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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Ubisoft teases post-apocalyptic game, will show gameplay tomorrow at the VGA's. Well, I already know it will be better than the Fallout games just by the teaser. I can't wait and neither can you! Edit: I'm saying it will be better than Fallout 1, Fallout 2, 3, NV, 4 and 76. Basically all thr Fallout games. Probably the Metro series too.
  2. Hehe Reminds me of when peeps continue to smoke even after doctors warn them then end up getting lung cancer or alcoholics getting cirrhosis of the liver. They were warned for a few years, yet continued in their blisful ignorance. Of course, this goes for other habits as well. Hey! If I as a Hispanic male choose to go to a Klan rally and declare my hispanicness, then the government has to guarantee my safety...that's how free speech works, right? I'm beginning to see why the follow up to free speech was getting a gun.The mods speak not to protect me but to make the forums look less worse to the outside public. So it would be like me, as a hispanic male going to a kkk rally and protesting, and then a private inspector comes in to make sure the kkk members aren't wearing sh*t-stained sheets (which they always do). The private inspector tells the kkk members that their sheets are staind but the kkk members are in too much denial, they're to focused on crucifying me, the hispanic gentleman and thus they refuse to acknowledge what is relevant. Cultic mindset never sets a good image for the world view, nor public eye. But even so, that's a far cry from any cyber bullying that should arise on any forum. Even if we think we are right, it will never be truly justified in the real world, just as the kkk racism will never be justified, and that's covering a non-white willingly sacrificing themselves to kkk groups, the majority is still and will always be in the wrong lol
  3. The Aquaman dlc is underway and it is sweet perfection!
  4. And here I thought it was just for the sake of being a comic meme with no agenda... merp. https://youtu.be/UiV1Tn47pEE On a more serious note, here is the guy that made it. He seems to be a fan.. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=212574219635913&id=100026500103814&set=gm.341462659776183&source=48
  5. If I may, (Here's your chance to say in your head "No you may not!") No Diablo game was particularly good looking, even at the time of it's original release but D3's bright scheme didn't seem very Diablo at all. Visually, it seemed like a lesser Torchlight. Something to think about hehe
  6. Hmmm... I think everyone missed that it was a reference to the political novel (in the photo below) which was a good one. I didn't make the pic with Cortez btw, I would be more clever (and chosen a better pic).
  7. For some reason that looks like a dirty magazine for old men :D
  8. Democritism is a thing...
  9. 2 more days til the VGA's! Special Offer: 2 nuts special for all of you from Captain Squirell, on the tree-house!!!!!
  10. They do give you a whole lot of choice in how you want to build your party and characters tho. I don't think RDR2's really built to support more than a single role that's been chosen for the main character by the writers.I am pretty sure you didn't play Red Dead Redemption 2 because that is inaccurate. Let's ignore the multiplayer being built solely for party based gameplay, and focus on different missions in the single player campaign are literally centered around different party/crew members and how they interact together, especially towards at the end of the game where So it's not like these are "one purpose characters" or "two demensional" ones... But even earlier in the game, your home base has a cook, a hunter, a theif and others to interact with, it's really no different from an rpg in the sense of having a crew that partakes in specific community jobs. Stories, within stories, within stories but more importantly, none if it's boring. Western rpg, Crpg's and Jrpg's aren't really any different than this in regard to what companions roles structure to take some initiative in identity complex. Red Dead Redemption 2 just does a bit better job than even the most complex rpg's at making more sense on how the player and the npc's go about it. In other words, it's not a 200 hour rpg and somehow manages more detailing in character development. Most missions in Red Dead Redemption 2 will even ask you what you want a npc to do (stay back and approach stealtily, go in guns blazing, or find some other way). This is one thing that was missing from one of my all time favorite rpg's (Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen). How I hate rpg's which feature companions who rush ahead of me into battle!!!! It's really okay that a third person open world game set a new standard in the industry, my all time favorite game is Pillars but it didn't revolutionize anything like Red Dead Redemption 2 did, it may not have done anything "new" per se but it pull off things that the most cunning rpg developers have only failed time and time again in terms of character/world building, that's the main difference. I can't wait to see furure open world games ans rpg's and how they follow this new standard.
  11. This one much closer though:https://store.steampowered.com/app/353700/The_Deadly_Tower_of_Monsters/
  12. I played the game without any hud/u.i excrpt for a dynamic map (a map that I could toggle on and off) so I never saw any such text or words pop up on screen But on a more serious note... I wish I could go into detail of how the way you deal with bounties affects your rep and isn't just a "mission accomplished" thing but the only way for e to do that proper would be for me to give in-game examples and I don't really want to simce that would be spoilers - and I would rather not spoil for people just for proving myself. Meh. I'll just say "stuff happens" and it's not just getting paid or a notch on your quest log. It's nothing like Red Dead Rederption 1's bounty hunting in terms if structure. And thankfully nothing like L.A Noire's structure either.
