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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. RDR2 I've over 100 hours into the game (115 and 2 minutes according to the ticker) and I'm only 34% into the story lol And no, I haven't gotten bored yet. It's actually one of the more interesting games I've played in recent years, which says alot - there have been some amazing games these last some odd years. The bar was quite high and being someone who didn't play the old one or necessarily care for Rockstar, I expected much less.
  2. The fanbase: "Why is this happening? Obsidian is doing just fine!! Obsidian goanna end, OH NO'S!" Obsidian Ent.: "We're not doing fine, you don't know the hardships we face because we don't tell you and you don't need to know as you're just the consumers" *Signs contract from Microsoft* *Is more secure and employees can now actually eat and feed their families at the expense of "some" development freedoms* Anyone here would do the same, it's the only logical choice, plus I imagine that fundraising is ultimately damn boring after awhile.
  3. Not true. It's complexity in mechanics and learning curve that correctly earns games the title of "hardcore" to begin with. People often confuse difficulty with complexity, trick is to learn how to tell the difference between the two. If you're going to say that complex games aren't considered hardcore than no games are hardcore, additionally that means no game is casual (as casual gaming means a game you can jump in and out of without worrying about sinking time into mechanics and the like). So what you said isn't quite right by any logic.
  4. Hmmmm.... But I wouldn't ever call games like Baldurs Gate or Dark Souls "hardcore". Hardcore, to me, was always a term which defined a game which had very complex mechanics, one that actually requires players time to learn and even more time to master, separate from the actual game itself. Depth of concept, integrating systems which may require a mature player if the genre to use Google, Wiki or YouTube. However, regarding the term as for difficulty, I'd say unto thee, using hardecore to describe difficulty usually only refers to a game having poor design in mechanics and balance lol For ex. If a dev chooses to take my character's speed and agility, stripping me of natural movement, that doesn't and shouldn't count as "hardcore", that is just bad design which presents challenge, not a good form of a higher difficulty. So what is fair to call hardcore? Well you don't have to take my word, may I suggest searching "hardcore" in Steam store's search engine? They have a casual tab as well. Of course there are hardcore games as well as casual games and ones that mix both elements to achieve a nice moderate balance.
  5. Interesting... That's a cheap way of the game making a definitive decision for the player I guess. A common flaw in rpg's which lack more detailed systems?
  6. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! I forgave them for the first two Witcher games - which were nothing but average, when they released Witcher 3. Witcher 3 seemed like the game they originally wanted to make but took them three attempts. I have to give them credit, they knew absolutely nothing about developing, production value or programing when they first started and now are regarded as one of the highest favored devs in the industry. Now, if Cyberpunk 2077 turns out crap - which is indeed a possibility, then I won't really care. But others here certainly may get their panties up in a bunch about it, hey? Imagine the comments: *hick* Cyberpunk 2077 was a load of... *hick* Couldn't even finish the... *hick* ^Dialogue style from one of our (as in forum members) favorite games
  7. So much for the "blue wave" I've been hearing so much, ended up being more of a blue pudde. Man ahould not put their faith and hopes into such myths as politics.
  8. Alvin, you must be new. Call this a Warhammer fanboy forum and watch the very people who play Warhammer start to endlessly criticize it to make you out to look like a liar. Welcome to the internet. Now you know for next time lol It's okay though.
  9. I always see Warhammer games on Steam, on dirt cheap sale bit never bothered to pick them up - as other things steal my interest. Mechanicus does look cool and Armada II looks amazing artistic wise but looking at past Warhammer games like Dawn Of War series, will it just be the same old Warhammer which has just gotten progressively worse? Hmmmm.. I avoided Total War: Warhammer like the plague because the essential reskin focis shifted and it looked like a LOTR rts clone, forgot the name of it. Meh. Other than those things of which I mention, I am not too familiar with the Warhammer games. They had an Gauntlet style game in first person that I was imterested but forgettable (as I forgot that too). Is this for real? Lol "It is the scale and depth. Anything can happen, and it does, all day, every day, at 250% maximum awesome. It is the over-the-top-80's, super-gritty-90's, and depth-demanding-2K's all blended together into one multimedia story. It harkens to the classic tales of the Gothic Age, the epic fables of Northern Europe, the darkness and detached sentimentalism of WW1, the corrupt tales of the urban underworld, the mind-warping fantasies of Lovecraft, and all while maintaining a sense of dark humor and romantic heroism." ^That's gotta be the worst marketing pitch in history, it practically screams "I have a identity crisis, don't play me unless you're as artificial as me". Please tell me the devs/pubs didn't say this!!!! #JustSonicThings but the wise nonetheless.
