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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Fallout 76 players have already found a way to cheat nuke codes.. Butt why? https://www.fraghero.com/fallout-76-players-have-already-found-a-way-to-cheat-nuke-codes/?fbclid=IwAR1w8aKstqzSzmircET3Hb8FM_tVRwVieHsFvM5w5QTepucqz9eG950kgyo
  2. "I spent hundreds of hours alone in the snowy mountains just surviving. Eating, fishing, hunting, etc. I enjoy the ultra-slow pacing of the game" "I'm fine with all the Red Dead haters, means less a-holes and squeekers on the online mode" "People now days have the attention span of a gnat" "The game has more freedom abd agency than any pc rpg or mand is more complex than any rts. It will make any game you've played seem casual. Not for everyone." "It doesn't have a huge learning curve, there's just so much thungs you can do ahd a reason for everything. You can't just stomp on the ai because the ai is actually smart in the game." All these comments are very true, and the video shows off some great situations on how the game handles the player unlike any other game.
  3. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Lawmakers in the Ohio House have continued a lame-duck session by approving a so-called anti-abortion "heartbeat bill." The stringent proposal would ban abortions in Ohio after the first fetal heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. The GOP-controlled House voted 58-35 Thursday in favor of the legislation, which does not include exceptions for rape or incest. The legislation goes next to the Senate. The stringent proposal would ban abortions in Ohio after the first fetal heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. Republican Gov. John Kasich (KAY'-sik) vetoed a similar bill in December 2016, siding with opponents who contend it is unconstitutional.
  4. Sounds very Deus Ex Pretty neat.
  5. RDR2, 45% through story. I'm loving it still but at the same time I am pushing myself to finish it so I can move on to something else lol I don't have alot of time to play games so when I do, I try to play for as long as possible so I can complete as much as I can in one sitting. Sometimes I go like a month without playing just to give you a better idea.
  6. With the new thread beginning and the last insult which I cannot counter, it's time I took my walk of shame and continued RDR2. I may or may not return later, depending if you all would like to have me back or not. Until then, faretheewell my fellow acorn horders! The winter draws night!!
  7. Never thought of you to be the religious type
  8. I'm happy that Young Justice is one of the most popular cartoons right now. Can't wait for this, these new kids are more interesting than the Justice League and well... Supes and Bats are getting old. That's Apokalips btw!
  9. The best Microsoft exclusive just got released on Steam a couple days ago. Sunset Overdrive, it's the only Xbox exclusive that I actually care about right now lol Edit: Microsoft releasing Sunset OD on Steam tells me that they may not be focusing on sellimg games through Windows Store anymore. This is a very smart decision, kinda like CDPR releasing Witcher ThroneBreaker on Steam instead of GoG. Can't knock these companies for being intelligent.
  10. Sunset Overdrive is $19.99 on Steam, looks like Microsoft isn't focusing on Windows Store as much as people think after all... If you enjoyed Spider-Man and games like Ratchet & Clank series, you'll probably love this one since it's a mixture of the two formulas. By far my favorite Xbox Exclusive, it feels more like a PS4 exclusive lol
  11. My favorite weapon is the iron ball pistol, not sure what it's called. The only problem I have with the game is that I'm playing it on a normal (non-Pro) PS4 and sometimes the art style (?) is kinda muddy, maybe it's the color pallette, not sure but I can only play the game for short segments, otherwise hurts my eyes. While I love the main game (story mode) I don't reckon the mp will be good. I don't like that it will have cars and that players will own properties and land because that means it won't be fair across the board for everyone. I'm assuming you'll have to shell out real life cash to own a piece of in-game land but that is an assumption. So I'm not even going to try Red Dead Online.
  12. Gauntlet Styx: Master Of Shadows Hob Hollow Knight Pyre
  13. That was the only reason I traded the first Destiny in (got it free with the white PS4), that I am not into MMO's and I don't like having to be connected to the net to play. However, for some reason, probably because I haven't played a good fps in a while (Crysis 1 and 2 just weren't good as people were telling me), I'm looking forward to playing something that I know Bungie made
  14. Well, that's the gaming community for you, they'll always make something small into big, eh? Lol I also "bought" it for $00.00 Can't wait to play it but need to complete RDR2 and Spider-Man 2nd DLC before starting.
