feels weird and a multiplayer online game as such is super hard to manage or balance with those rtypes of features. It's almost more of an ongoing exeriment. As opposed to WoW which is at least very focused. For the peeps that are gonna play it, hope they have fun and it's everything they dreamed. I'm sure most will want it to get crazier than not but the beauty of the single player campaign is that it's not goofy and very serious imo
  9. And it was an irrelevant one, but even moreso an incorrect one which warranted an validated a response.
  10. First look at Red Dead Online's Character Creation. Looks decent enough! Not bad Very nice Ah How much? Still online mode is not for me though, just my personal preference
  11. That sucks If it helps, my cat unintentionally scratched me while playing. The scratch isn't deep but it basically reads all the way down the arm so it's likely to leave a scar. I get scratches often but I always tell myself that I would much rather put up with the scratches than to declaw her. My favorite is when I'm sitting somewhere and she jumps on my lap and gets ready to lay down, she punches in her nails and then something distracts her ahd her nail us stuck in my leg skin. I have to wait for her to remember that she's anchored/borrowed her nail into my skin. It's almost like a fish hook being in your skin - which I've stepped on one of those at one point by accident lol
  12. Thank you my dear friend <3
  13. People don't have to say "I agree" to agree, the context which supports their agreement is more than enough. It's not a lrgal focused document.
  14. He wasn't legitimately asking if two men can have sex, so answering as if he had been asking that question was a weird response, hope that helps.He literally asked it. One day you will learn to read, I hope.
  15. I am slowly building an army, since we will overtake the forums
  16. Yes. Same sex can have sex. Have you heard of gay couples, gay marriages, gay relationships? You may wany to ask that question to the LGBT community but I doubt you will because you know that you will be embaressed. I am not going to tell you how 2 men or women have sex but use your imagination and you may get a glimpse of the reality. Point being that yes, they do, it's just a little different (not to quote Jeanette from VTMR: Bloodlines hehe). This is a super weird response that completely misses the point of the text you're replying to, GJ on being incapable of reading. EDIT: PS Alpha Protocol is the best, fight me. It's only a weird response because you don't agree with it, but really your long wall of a "fact check" on my thread was far stranger and non-relavant. Anyway, his comparison was weird in the first place and my response hit it exactly on the head of the nail. For entertainment's sake, why don't you tell us (as in I and the other forum members) exactly what he meant and what the proper response would be? I cannot wait to hear it
  17. So you're saying that if people say "We like your idea but we would like this included" that it counts disagreeing? Lol Life does not operate in literals, my good madame.
  18. My wife and I watched a movie called "Peppermint" starring Jennifer Garner. Damn was it sad, my wife cried her eyes out which always makes me wanna cry lol She's basically the female Green Arrow, her hubby and daughter are murdered so she goes away for 5 years to train in different martial arts and gun trainings in different locales all to take revenge on the mexican cartel gang. It's a simple movie, and a common plot ny today's standards but when hasn't Jennifer Garner not played a role well? It was worthy of my *nearly* 2 hours. You all would do well to follow my example.
  19. For those who have played through Red Dead Redemption 2, did you do all the side missions and sub-plots or just some and the main quest? I'm 67% into the story and roughly the 175 hours mark.
  20. That moment you realize that Star Trek is just that... About the caravan and the boat attack, well we shall see
  21. So basically the single player game but with real people. You can join a gang, a gang can be up to 7 players, they'll own their own camp. Each player will have their own job and so forth. Hmmm...
  22. Yes. Same sex can have sex. Have you heard of gay couples, gay marriages, gay relationships? You may wany to ask that question to the LGBT community but I doubt you will because you know that you will be embaressed. I am not going to tell you how 2 men or women have sex but use your imagination and you may get a glimpse of the reality. Point being that yes, they do, it's just a little different (not to quote Jeanette from VTMR: Bloodlines hehe). Not only that, but you didn't quite choose a great comparison. A better comparison would have been to ask "Have you seen 2 artists collaborate on a song. tattoo, painting? Have you seen two writers write a book or 2 directors direct a movie? And again, yes, the answer to all of these is yes. Where are the facts, logic and numbers? Lol I'd like to see the evidence that a small focused company with mass resources/funding cannot benefit anymore or less than a larger based team? I can tell you this, it's not to imagine 2 development teams such as InExile and Obsidian working together. You probably didn't know this but Obsidian was split up into 4-5 teams, 1 team for each different project. So why are you so paranoid of Microsoft having Obsidian and InExile joining forces to develop a hot-budget AAA title? Have developers/publishers colaborated in the games industry? YES. Maybe you should do the research into that though, because giving you evidence will only get some denial from you and even more paranoia, I'm sure. And of course Obsidian and Inexile will get some new talent, no doubt they will need approval from MS first. They'll also get mass additions to resources by Microsoft and most likely won't use Unity engine anymore. Are you really gullible to think that Microsoft's support, funding/resources won't allow them to benefit greater than a 800 independent member team? Yeah, real smart.
  23. That much is true, unfortunately though, Darksiders already had "The Watcher" as their main supporting character. Even more unfortunate, Horizon Zero Dawn has a well known character named the Watcher. It's perhaps, just one of those things where Pillars gets buried by other franchises. I didn't know that, that's pretty awesome!
  24. Well, I think alot of people on a forum such as this tend to think: "If a game is overly popular that it can't be as good as my personal favorite game that didn't recieve so much attention from the critically acclaimed masses. Every AAA is COD!" While Pillars is one of my personal favorites, I'd have to agree with Obsidian that Witcher 3 is the better game. There's alot more love, sweat and tears put into Witcher 3 and that easily shows. For years into the future, people will know the name of Geralt while nobody will know any of Pillars characters, hell, nobody really even knows who Minsc and Boo is. CDPR basically created a legacy, that's hard for any Crpg developer to compete with in itself.
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