  10. So... this is a Warhammer fanboy forum too. Who knew?
  11. Although Fenixp probably won't see my comment sonce he blocked me, thought it w as worth a try to educate him, with this video..
  12. Activision Blizzard loses $3.7 Billion after announcing Diablo Immortal mobile game.
  13. Cheese your way through with various potions, you mouse, you! (That's all I can think of)
  14. Tis true and confirmed here:
  15. Nevermind, it is so. And so shall it be!
  16. Ted Cruz wins Texas! Far better than the alternatives
  17. No need.. This is the general concensus: *Hardcore rpg gamer tries Red Dead Redemption 2, expecting a watered/dumbed down rpg* *Hardcore rpg gamer fires up Red Dead Redemption 2* *Hardcore rpg gamer realized RDR2 is more complex and detailed than any hardcore rpg game they've ever played* *Hardcore rpg gamer realizes that an open world action/adventure game can have more depth and more complex world building than any rpg out there*
  18. This is true. I'm still waiting for crpg's to catch up. crpg's generally have good storywriting but there are alot of problems and the fillers in the games don't make things any better. This is an Obsidian forum though, expect to get some opposition telling you that this is just "your opinion" or the usual excuse. The level of storytelling in RDR2 is a testament to how writers and producers have evolved over the years and how we are just now being able to combine all these elements to create a masterful experience between story, gameplay, mechanics, depth and detail. It's all there but I mean, unfortunately not everyone will accept that due to what they feel is "the high bar" and what it should be, also this being a forum where most peeps are crpg fans over anything else. It's kinda like going into a barber shop and you say "cut my hair" to where it's only an inch and they cut it to half an inch, then when you ask, the barber says "My inch is different from your inch" even though your measurement is the correct one
  19. I think that's what makes Red Dead Redemption 2 so polished, much more than GTAV or any other rpg or open world game out there. A random event can coincide with a side-quest, but the cherry on top is that people actually respond to it and acknowledge everything you do. It's the reputation system if Fallout New Vegas on a higher level. I was ambushed by the O'Driscoll gang in the middle of the canyon, no sheriffs or townsfolk around. Suddenly, a group of bounty hunters appeared so it was a 3 way shootout between the three of us. I like how they act as factions in the way we see in crpg but the design of hiw they work and the storytelling is quite a step-up. It's almost as if Rockstar said "We want everything the player does to matter". This is something Fable and Kingdom Come: Deliverance tried to pull off but it didn't work quite the way the developer intended it to. Probably due to lower budgets or limited design options (games get better as tech progresses). For example, if I buy new pants, people who know Arthur (RDR2's main chraracter) will acknowledge that and say something like "Did you get some new pants? Looks nice" and if I just killed someone and get all bloody someone will say "You might wanna clean your shirt buddy". If you don't eat, you will become underweight and have less energy but will be faster in movement, if you over eat, you will become overweight and run out of stamina quicker but be warmer in the cold. If you don't shave your beard will grow out. There are probably thousands of small intricate systems all working together in Red Dead Redemption 2 and they actually do their job in a way that makes the game unlike any open world game we've played. That's probably why people claim the game is worth the hype.
  20. Steam has a phenomenal polish sale going on, lots of great tittles for you to enjoy!
  21. #JustSonicThings Time to make this my signature! :D
  22. I want Diablo 4 for but from Blizzard North . Not that cartoon crap Blizz WoW team producedUsually I love cartoony/bright colored personality in games but I agree, it does NOT fit Diablo's atmosphere. If I want the cel-shaded arpg I think Torchlight 1&2 would be it. Diablo needs to go back to dark and gritty grays, browns and reds. And separately... On the masculinity topic, I never knew the movile audience was female driven? He said "Can't argue the facts" - is there any statistics to back that up? The people who were hatong there were obviously doing a horrible job at trolling, can it not just be that they're trolling horribly? Lol
  23. All you guys make pretty uniqie and valid points
  24. On that note, I just found something you might like (a mixture of Total War and Starcraft is how the dev describes it)...https://youtu.be/OlLOR1OWG7c
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