  15. https://youtu.be/6iHELp8SWFM https://youtu.be/b0JKLdPKOTM The flow and narrative of the game reminded me much uf Niër: Automata, the combat is Dark Souls on 11. It does look a bit better than the first two games, which I loved. Edit: Sony anmounces it will not be at E3. I'm kinda not surprised. They did dominate in sales and profits over Microsoft, Nintendo and PC so they probably just said "We'll take a break and focus on new exclusives" and also, we won't need to wait for announcements. https://kotaku.com/sony-pulls-out-of-e3-2019-1830474052?utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow&utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3Iqc-0h36Tb1_O4NiBwEonrL5C5vZHKUX9wDOTw_WC50ibe77eLQSllJo Edit 2: PS5 Game by Square Enix Telltales games removed from Steam https://youtu.be/FSa0quU0qX0 New Witcher game fails miserably. CDPR: Well, that's true duh, Gog would have only made up like what 5% of the sales? So...
  16. This didn't age well, did it? I mean, as soon as this rumor first came up, we all knew that it was going to be true but nobody wanted to believe it. Still, entertaining to see the comments that were posted before the acquisition was officially announced lol
  17. That is quite a racist attitude you have there I must say. Redacted- Whenever the mighty liberal leftists get too arrogant, somebody has to humble them I'm sorry, that is just too much Alex Jones. If you chose to talk about sensitive subjects, you need some amount of sensitivity. I realise it goes on for pages, but it we're doing a timeout from this discussion now. ~ Gorgon.
  18. I wonder how much it will be... I'm guessing $200-$300? Lol The best Warhammer game is a first person Gauntlet game. Who knew?
  19. So you personally beat and tested all of them? Or did the emu dev just post some fake youtube videos/create a small webpage statung false accomplishments like all the others? On top of that, I'd like to see PS3 games which require six axis anal configuration (gyro configiration) isn't something you can simply emulate on pc. I will believe it when I see it. And not being salty or bitching about the Switch emulator as I wasn't particularly looking forward to it or expecting much, just pointing out the flaws of it. It's quite different. Also no, it's far from being nearly perfect lol there are too many issues that make it seem like it's in beta, the frame drops make it unplayable as they maje me nautious. I know that PC enthisiasts hate to hear this but sometimes it's just better to spend money on the real hardware and not rely on software emulation. In most case when playing a 3D game beyond PS2 era, it's harder to reverse engineer/emulate the game. Yes, it does for screenshots. Every 4k picture I upload looks like it's 480i lol However, if I upload a camera pic from Digital 35mm SLR, it doesn't compress even a bit. Maybe Facebook hates gaming apparently.
  20. I remember that day, for awhile it was like 10 vs 1 and then the trolling/criticizing comments stopped when other members came in and started telling the critical members that my posts were actually informative and relevant. The time of my spree was the same day that a convention was being held so tons of video game news, trailers, and other information were surfacing. Barely anyone posted anything so I did. Even when the criticizing posts stopped, I still continued for there was much work to be done still. I don't think I have to mention that guests found the critical/snide comments far more annoying than the videos I posted, still beyond me how they'd expect anyone to believe that my posts wasn't game news or relevant Seeing how more people found my posts helpful than not, it was all worth it! I regret nothing!!
  21. Nobody was fast enough to get to it so I will take up the cross... https://youtu.be/bZZ0x_hUfrg
  22. Right now I have a few minutes to play some RDR2. Will probably play it for a good 45 minutes, picking off some of you sub-quests. This year is almost over and it was a year that made me proud to own PS4. Ahhh, yes RDR2 standard edition comes with a map but if you get special education, you get a different map - you might get something else to. I just got the normal one (special is not normal).
  23. I wonder if Malevolent is any good, the trailer makes it seem like just another Paranormal horror film but it got some decent ratings from what I've seen.
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