  13. Originally I didn't, I put it in the ubisoft open world genre, then someone asked why not Rockstar open world, then after that someone on this forum said why not rpg? But even then, it still has more depth than our most beloved rpg's, that's not to mean more choice and chuckle - although it has those things as well. I'mlike Trump. Even when I say something right, people will find a way to disagree and the hashtag often is a go-to in a way to validate their criticism. I can't blame them though, it does sound appealing Well, melkathi, that's because you are a gentleman and a scholar. Tag would be below you.Says the person that made a "how-to" for blocking people (namely me) on the forum. Nevermind the fact that even months after you block me, you still talk about me and attempt to insult me in various threads
  14. The combat is clunky, the character movement is slow, the controls are unintuitive. It feels dated and it's an action open world game but yet has more depth than something like Baldurs Gate. People who havent played it think the game is all graphics and no gameplay value bit there are times when the game looked gorgeous and other times where The Last Of Us Remastered looked better. The biggest thing is the world building, there isn't an rpg out there that has matched or can match Red Dead Redemption 2, sure someone will read this comment and laugh and say "but this game (insert title)" but they haven't played it and this is just one of those games where if you don't play it, you just won't know - regardless of how much you read on it or how much youtube walkthroughs you watch. I'll be waiting for an rpg to catch up but I know that's going to be a long, long time because while Cyberpunk might come close, I doubt it will surpass Red Dead Redemption 2 in that area and the reason for my saying so is because Cyberpunk 2077 has alot of focus elsewhere.
  15. I had no idea RDR2 was so bleak and gory. To be honest, it's darker than Clive Barker's Undying. The kkk are in the game, as well as animal abuse. You can even explode a human body or decapitate a man. Dark times my friend, dark times indeed. Such is the way for only the best rpg's *Plays Postal 2* Huehuehue XD
  16. Exactly, we are in the age of gaming where hybrid-ism is a thing so labels and genres given by community are not a thing - they mean nothing. I suppose this is exactly why the community tags games on Steam and GoG with psychological horror or dating sim on a game which has nothing to do with. As for games like Sonic or Mario being a role playing game, well, as said before anyone can try to justify the means as for today's standard but what makes a role playing game os the ability to make choices abd develop the main character. That's also why Red Dead Redemption 2 is being hailed a third-world open person game with more depth than even the most detailed rpg (which is a great example). Character driven games like Sonic and Mario more or less force the player to go in a certain way and that's not sayong the games are linear, it's just a story design choice which marks the difference.
  17. Hmmmm... Interesting. I've actually never heard of immersive sim as a genre, I know that the devs classify Bioshock as an action/adventure fps sprinkled with rpg elements. It's really no different from Borderlands in that regard. The question is, what classifies a game genre as "immersive". I like atmospheric walking simulators, Soma had an almost like Bioshock feel. It's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played, yet not immersive at all and somehow it felt like I was in the game world. I think it all comes down to artists' intentional values and how well their finished vision comes to fruition. By today's standard, some might say that Zelda's older games are "immersive" though, to whatever end may justify it.
  18. Everything political related is better with Halo ost Nehe Nehehehe
  19. It wasn't you. It was the person who posted the pics on the thread It would be interesting if Cthulhu mythology is involved, I remember how cleverly Layers Of Fear implementated Cthulhu and that made The Shining expereince even more tangible to the sense. Not long now. It's all happenin!
  20. DC Universe Streaming App is making some really good money. If Disney+ Denied any and all Marvel Netslix cancelled shows (which is what happened), that means that a Marvel streaming seevice app may also be in the works - and why shouldn't it? Marvel has more than enough content to have a streaming app, just as DC does.
  21. Indeed, considering the same person would also deny that the art atyle of the pictures is clearly Bioshock-ish but let's not mention that is evidence since someone else said it, it's okay But I don't think Prey was very Bioshock, played it and see more System Shock than Bioshock. Bioshock is pretty much it's own thing and Bioshock: Infinite is so unique that there's nothing like it in the industry. So we see here, that there are many things to complain about but all has been rationalized under sacred oath of being, therefore when such an amalogy is presented by the some public relations or community/commrcial management, one can assume that was just that. Also, I didn't think either of the Prey games were anything to compete against, since the mechanics in Prey are too unique to clone in their own right, surely the publisher wouldn't be shallow enough to view two First Person sci-fi rpg's as cannibalizing, that would make sense - especially because Prey 2 hasn't even been announced.
  22. FOOL! Tim Cain IS the Atomic Bomb!!! I wouldn't call it even Bioshock inspired. It's Fallout and Arcanum inspired new IP as they've previously. Agreed. They may possibly share some similar art styles but BioShock didn't invent themAgreed, just as Fallout wasn't the first retro-post apocalyptic video game either. I think people just want it to be a "real" Fallout 3 as in isometric and crpg with that rockabilly vibe but I'm hoping it's a bit more sci-fi and more action oriented. It's been a while since Obsidian has given us a more modern rpg. Let's hope it's that instead of anything like the original Fallouts. In less than a week, we shall see... Though it would be funny if it was just a 5 second teaser with the game's name and no gamelay or details to talk about. We would then just discuss if the title sounded "Fallout enough" or not
  23. If The Outer Worlds will have a similar vibe to the posters and images above, I'll fin-de-siecle and la belle epoque till the end! It was a hint
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