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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Yep. A new spiritual successor blanketed as a new IP in this industry is nothing new. I'm even more intrigued now and am wondering if it will be an first person action rpg
  2. So apparently the new Obsidian game may be Bioshock related (based on evidence): https://comicbook.com/gaming/2018/11/29/obsidian-entertainment-next-game-possibly-bioshock-the-game-awards/?fbclid=IwAR1XfrxSDX221hX0fAphU4ftyEg2ofqXGVOYJhUc6LBrektw4ZAEmYeTQ0M So yeah, my suspicions were right Hey. That's better than another 50's sci-fi shelter dwelling game
  3. Good to know. So, I'm not missing out on much then atm but I'm the type that once finishes the campaign (or campaign plus story dlc), never looks back and moves on to the next game. Single player was well worth the full $60 so I'm pretty happy. What am I playing right now? Spider-Man dlc/expansions. Finished both. You can finish one per sitting I'd say... so they're not very big but they are same quality of the base game so "that's good, Oliver, that's good." The third and final dlc/expansion releases in December. Next it's Sniper Elite 4 on Steam (courtesy of Oner) and Horizon Zero Dawn - finally!
  4. "I want a kinder, more gentle nation" -George H.W Bush
  5. George H.W Bush passed away, may he farever rest in peace. One of the greatest American presidos.
  6. Barely. As I've saud before (in another thread) Obsidian's greatest weakness is their horrible marketing skills. Pillars 1 on consoles is still one of the worst selling games this gen - by a well known/experienced developer. Perhaps they thought their rep was enough but it failed miserably. Now that they have Microsoft though (or Microsoft has them rather), Obsidian never needs to worry about marketing again lol
  7. To be honest and perfectly clear, You came to the wrong place. This forum is for Obsidian fanboys - like myself, so anything we say should be taken as a grain of salt and not to heart. You should probably just quit if you're not feeling it. What we say shouldn't dictate whether you give the game another chance, as we are not you. Follow your heart and then some. (I may get attacked for saying this but I stand by my comment). Correctively and collectively though, the game had far more bugs during launch. And since every patch has eleminated bugs, the new patches have also added a few it seems so the game will never be perfect. This has always been a fault of Obsidian, and it seems other devs do not suffer this fate. There have been a few titles on GoG that I've just given up on due to bugs but thankfully, there are tons of other games on the market so should you choose to move on, no need to feel guilty. As always, truth in yourself.
  8. *Approaches with caution* *Anticipates* *Breathes heavily* *Hope to God that it's good and not buggy* *Waits for pre-purchase button*
  9. I finally finished Red Dead Redemption 2 tonight. I couldn't be happier for Really. They deserve it. Now I can finally uninstall and move on, I felt like I just got out of a freakin theater after a really long movie. Really good movie, think Lord Of The Rings marathon in theater for someone who never seen the movies or read the books before but loves medieval stuff. That's how I feel right now lol
  10. I just hope it doesn't have IE type graphics like Pillars, Tyranny or older games like Baldurs Gate. It shouldn't be ugly, it deserves to be pretty and detailed enough to be able zoom in on without looking like crap (assuming it may be in isometric far view in the first place).
  11. Optmist me: "The Fallout killer is nearly here" Realist me: "It is probably going to suck" Fanboy me: "Oh you guys know I'm going to pre-purchase it as soon as the release date is revealed or pee-odors are initiated" I wonder if it will be console focused or just on pc.
  12. Well the gun looks like it came out of This was a true gem that nobody played Hopefully Obsidian stays away from the 50's pastel color pallette though. No more baby blues ala Fallout blues, please.
  13. Rockstar getting in on the Battle Royale experience it seems... Was there ever any doubt?
  14. It's a great casual experience, even on the hardest difficulty. However, the real challenge comes from the New Game+ and Ultimate Spider-Man mode. Kinda like playing Horizon Zero Dawn on Hard and it's easier than Uncharted, then going to the Hardest difficulty and it makes Dark Souls look like child's play. Weird spike but I mean, pretty neat.
  15. Maybe it's an isometric spiritual successor to Fallout 2 Or maybe it's Obsidian's answer to Bethesda's Fallouts hehe So many possibilities.
  16. According to the twitter post it is Which twitter post? The only one I've seen is the one linked in this thread and I don't see any references to either of those things From draego's post and we know that Private Division is publishing the Cainarsky game so it must be it To be honest, I'm more excited for the new Alien:Blackout game that is supposedly a sequel to our beloved Aliens: Colonial Marines
  17. I think if a game designs grinding as different types of quests, then it wouldn't require any repetition at all. It really depends on the design choices I suppose. Like more linear action games that possess leveling up, the linearity doesn't allow for much replay value but always doing something different. Can't tell you what titles I'm thinking up exactly but maybe something like Breathe Of The Wild-ish.
  18. https://youtu.be/rIhQUMFzelY
  19. Again? Bethesda always seems to be in some lawsuit lol
  20. This is old. First, RDR2 apparently does NOT play after the end of the game, as neither John's farm, nor Arthur's grave exists in the online mode. Second, this car stuff is 100% pure speculation. Nothing has been officially confirmed at all and the RDR1 gameplay he shows is actually from a mod and not official content either. A car appears in the first game, but the player can never control it directly. My bad, You're right. Tried looking fir confirmation news for you but couldn't find anything. Personally I hope there is no cars because it will really make it look silly. Just doesn't fit in my opinion and horses are a big part of the experience... Well, I mean, they put so much depth into the horses that having a car would cheapen the experience imo.
  21. I'm 50/50 on Predator. I don't think it was as bad as people (the critics) claimed but it wasn't great. Seemed to be some comedy, I don't mind but I would like for the next one to be 100% serious and more focused on one type of Predator rather than PredaDogs, Predator Jr, Predator Seniors, etc. And knowing my luck, after I say that, watch the next Predator movie introduce PredaBurds and PredaSnakes. Since the Presadors movie had PredaCats (Jaguars) if I remember correctly. But I'll still watch it and enjoy it, I'm just being nitpicky. I watched about half of The Outlaw/King tonight and I really liked it. The camera angles and scenic beauty draw me in and Chris Pine is likable, has been to me since Unstoppable, American Wet Hot Summer and Star Trek. When I watched the movie I felt very Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come Deliverance vibes. It's nice.
  22. Oh my... A total of four "Against" votes. What ever shall I do? :crying:
  23. I thought it was the same engine all these years lol I thought that was the main spokes for modding and to be modder friendly but man, I can't complain when I look at Skyrim Vanilla vs Skyrim SE Vanilla, they do look like different emgines were used Or FO3 vs FO4.
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